Peyton Manning sits on trainers face????

UT settled, not Manning.

Wrong. Both settled. As they should have.

Sheesh ... guys, all it takes is googling both their names, lawsuit, and Florida. Lots of sites come up. Read 5 or 6 or more.

She successfully sued to make sexual harassment in her workplace stop. Several YEARS later, the Manning book came out and again defamed her. She lost her job because of it. She sued again, and the judge made a bench ruling favorable to her case in which he noted the Mannings lied in the book about what happened, and also that she wasn't vulgar mouthed on the road trip, as several athletes ON THE TRIP testified in her favor. Rollo, a trainer who did not witness Manning sitting down on Jamie, ADMITTED MAKING UP THE MOONING to try to protect Manning.

The track athlete's letter to Manning basically telling him to man up and take responsibility for what he did, substantiates Jamies' version, and was admitted as evidence and not refuted.

So ... once again, years apart, Manning, not learning from his first encounter with a woman with the grit to stand up for herself instead of getting railroaded, settled before a jury who with great probability would have found him intentionally defamitory and awarded a much larger punitive damage.

After all I've read, I do not see a woman looking for someone to sue, but a woman who has strength enough to stand up for herself, even with litigation, when she's had to.
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Wrong. Both settled. As they should have.

Sheesh ... guys, all it takes is googling both their names, lawsuit, and Florida. Lots of sites come up. Read 5 or 6 or more.

She successfully sued to make sexual harassment in her workplace stop. Several YEARS later, the Manning book came out and again defamed her. She lost her job because of it. She sued again, and the judge made a bench ruling favorable to her case in which he noted the Mannings lied in the book about what happened, and also that she wasn't vulgar mouthed on the road trip, as several athletes ON THE TRIP testified in her favor. Rollo, a trainer who did not witness Manning sitting down on Jamie, ADMITTED MAKING UP THE MOONING to try to protect Manning.

The track athlete's letter to Manning basically telling him to man up and take responsibility for what he did, substantiates Jamies' version, and was admitted as evidence and not refuted.

So ... once again, years apart, Manning, not learning from his first encounter with a woman with the grit to stand up for herself instead of getting railroaded, settled before a jury who with great probability would have found him intentionally defamitory and awarded a much larger punitive damage.

After all I've read, I do not see a woman looking for someone to sue, but a woman who has strength enough to stand up for herself, even with litigation, when she's had to.

Malcolm Saxon's letter doesn't provide any details of the incident other than:

"Bro, you have tons of class, but you have shown no mercy or grace to this lady who was on her knees seeing if you had a stress fracture...She was minding her own business when your book came out. Peyton, the way I see it, at this point, you are going to take a hit either way, if you settle out of court or if it goes to court. You might as well maintain some dignity and admit to what happened...Your celebrity doesn't mean you can treat people that way. Do the right thing here."

Admittedly, it doesn't put Manning's behavior in a positive light but Saxon's letter also does not go into specifics about what actually happened either. The only thing Saxon seems to be doing is giving Manning some unsolicited (and unqualified) legal advice.

Your line that a jury would have with "great probability found him intentionally defamitory (it's spelled defamatory by the way) and awarded a much larger punitive damage" is pure conjecture on your part. Not even the most experienced lawyers can make such a definitive claim about a what a jury might do...and Manning's full statement on the matter has never been a matter of record. You are basing your argument against him on one side of the story. The fact is Jamie Whited was not interested in any prosecution of Manning or in going to any trial. She was always eager to sue and to settle...and she stayed on as a trainer for the football team when she could have worked in another capacity in the athletic department.

Also, the statement that she, "settled before a jury who with great probability would have found him intentionally defamitory (sic) and awarded a much larger punitive damage." is revealing of your bias against Manning and in favor of Whited. The terms of the settlement that was reached were undisclosed. So, how do you know a jury would have awarded a larger amount, when we don't even know what the amount of the settlement was? Not to mention, as I said previously, what a jury will find in favor of is always anyone's guess.
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Once again, I would like to believe that Manning isn't a bad guy or that he didn't do anything serious. But there really is no basis for people here to keep attacking the allege victim or keep making negative conclusions about her based on the flimsiest of evidence.

