Peyton, Nico, Bru and Heupel walk out with Morgan Wallen at Sunday show

Always takes me back to Michael Jordan back in the day. Something along the lines of “republicans buy shoes to”. Although I’m not a fan of bud lights stance, Peyton has a share in the company and prob understands there are both some gay and straight people out there drinking bud light tonight. Smart businessmen always stay neutral when the money is flowing, especially on religion and politics.
Better not to be a fence rider in the last days.
This thread is definitely a reminder for me to try to stay young and enjoy life for as long as God allows me.

I feel real sadness for people so miserable that they have to complain about what other people listen to. It's unbelievable that Vol fans would complain about the spectacle that was 2 nights of Wallen in Neyland. The show was SO much fun, and the list of surprise guests was insane. I couldn't believe Lambert and Rucker made it last night.
I got to see the show last night in my usual south end zone seating area -Sec O. I’m not the biggest fan of follower of MW, but my wife is. I like most of his stuff enough, but love to see the young man succeeding from Knoxville (Gibbs High) Tennessee.
Everything was great, except for the muggy no air moving weather. Peyton, CH, Nico, Bru walking him out - now that’s some friends in high places - lucky B.
Miranda Lambert was great but Darius Rucker (THE Gamecock even) rocked Neyland the best with Wagon Wheel.
I hope our covered field recovers from wth they had covering it in time for the Gator beat down.
This thread is definitely a reminder for me to try to stay young and enjoy life for as long as God allows me.

I feel real sadness for people so miserable that they have to complain about what other people listen to. It's unbelievable that Vol fans would complain about the spectacle that was 2 nights of Wallen in Neyland. The show was SO much fun, and the list of surprise guests was insane. I couldn't believe Lambert and Rucker made it last night.
Right there with you brother. I wasn’t expecting much, in fact, I was kind of dreading going because he’s not been my kind of music, especially lately, but my wife and our friends love him so I went. But what a great time, great concert, got a whole lot of Tennessee love, and a whole new appreciation for music that I probably wouldn’t give a second listen to.

What a spectacle and one of the best showcases for our university outside of just winning games. The folks beside me came from outside Columbus, Ohio and were taken back by the entire experience and just how devoted we are to everything Tennessee. Being tOSU fans, they are used to big stadiums and tradition, but they even said they hadn’t seen anything like what they saw last night and they want to come back to see a game. I have to think there’s going to be a lot of that same sentiment in all walks of life.

No, by all means, say what's on your mind.
Damn Joseph, have a zanex. Triggered much ?While you may not like MW or Prince or whoever others do. I'm not really into throwing stones in a glass house. We all fk up no matter rich or poor and sure he has done a few things in life I wouldn't want my kids doing. However kids are kids and going to take on their own personalities as they grow up. Guess what they usually fk up too in some form or another. Throwing chairs from a roof top or saying racist slurs in any manner is not ok. It is not up to people like MW to raise my kids. Their Mother and I do that. Anyway Go Vols and hope you have a better day

Right there, in bold, is my biggest issue with him and his sycophantic fans. Racist comments are never okay, IDGAF if "he was joking with his friend". Racists of any shade are trash people, and there's zero excuse for it. Couple that with what could have easily injured something (he's damn lucky it didn't), and you see the genesis of my disdain for this dude. Yeah, he makes terrible music, but I can easily overlook that, as I don't listen to the stations his stuff is played on. My problem is with the people that are just willing to completely overlook him being a jackass because "durr hurr he's super popular and sings about Tennessee", when they were willing to tar and feather Darius Rucker simply for saying "f*** Tennessee". Double standard much??

Those two sold out concerts have you big mad. It was you chirping he’d cancel when the tickets went on sale. Best of luck in Joplin in your anti-Wallen crusade. All ole boy did was put Tennessee on every social media feed and pump money into Knoxville/downtown on an off weekend. Morgan has you wrecked.

Yes, and I'm still absolutely gobsmacked that he didn't cancel them. "He put Tennessee on every social media feed"'s that going to look when he inevitably f**ks up again?? Miss me with your BS, my dude.

