Well lets see his Center put him in a hole on he first snap, his D made that hole worse. then yes he did come out weak, but then his D made that hole even bigger and by the time he got rhythm the game was already out of hand.
So anyone that says Manning lost this game or he choked just doesn't know football. That loss was a complete team effort, or lack there of. A QB shouldn't HAVE to score on every possesion, but thats exactly what the broncos D let the seahawks do and therefor made it so the broncos O, and Manning, had to otherwise the game was over, and as we saw it quickly was.
The fact is the seahawks came to play and the broncos bought into all the pregame hype of the greatest O in history. The broncos D looked like the worst D to ever step foot on a field and were clearly expecting to coast to a win on the back of the O. If they could'e made a few stops in the game then maybe it gives the O some hope but they didn't and the O had all the pressure on them. The seahawks on the other hand put in a complete team effort with all 3 aspects putting in work and points to contribute to the win.