To aid in soothing your soul..."bad guys" don't do the one and out thing...gifted athletes who are bad guys have way too many opportunities to showcase their flaws...Roethlisberger and Winston and Pacman Jones will take advantage...because that's what bad guys do...all these years since...where's Peyton's pattern?
Malcolm Saxon's letter doesn't provide any details of the incident other than:

"Bro, you have tons of class, but you have shown no mercy or grace to this lady who was on her knees seeing if you had a stress fracture...She was minding her own business when your book came out. Peyton, the way I see it, at this point, you are going to take a hit either way, if you settle out of court or if it goes to court. You might as well maintain some dignity and admit to what happened...Your celebrity doesn't mean you can treat people that way. Do the right thing here."

Admittedly, it doesn't put Manning's behavior in a positive light but Saxon's letter also does not go into specifics about what actually happened either. The only thing Saxon seems to be doing is giving Manning some unsolicited (and unqualified) legal advice.

Your line that a jury would have with "great probability found him intentionally defamitory (it's spelled defamatory by the way) and awarded a much larger punitive damage" is pure conjecture on your part. Not even the most experienced lawyers can make such a definitive claim about a what a jury might do...and Manning's full statement on the matter has never been a matter of record. You are basing your argument against him on one side of the story. The fact is Jamie Whited was not interested in any prosecution of Manning or in going to any trial. She was always eager to sue and to settle...and she stayed on as a trainer for the football team when she could have worked in another capacity in the athletic department.

You accuse me of stating conjecture as fact .. sheesh. You claiming, "Fact is" is fairly egregious in and of itself. You're now required to cut a corner off your *****in at ODR card.

Uh ... swamp lizzards leadin bammer 14-7 @9:18 in first. I be gone.
What's this got to do with the price of tea in China?

Further, any attempt by the author to paint Jameis Winston as Peyton Manning is stretching Brazilian swimsuit intro grandma's nightgown. Just don't work.

Makes a good point about how kids need to mind their manners on social media and among the student body

I think I was married to her at one point...
To aid in soothing your soul..."bad guys" don't do the one and out thing...gifted athletes who are bad guys have way too many opportunities to showcase their flaws...Roethlisberger and Winston and Pacman Jones will take advantage...because that's what bad guys do...all these years since...where's Peyton's pattern?

Poor logic on your part.

As for me, I'm not accusing Manning of being a "bad guy", I am saying he did a stupid thing similar to Winston. Disrespecting females in general on Winston's part; a particular woman on Manning's part, and he NEVER HAS MANNED UP AND ADMITTED WHAT HE DID WAS WRONG, AND PROPERLY TENDERED A SINCERE (keyword being sincere) apology to that lady.

Consider what the track athlete wrote sometime after the event and sexual harassment litigation was proceeding.

This guy actually witnessed what Manning did, and it was his truth telling that surely played a large part in Rollo's admission to inventing "mooning" as a coverup to stonewall diciplinary action against Manning. This undisputed letter encouraged Manning to ... "ADMIT WHAT HE DID" ... Most reasonable folks not trying to defend one side or the other would take that phrase, "ADMIT WHAT HE DID" as telling Manning to admit to 'what he was accused of'; e.g. dropping his towel? shorts? whatever, to expose his 'book' as she was on her knees behind him to check for a leg injury, and then sitting on her head, face to where she had to turn her head to push him off.

In ANY modern context, that is THE TEXTBOOK EXAMPLE of egregious workplace sexual harrasment and Jamie was totally justified in taking action. Not only on her own behalf, but for all other women athletic trainers to follow her. Yea Jamie.

And by the way, my interest is because
I have seen so much female harassment (to a lesser degree to be sure) through the years at work and even against women in my extended and immediate family. I'm sure the women on the board who are lurking around this thread would verify what it's like if they get up the courage to post.
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Poor logic on your part.

As for me, I'm not accusing Manning of being a "bad guy", I am saying he did a stupid thing similar to Winston. Disrespecting females in general on Winston's part; a particular woman on Manning's part, and he NEVER HAS MANNED UP AND ADMITTED WHAT HE DID WAS WRONG, AND PROPERLY TENDERED A SINCERE (keyword being sincere) apology to that lady.

Consider what the track athlete wrote sometime after the event and sexual harassment litigation was proceeding.