Man Morgan Wallen has got some people in their feelings lol. Whether you like his music or not it’s good thing that one of country musics biggest stars is so vocal about the Vols.

His music sucks, but not as bad as he does as a person. Moving on.

Reps Tennessee/Knoxville/Vols every chance he gets and somehow he’s a villain.

Ayup. Asked and answered. I'm not willing to overlook dumbassery just because "he's super popular because Nashville said so and he sings about Tennessee". If he was singing about Alabama, I doubt sincerely you'd feel so strongly about him........

Didn't he get arrested for throwing a chair off of the roof of his bar in Nashville? 😲

It seems that regardless of that act, he hasn't missed a beat. People love him

And that's pathetic. Let's just overlook attempted murder!!!! It doesn't matter!!!

For someone that has admittedly made quite a few mistakes yourself (AS WE ALL HAVE)…you are certainly on a massive high horse.

You say I worship him but you are the one that must have put him on a pedestal to get so triggered every time his name is mentioned on this board. Maybe if you didn’t expect him to be a god you wouldn’t have so much hatred in you now.

I agree with your third paragraph. But that’s the music industry. Again, why are you so shocked at a reality that’s existed for a 100 years?

You better stop listening to music, because I guarantee you all your favorite artists have done and said MUCH, MUCH worse than what you know about Morgan Wallen. You better not sing in the shower either because so have you!

I'll freely admit that I've made mistakes, but my mistakes harmed only me. Being with a married woman (even though I had no idea until it was too late), drinking to excess, and I made more mistakes in my military career than I had any right to. However, I've never made racist comments or d**n near took out two cops with a chair. Advantage me, I guess.

It's funny how "having a differing opinion and being vocal about it" = "triggered" in today's society, and that's a word that gets thrown around way too much by soft people who refuse to hear any opinion other than their own.

You're sorta right, sorta wrong on that last point. Cash got caught with drugs and did several (one-day, but) stints in jail, and Hag was in attendance for Cash's "Live at San Quentin" album but not in the way you might think.

And I'll keep singing in the shower, thank you very much. You may keep thinking about me singing in the shower, that's your right and I don't judge folks on their.......preferences.

Has he told you his favorite artists? What if it's Amy Grant and Dolly Parton? 😲

One out of two ain't bad. If you don't like Her Majesty Queen Dolly of Tennessee, I don't like you. Amy Grant never really was my cup of tea.

You are the only moron I see on here. Haven't kept up with Morgan Wallen since Tommy Wayne Wallen was the filling pastor at my church when our pastor died. I am not into country music at all, little less the so called music that is out today, but I still have strong memories of this 11/12 year old kid that sat behind the piano every week and sang mostly Casting Crowns songs with his mother and sister. Don't know why you have such a bug up your hind end, but get over your idiotic self.

I literally could not give less of a d**n that he went to church once upon a time. Actually, that does further my personal belief that some of the biggest trashbag people I've met in life are the same exact ones that are sitting front row every Sunday and Wednesday dropping tithes and singing hymns. Haven't met Wallen, but I'll add him to the list anyways. Oh and by the way, it might serve me to mention that I'm perfectly willing to tell him every word of what I'm saying face to face.

I don't think it is. haha But there are no good people. So if it is those two...or any Christian artist...or anyone else they've all done and said embarrassingly and shamefully bad stuff along the way! Deus sounds like the type of guy who would lose his mind over a couple "morally incomprehensible" mean Trump tweets and then vote for Hillary Clinton...

Completely wrong and moronic on all counts. Good job!!!!
This thread is definitely a reminder for me to try to stay young and enjoy life for as long as God allows me.

I feel real sadness for people so miserable that they have to complain about what other people listen to. It's unbelievable that Vol fans would complain about the spectacle that was 2 nights of Wallen in Neyland. The show was SO much fun, and the list of surprise guests was insane. I couldn't believe Lambert and Rucker made it last night.
Like all the Limp Biskit fans during my time, you will get older and grow tire of normal people giving you that look and finally pack the fad way in a forgotten closet where it belongs.
Right there, in bold, is my biggest issue with him and his sycophantic fans. Racist comments are never okay, IDGAF if "he was joking with his friend". Racists of any shade are trash people, and there's zero excuse for it. Couple that with what could have easily injured something (he's damn lucky it didn't), and you see the genesis of my disdain for this dude. Yeah, he makes terrible music, but I can easily overlook that, as I don't listen to the stations his stuff is played on. My problem is with the people that are just willing to completely overlook him being a jackass because "durr hurr he's super popular and sings about Tennessee", when they were willing to tar and feather Darius Rucker simply for saying "f*** Tennessee". Double standard much??

