Phil Steele's 13-14 Bowl Projections

I've been here longer than you and ya if your gonna talk big back it up.

Here's what I don't understand. Bama writer 99gayor and all these other posters post on here constantly. Do they post on their own teams boards? And if they do how do they have time for jobs/families in between. Impressive stuff.

Know how I know you're a newbie, other than the little date thingie under your name? You think you said something really cool and original.
Know how I know you're a newbie, other than the little date thingie under your name? You think you said something really cool and original.

The name bama writer is an oxymoron. And I know the thought that som1 could have multiple accounts blows your mind but it is possible. And to think urban left cuz of you is even dumb for a bama fan.
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Know how I know you're a newbie, other than the little date thingie under your name? You think you said something really cool and original.

Also, you avoided the question with some lame form of Bama humor. Your on here all day. Do you post on Bama sites? There is no way you do as much as on here. And if you do dear god get a life.
I started looking at it after you mentioned it. You really only need to look at the teams who are likely to be on the cusp of bowl eligibility, and their games against each other: Mizzou, Auburn, Arkansas, Tennessee, Ole Miss and Vandy.

If we assume that MSU and UK go winless (aside from the game they play against each other), then each team gets a guaranteed win.

Missouri: Has a manageable OOC slate, though losses to Toledo and Arkansas St aren't out of the question. So the Tigers would only need 1 win against UT, Ole Miss, or Vandy.

Vanderbilt: Ridiculously easy OOC. Needs a win out of Mizzou, Ole Miss and UT.

Tennessee: At this point, you have to assume that Tennessee is going to lose to Oregon. Which means the Vols need 2 wins out of Vandy, Missouri, and Auburn.

Auburn: Losses to Wash St and Arkansas St are possible, but unlikely. So AU has to knock off Ole Miss, Arkansas, or Tennessee.

Arkansas: As of this moment, Rutgers is a toss-up at best. To be safe, the Hogs must beat both Auburn and Ole Miss.

Ole Miss: They will lose at Texas. Which means they have to beat 2 out of Vandy, Auburn and Arkansas.

And given that MSU probably won't be so awful that they go 1-7, this whole scenario is very fragile.
Yeah, probably not gonna happen. I'd say 4/6 make it.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
The name bama writer is an oxymoron. And I know the thought that som1 could have multiple accounts blows your mind but it is possible.

Also, you avoided the question with some lame form of Bama humor. Your on here all day. Do you post on Bama sites? There is no way you do as much as on here. And if you do dear god get a life.

First, why are you creating multiple user names?

Second, if you have been here for as long as you claim, you would know that your question has been asked and answered many, many times. Use the search function and stop being a prick.
The thought of us attempting to stop a triple option offense gives me nightmares and I'm not even on the coaching staff :unsure: But hey its bowl game right?:thumbsup:

You'd have a month to work on it.

In the end, UT shouldn't care about which bowl they get, no about who they play. Getting the extra practice time would be huge for CBJ and Co.
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I would tell you to go to an Alabama message board, but that would imply that your fans can read and write. Yes it would be an easy win. There are 4 or 5 teams in the SEC that would beat OSU.

I think there were 6 confirmed last year that would've been favored over OSU (LSU, Bama, ATM, UF, UGA, SC).
Phil Steele

Predicts us going to the Music City Bowl vs. Ga Tech.
ACC #6 vs SEC #7

Steele's BPs are never close; except for picking bummer lately. Phil has always picked Tennessee fairly high. We'll see. Hoping for a bowl myself. 7-5 would be a really good start for Butch. I think Auburn will surprise some; though.
I would tell you to go to an Alabama message board, but that would imply that your fans can read and write. Yes it would be an easy win. There are 4 or 5 teams in the SEC that would beat OSU.

GO Cowboys!!! And anyone else who plays Alabubba!
Also, you avoided the question with some lame form of Bama humor. Your on here all day. Do you post on Bama sites? There is no way you do as much as on here. And if you do dear god get a life.

Please knock it off. You're making me take the side of a guy with "Bama" in his name over a guy with "Vol" in his name. I don't need that kind of cognative dissonance.
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I started looking at it after you mentioned it. You really only need to look at the teams who are likely to be on the cusp of bowl eligibility, and their games against each other: Mizzou, Auburn, Arkansas, Tennessee, Ole Miss and Vandy.

If we assume that MSU and UK go winless (aside from the game they play against each other), then each team gets a guaranteed win.

Missouri: Has a manageable OOC slate, though losses to Toledo and Arkansas St aren't out of the question. So the Tigers would only need 1 win against UT, Ole Miss, or Vandy.

Vanderbilt: Ridiculously easy OOC. Needs a win out of Mizzou, Ole Miss and UT.

Tennessee: At this point, you have to assume that Tennessee is going to lose to Oregon. Which means the Vols need 2 wins out of Vandy, Missouri, and Auburn.

Auburn: Losses to Wash St and Arkansas St are possible, but unlikely. So AU has to knock off Ole Miss, Arkansas, or Tennessee.

Arkansas: As of this moment, Rutgers is a toss-up at best. To be safe, the Hogs must beat both Auburn and Ole Miss.

Ole Miss: They will lose at Texas. Which means they have to beat 2 out of Vandy, Auburn and Arkansas.

And given that MSU probably won't be so awful that they go 1-7, this whole scenario is very fragile.

I say we get 3 wins out of this and also get a win against either SC, UGA, UF. I think we are Chik-Fil-A bound this year
not much to take issue with.

i do have a feeling florida will win the east this year though.

This could imply that in a way. It's pretty much (more common than not) that the SEC Championship game loser gets passed over for a BCS at-large berth, with the selectors usually opting for a higher ranked team (since the losers usually drop in the rankings right before selection). And such would probably drop UF down around that area in bowl selection.

The only time the selection seems to play out counter is if both teams come into the SEC championship game undefeated, or at least the eventual loser comes into the game undefeated (then the loser usually does get an at large)...maybe that's what he's implying here.

But more than likely he probably just made a list of his predicted order of finish and then wrote bowls next to them.
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First, why are you creating multiple user names?

Second, if you have been here for as long as you claim, you would know that your question has been asked and answered many, many times. Use the search function and stop being a prick.

Of course it has. I just like making fun of you for spending all your time on an opposing teams message board because you have nothing better to do. You couldn't pay me to sign up for the festival of rednecks Alabama calls a message board.
Of course it has. I just like making fun of you for spending all your time on an opposing teams message board because you have nothing better to do. You couldn't pay me to sign up for the festival of rednecks Alabama calls a message board.

You are embarrassing yourself. All you are doing is proving me right.
That should be interesting. I think GT goes 9-3 while Tennessee goes 7-5. I'll be torn by conflicting loyalties in that game.

I won't be torn but I do have an interest in GT, one of my best friend's grandfather played QB (& punter) for GT under Coach Bobby Dodd, so I sorta keep up with them because of him. He was a great man. #coolbrostory
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