This guy actually witnessed what Manning did, and it was his truth telling that surely played a large part in Rollo's admission to inventing "mooning" as a coverup to stonewall diciplinary action against Manning. This undisputed letter encouraged Manning to ... "ADMIT WHAT HE DID" ... Most reasonable folks not trying to defend one side or the other would take that phrase, "ADMIT WHAT HE DID" as telling Manning to admit to 'what he was accused of'; e.g. dropping his towel? shorts? whatever, to expose his 'book' as she was on her knees behind him to check for a leg injury, and then sitting on her head, face to where she had to turn her head to push him off.

In ANY modern context, that is THE TEXTBOOK EXAMPLE of egregious workplace sexual harrasment and Jamie was totally justified in taking action. Not only on her own behalf, but for all other women athletic trainers to follow her. Yea Jamie.

And by the way, my interest is because
I have seen so much female harassment (to a lesser degree to be sure) through the years at work and even against women in my extended and immediate family. I'm sure the women on the board who are lurking around this thread would verify what it's like if they get up the courage to post.

Someone sounds butt hurt.
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Someone sounds butt hurt.

Oh,ooh ... that just sounds like something a 7th grader would yell and try to get high fives from his buds on the playground. Have you never had a real job? A job where anything you do that sexualizes a coworker absolutely is grounds for at least a conference with personel?

Ah, I doubt it.

Do you have a wife or daughter that has ever come home from work complaining about some sleazy, smelly, fat lech at work who makes it a mizerable place to be?

Nah. Probably not. I'd imagine you're 'that sleazy guy'.
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So your campaign for equality is best served on a football message board? You go after Roethlisberger and Kobe too or do you specialize in Peyton Manning. There are true victims of on campus violence...this isn't one...maybe the doctor and his wife that she unsuccessfully sued?
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So your campaign for equality is best served on a football message board? You go after Roethlisberger and Kobe too or do you specialize in Peyton Manning. There are true victims of on campus violence...this isn't one...maybe the doctor and his wife that she unsuccessfully sued?

I didn't start this thread, and there's no campaign. However, having run an engineering office for a Detroit company providing engineering services to Oak Ridge, and having become familiar with and follow federal guidelines regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, I do realize how serious it can be for an employer who doesn't stay on top of it.

More recently as an employee of an engineering company who has thousands of employees and projects around the world, (several hundred here in Knoxville) their HR people made it known you aren't allowed 'off-color' jokes, eg. pretty much no jokes at all, you do 't know wjo you will offend.

I've somewhat followed the Manning sexual harassment issue since it started so I've got a little knowledge of what's been going on through the years as either one made the news. Particularly the Florida suit about losing her job.

Without going webworld to look up on my cell,...

That "doctor" thing is another issue. What I remember is; as a PhD she had been hired by a start up company to develop a health curriculum that included some form of yoga, and the company brought in a non-practicing doctor or one who did not have a current license to practice in Florida, at any rate, not legit for the staff required. As a licensed practicioner, she had to oppose that. I don't know what happened after the initial news. Didn't know she won.
Wrong. Both settled. As they should have.

Sheesh ... guys, all it takes is googling both their names, lawsuit, and Florida. Lots of sites come up. Read 5 or 6 or more.

She successfully sued to make sexual harassment in her workplace stop. Several YEARS later, the Manning book came out and again defamed her. She lost her job because of it. She sued again, and the judge made a bench ruling favorable to her case in which he noted the Mannings lied in the book about what happened, and also that she wasn't vulgar mouthed on the road trip, as several athletes ON THE TRIP testified in her favor. Rollo, a trainer who did not witness Manning sitting down on Jamie, ADMITTED MAKING UP THE MOONING to try to protect Manning.

The track athlete's letter to Manning basically telling him to man up and take responsibility for what he did, substantiates Jamies' version, and was admitted as evidence and not refuted.

So ... once again, years apart, Manning, not learning from his first encounter with a woman with the grit to stand up for herself instead of getting railroaded, settled before a jury who with great probability would have found him intentionally defamitory and awarded a much larger punitive damage.

After all I've read, I do not see a woman looking for someone to sue, but a woman who has strength enough to stand up for herself, even with litigation, when she's had to.