Yes, and I'm still absolutely gobsmacked that he didn't cancel them. "He put Tennessee on every social media feed"'s that going to look when he inevitably f**ks up again?? Miss me with your BS, my dude.

His music sucks, but not as bad as he does as a person. Moving on.

Ayup. Asked and answered. I'm not willing to overlook dumbassery just because "he's super popular because Nashville said so and he sings about Tennessee". If he was singing about Alabama, I doubt sincerely you'd feel so strongly about him........

And that's pathetic. Let's just overlook attempted murder!!!! It doesn't matter!!!

I'll freely admit that I've made mistakes, but my mistakes harmed only me. Being with a married woman (even though I had no idea until it was too late), drinking to excess, and I made more mistakes in my military career than I had any right to. However, I've never made racist comments or d**n near took out two cops with a chair. Advantage me, I guess.

It's funny how "having a differing opinion and being vocal about it" = "triggered" in today's society, and that's a word that gets thrown around way too much by soft people who refuse to hear any opinion other than their own.

You're sorta right, sorta wrong on that last point. Cash got caught with drugs and did several (one-day, but) stints in jail, and Hag was in attendance for Cash's "Live at San Quentin" album but not in the way you might think.

And I'll keep singing in the shower, thank you very much. You may keep thinking about me singing in the shower, that's your right and I don't judge folks on their.......preferences.

One out of two ain't bad. If you don't like Her Majesty Queen Dolly of Tennessee, I don't like you. Amy Grant never really was my cup of tea.

I literally could not give less of a d**n that he went to church once upon a time. Actually, that does further my personal belief that some of the biggest trashbag people I've met in life are the same exact ones that are sitting front row every Sunday and Wednesday dropping tithes and singing hymns. Haven't met Wallen, but I'll add him to the list anyways. Oh and by the way, it might serve me to mention that I'm perfectly willing to tell him every word of what I'm saying face to face.

Completely wrong and moronic on all counts. Good job!!!!
Long story short, he broke you.
Like all the Limp Biskit fans during my time, you will get older and grow tire of normal people giving you that look and finally pack the fad way in a forgotten closet where it belongs.
Speak for yourself, I'm still Limping with the Bizkit. They still put on a great show.
Why would Heupel and Peyton befriend and support such a POS?
I guess maybe they simply are not able to see a man's true nature as well as you.

Or maybe they got paid by the label?? It's called "image rehabilitation", bud. Not that hard to figure out.
Or maybe they got paid by the label?? It's called "image rehabilitation", bud. Not that hard to figure out.
Mike Tyson, Bru, Nico, Mahomes,
Chris Jones, Deandre Hopkins and so on. All men of color who walked out. You’re saying they all walked out, paid to help “image rehabilitation”.

Is your “image rehabilitation” for sleeping with a married woman to offer free life lessons on what not to do while chastising others?
-Sorry not sorry that having and voicing an opinion that differs from your worship of the Crown Prince of f**kboy douchebags has caused you this level of chapped ***.

-Sorry not sorry that I'm not into kissing someone's *** just because "I'll never experience his level of success" like you are.

-His success is a Nashville creation. Did you ever notice that he blew up right around the same time those two idiots in FGL were going their separate ways?? Almost like the label needed another cash cow, so they strapped the rocket to Wallen. But let's just overlook that because "durr hurr he sings about Tennessee hurr durr". Did you ever notice that as soon as he screws up, it's magically forgiven within the week, or just about how long it'd take a check to clear?? Hmmmm........

-Not "starving for attention", but that's cool that you think that.

