Not trying to side with all whatever his name is, but...
You can't possibly think you made a point with that. People with lower incomes make like twenty thousand a year while Peyton makes twenty million a year. People who make 20,000 need every penny to get by. People who make 20 million could throw 500,000 in their fire place to keep warm. I think 1,000 means a little more to someone who only makes 20,000. Unless you're implying Peyton lives a lifestyle where 500,000 is relevant to his 20,000,000 salary. Doesn't even include endorsements. As if millions for a game isn't ridiculous enough, now he gets money for being who he is.
It always amazes me when someone has an opinion on athletes or celebrities and fans jump all over them. Attacking the little guy for not donating because they pointed out that 500,000 is toilet paper to some rich dolt. I see it constantly from every fan base. You're talking directly to someone while defending someone who I'm assuming doesn't know you and will never have anything to do with you. Every fan base does it... I'm convinced there are Miami fans that would stab you for insulting Lebron. When did society become so brainwashed over athletes and celebrities? I've come to believe that the huge Peyton fans are no different than Beliebers. They must be because if somebody says anything about Peyton, they jump down their throat. The golden boy poops chocolate, take a bite.
This wasn't meant to attack you so sorry if it came off that way. But a lower or middle class(most are lower now)family struggling to get by has no room to talk because they can't afford to donate is how I took your comment. I'll keep it in mind that I can't comment on celebs donating their surplus of money because I don't. No sir, I prefer being able to feed myself and have a roof over my head. I'll never have an opinion again when it comes to someone who has more money than me. I'll shut my mouth, spit shine their shoes and inhale their farts like oxygen.
For what it's worth, I've grown out my hair a couple times just to donate it to kids with cancer. Maybe some day I'll be lucky enough to have a few extra computer digits/pieces of paper that I'll never come close to needing and can give away. Maybe then I can be praised by all and will have bought the right to have an opinion on people who are apparently better than me. Michael Vick being one of those people. I could never judge that guy. I hear he donated 10% of his salary, whoa! That's double the 5% I don't donate. :blink:
I fully expect to be rammed hard by the Peyton fans who follow him from team to team. I'll just say that it's nice of him to donate. It still stands that it will never come down to him needing that 500,000 for anything which makes it a relatively empty gesture. That's not an insult, it's a fact. A fact that seems to upset some people for some reason. Also, I agree with the person who mentioned Bruce Pearl not getting praise for having donated. He has made far less than Peyton so quite frankly, him donating is more impressive. Nobody should judge him for lying about sammiches. Not until you've donated 5% of your salary. Because you know... Giving away 2,500 of your 50,000 instead of getting your kid braces is the same as a millionaire(100 times over) giving away money he'll never use.