She knew Manning would not want to go through the publicity. She knew there would be a settlement. You saying the judge would rule in her favor is pure conjecture. Famous people and companies settle almost 100% of the time in these cases. If she is so sincere on getting the record straight why did she take hush money? If she is such the valiant warrior then why didn't she demand her day in court and get the "truth" out. No judge has ruled against Manning in this case. I do not defend anything Manning did but if you think the suit in Florida was anything more than a shakedown by her lawyer then you are kidding yourself.
This. Exactly. Someone either can't comprehend this or is intentionally trying to mislead people. The ruling that is being referred to had NOTHING to do with what did or did not happen in the locker room. It was all about whether or not she had a demonstrably vulgar mouth.

I'm going to get tomato's thrown at me for being 'typical, throwback, old school, etc,etc' but what the heck are women doing in the men's lockerroom? What the heck are female reporters doing wandering around an area where there's naked men? I'm sorry, do male reporters get to hang out with naked girls in a lockerroom? Maybe they do, I dont know, but it's funny to me how they'll allow this and then gasp when there's an allegation of 'sexual misconduct'.
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Poor logic on your part.

As for me, I'm not accusing Manning of being a "bad guy", I am saying he did a stupid thing similar to Winston. Disrespecting females in general on Winston's part; a particular woman on Manning's part, and he NEVER HAS MANNED UP AND ADMITTED WHAT HE DID WAS WRONG, AND PROPERLY TENDERED A SINCERE (keyword being sincere) apology to that lady.

Consider what the track athlete wrote sometime after the event and sexual harassment litigation was proceeding.

This guy actually witnessed what Manning did, and it was his truth telling that surely played a large part in Rollo's admission to inventing "mooning" as a coverup to stonewall diciplinary action against Manning. This undisputed letter encouraged Manning to ... "ADMIT WHAT HE DID" ... Most reasonable folks not trying to defend one side or the other would take that phrase, "ADMIT WHAT HE DID" as telling Manning to admit to 'what he was accused of'; e.g. dropping his towel? shorts? whatever, to expose his 'book' as she was on her knees behind him to check for a leg injury, and then sitting on her head, face to where she had to turn her head to push him off.

In ANY modern context, that is THE TEXTBOOK EXAMPLE of egregious workplace sexual harrasment and Jamie was totally justified in taking action. Not only on her own behalf, but for all other women athletic trainers to follow her. Yea Jamie.

And by the way, my interest is because
I have seen so much female harassment (to a lesser degree to be sure) through the years at work and even against women in my extended and immediate family. I'm sure the women on the board who are lurking around this thread would verify what it's like if they get up the courage to post.

Uhhh, hello . Unless a woman is a liscensed MD she does'nt need to see me naked....PERIOD!!!! This 'female trainer' bullcrap is about as twisted as it gets. FEMALE TRAINER? IN A MALE LOCKERROOM? And we're supposed to pretend that nothing could ever come of that because we're all liberal, PC, Eunuchs. And I say lib and PC because it's only natural to them for a female to be in the vacinity of hanging dick as a vocation. Not professional mind you, but just because she was 'lucky' enough to get the job. Well, you know what? I'd love to be the 'male trainer' in the female beach volleyball circuit. How do I go about getting that gig? And if you come back with 'she was professional and impervious to carnal pleasures'I may just strangle you.
Poor logic on your part.

As for me, I'm not accusing Manning of being a "bad guy", I am saying he did a stupid thing similar to Winston. Disrespecting females in general on Winston's part; a particular woman on Manning's part, and he NEVER HAS MANNED UP AND ADMITTED WHAT HE DID WAS WRONG, AND PROPERLY TENDERED A SINCERE (keyword being sincere) apology to that lady.

Consider what the track athlete wrote sometime after the event and sexual harassment litigation was proceeding.

This guy actually witnessed what Manning did, and it was his truth telling that surely played a large part in Rollo's admission to inventing "mooning" as a coverup to stonewall diciplinary action against Manning. This undisputed letter encouraged Manning to ... "ADMIT WHAT HE DID" ... Most reasonable folks not trying to defend one side or the other would take that phrase, "ADMIT WHAT HE DID" as telling Manning to admit to 'what he was accused of'; e.g. dropping his towel? shorts? whatever, to expose his 'book' as she was on her knees behind him to check for a leg injury, and then sitting on her head, face to where she had to turn her head to push him off.