-On the same token as your "virtuous" (you're welcome for the correct spelling, BTW) comment: is the reason that this moron is your guiding light because he reminds you of you in all the dumb **** he's done and "he's just like me, hurr hurr hurr"??

-Nice attempt at projection, by the way. And before you throw stones, I was a fifth-a-day alcoholic for 3.5 years and never once did the **** this idiot has done, so you can take that little "dig" somewhere else. I'm not perfect and never will claim to be, but I'm also not a public figure that's supposed to be held to some kind of standard of decency. Is this really the kind of person you want kids looking up to and idolizing??

I noticed that I enjoy listening to his music
Or maybe they got paid by the label?? It's called "image rehabilitation", bud. Not that hard to figure out.
Or maybe you're simply a bitter, unforgiving, and narrowminded jerk.

Or maybe not.

I realize I don't know you any more than you know MW.......It would be stupid to judge you so harshly based on the little I know of you.
Can’t believe all the drama in this thread just about a country singer. I guess I am getting old, I only want to talk football on Volnation.
With that being said, the only thing that I wished was different about the entire concert is after the way our defense played, I would have liked to have seen a couple of defense players came out instead of all offense.
Why do we always have to showcase the same players for public appearances?
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-Sorry not sorry that having and voicing an opinion that differs from your worship of the Crown Prince of f**kboy douchebags has caused you this level of chapped ***.

-Sorry not sorry that I'm not into kissing someone's *** just because "I'll never experience his level of success" like you are.

-His success is a Nashville creation. Did you ever notice that he blew up right around the same time those two idiots in FGL were going their separate ways?? Almost like the label needed another cash cow, so they strapped the rocket to Wallen. But let's just overlook that because "durr hurr he sings about Tennessee hurr durr". Did you ever notice that as soon as he screws up, it's magically forgiven within the week, or just about how long it'd take a check to clear?? Hmmmm........

-Not "starving for attention", but that's cool that you think that.

-On the same token as your "virtuous" (you're welcome for the correct spelling, BTW) comment: is the reason that this moron is your guiding light because he reminds you of you in all the dumb **** he's done and "he's just like me, hurr hurr hurr"??

-Nice attempt at projection, by the way. And before you throw stones, I was a fifth-a-day alcoholic for 3.5 years and never once did the **** this idiot has done, so you can take that little "dig" somewhere else. I'm not perfect and never will claim to be, but I'm also not a public figure that's supposed to be held to some kind of standard of decency. Is this really the kind of person you want kids looking up to and idolizing??
Just cash the checks Jason Isbell.......
Mike Tyson, Bru, Nico, Mahomes,
Chris Jones, Deandre Hopkins and so on. All men of color who walked out. You’re saying they all walked out, paid to help “image rehabilitation”.

Is your “image rehabilitation” for sleeping with a married woman to offer free life lessons on what not to do while chastising others?

Mine was a long time ago, I ended contact with her as soon as I found out, and I didn't have the ability to use money to have fake "friends" make me appear to be a decent person. I've paid my penance, unlike some people.
Just cash the checks Jason Isbell.......

Not him, wouldn't mind being as talented as he is. Maybe some Isbell crossed with some Bonamassa, that'd work.

And Wallen's rendition of "Cover Me Up" sucks huge greasy sweaty diseased gorilla phallus. I'd rather listen to a Jeremy Pruitt coaching clinic on how to properly use a quarterback.
Mine was a long time ago, I ended contact with her as soon as I found out, and I didn't have the ability to use money to have fake "friends" make me appear to be a decent person. I've paid my penance, unlike some people.
It lives forever. Might have been a long time ago in your mind and a free internet service isn’t making you look decent or righteous. You are forever labeled by your own actions, maybe hold up on judgment. May need to sit this one out…maybe write a country song about it as therapy.
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Can’t believe all the drama in this thread just about a country singer. I guess I am getting old, I only want to talk football on Volnation.
With that being said, the only thing that I wished was different about the entire concert is after the way our defense played, I would have liked to have seen a couple of defense players came out instead of all offense.
Why do we always have to showcase the same payers for public appearances?
It's mainly 1 poster. And he did the exact same thing in the thread when the concert was announced. He really hates MW with a passion. It's kind of sad.

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