In ANY modern context, that is THE TEXTBOOK EXAMPLE of egregious workplace sexual harrasment and Jamie was totally justified in taking action. Not only on her own behalf, but for all other women athletic trainers to follow her. Yea Jamie.

And by the way, my interest is because
I have seen so much female harassment (to a lesser degree to be sure) through the years at work and even against women in my extended and immediate family. I'm sure the women on the board who are lurking around this thread would verify what it's like if they get up the courage to post.

Uhhh, hello . Unless a woman is a liscensed MD she does'nt need to see me naked....PERIOD!!!! This 'female trainer' bullcrap is about as twisted as it gets. FEMALE TRAINER? IN A MALE LOCKERROOM? And we're supposed to pretend that nothing could ever come of that because we're all liberal, PC, Eunuchs. And I say lib and PC because it's only natural to them for a female to be in the vacinity of hanging dick as a vocation. Not professional mind you, but just because she was 'lucky' enough to get the job. Well, you know what? I'd love to be the 'male trainer' in the female beach volleyball circuit. How do I go about getting that gig? And if you come back with 'she was professional and impervious to carnal pleasures'I may just strangle you.
White knights are funny.



Underrated post, IMO.

A male drops a towel in a MALE locker room when a female stayed longer than she should have... and its HIS fault? GTFO! Almost 20+ YEARS AGO. This is just one of the reasons why our country has a generation of young men who look like lumberjacks, but they can't change a tire or their own oil. You guys suck, lol.
I'm late to the party and have not read any of the posts before the OP.

So, just a rough estimate here. How many people have posted trying to blame the female trainer?

Did anyone suggest she was asking for it?
Hulk, PLEASE tell me you're not trying to say that the female trainer has more rights to be in a male locker room than the male team members.
Hulk, PLEASE tell me you're not trying to say that the female trainer has more rights to be in a male locker room than the male team members.

Have no idea what the specifics are to this story. Don't care. Don't really wanna read this thread either because it would probably make blood shoot through my eyes.

I'm just curious if anyone accepted this story to be true and then tried to blame the women.
Yeah, ok, some PC knuckleheads stirring isht up...I can't believe we have nothing better to talk about, and we have jackasses comparing the idiot from FSU to Manning. Do your own research, but
Have no idea what the specifics are to this story. Don't care. Don't really wanna read this thread either because it would probably make blood shoot through my eyes.

I'm just curious if anyone accepted this story to be true and then tried to blame the women.

So I'm guessing you're one of those people who see others protesting and join in so long as they are wearing skinny jeans and/or flip flops.
Uhhh, hello . Unless a woman is a liscensed MD she does'nt need to see me naked....PERIOD!!!! This 'female trainer' bullcrap is about as twisted as it gets. FEMALE TRAINER? IN A MALE LOCKERROOM? And we're supposed to pretend that nothing could ever come of that because we're all liberal, PC, Eunuchs. And I say lib and PC because it's only natural to them for a female to be in the vacinity of hanging dick as a vocation. Not professional mind you, but just because she was 'lucky' enough to get the job. Well, you know what? I'd love to be the 'male trainer' in the female beach volleyball circuit. How do I go about getting that gig? And if you come back with 'she was professional and impervious to carnal pleasures'I may just strangle you.

Too much steroids last week?

Frankly, you are just plain wrongheaded. Nothing to see here that's not better fed in a zoo, move along.
Training Room. The Training Room is not The Locker Room. They are spelled different, ... see?

Jamie Whited, a PhD in her field was doing her job. Checking Manning's leg for an injury to determine treatment.
Suggesting anything else is
Training Room. The Training Room is not The Locker Room. They are spelled different, ... see?

Jamie Whited, a PhD in her field was doing her job. Checking Manning's leg for an injury to determine treatment.
Suggesting anything else is

You're too wound up on least concede that she wasn't sexually assaulted...for her to pocket $400,000.00 over humiliation at seeing male genitalia? Well she probably should work in another field. You win our humanitarian award for righteous have to wait for the prize, as it's logistically difficult to get VN posters together for a dropped pants panoramic shot. :w00t:
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