
OP, check out the Leo defense. Can't post links from my cell, but it's what you described. And my understanding is that is what this staff likes to run.

It's a hybrid defense that is a lot like a 43 under (which is really a 5 man front). It's what Seattle runs. Bruce Irvan was their Leo last year (an undersized pass rush end). And they use a big 3-4 ng at their 1 technique.
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I would love to hear what a 22 year old Nicky Satan has to say.

I love talking football, I just don't enjoy reading how moving McCullers to DT is revolutionizing football. The guy didn't like me calling him out on it which was no biggie. It's a free board where we can express our opinions college graduate and expect criticism when you post stuff.

Plenty of teams have used massive 43 DTs before. Anyone remember Henderson and Haynesworth? Wilfork for NE played in a 43 at Miami.
Plenty of teams have used massive 43 DTs before. Anyone remember Henderson and Haynesworth? Wilfork for NE played in a 43 at Miami.

I said the same thing. However, keck didn't like that I said it. He wanted to be the one the created the idea of a big DT.
I would love to hear what a 22 year old Nicky Satan has to say.

I love talking football, I just don't enjoy reading how moving McCullers to DT is revolutionizing football. The guy didn't like me calling him out on it which was no biggie. It's a free board where we can express our opinions college graduate and expect criticism when you post stuff.

I'm pretty sure you and others are illiterate. I just said teams use the same thing I was talking about. Never once did I say I created this defense. I was simply talking about a defense in which I found to one, be acceptable to the situation at hand, and two, I thought was interesting. You are a complete idiot and you are a jackass. I hope you are married/have a girlfriend, because I don't know one person that would put up with someone as arrogant and foolish as yourself.
OP, check out the Leo defense. Can't post links from my cell, but it's what you described. And my understanding is that is what this staff likes to run.

It's a hybrid defense that is a lot like a 43 under (which is really a 5 man front). It's what Seattle runs. Bruce Irvan was their Leo last year (an undersized pass rush end). And they use a big 3-4 ng at their 1 technique.

We were just talking of this on the previous page, which some here failed to read or maybe lack the skills to read.
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We were just talking of this on the previous page, which some here failed to read or maybe lack the skills to read.

Just trying to add to the convo. Sorry for not taking the time to read 4 pages of personal attacks. And what's with the attitude?
Personally, I'd run a 3-4 with Socrates at NT, Karl Marx at WDE, and St. Thomas Aquinas at SDE. The linebackers would be Aristotle, Friedrich Nietzsche, René Descartes, and David Hume. I'd have St. Augustine and Gottfried Leibniz at safties, with John Locke and Thomas Hobbes at corner.

A strong philosophy of defense!

The sarcasm is strong with this one.
Psych major possibly...
Just trying to add to the convo. Sorry for not taking the time to read 4 pages of personal attacks. And what's with the attitude?

He's responding to a thread heckler...not'd understand if you read it from the beginning...fwiw:popcorn: he's shown a lot of restraint
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Personally, I'd run a 3-4 with Socrates at NT, Karl Marx at WDE, and St. Thomas Aquinas at SDE. The linebackers would be Aristotle, Friedrich Nietzsche, René Descartes, and David Hume. I'd have St. Augustine and Gottfried Leibniz at safties, with John Locke and Thomas Hobbes at corner.

A strong philosophy of defense!

Where the heck is Calvin in all of this???
I lose interest when fans give their game planning perspective. A 22 year old cannot know defensive schemes that can apply at the college level. I understand that he lacks history by referencing it was a new scheme by inserting a two gap DT, but many teams implement a big DT in a 4-3.

I'm sorry if I came across as extremely sarcastic but it came across as extremely elementary and Maddenish to me. But hey, at least we are back to discussing what our coaching staff can do instead of talking about what thy can't do.

Henderson, Haynesworth, White, etc. etc. disagree with you.
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I would love to hear what a 22 year old Nicky Satan has to say.

I love talking football, I just don't enjoy reading how moving McCullers to DT is revolutionizing football. The guy didn't like me calling him out on it which was no biggie. It's a free board where we can express our opinions college graduate and expect criticism when you post stuff.

No, don't think this is a given on VN or anywhere else unless you post on a board that is entitled "I run this board and will criticize anything you post because I can" board.
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Just trying to add to the convo. Sorry for not taking the time to read 4 pages of personal attacks. And what's with the attitude?

He's had the crap kicked out of him by a VB88 alt for making a halfway intelligent OP. He doesn't realize you are on his side.
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I said the same thing chief. I used those examples a few pages back. You don't understand what I have posted. Thanks though. We agree.

Page 3 will illustrate how big a DA smokey0625 really is. For one, he said a 22 year old couldn't learn defensive schemes, which would also imply gap techniques, once again proving he truly has zero concept of football, other then his ability to google terms. Don't believe me, here's the quote on page 3, "A 22 year old cannot know defensive schemes that can apply at the college level." This contradicted what he previously stated on the same page which was, "John Henderson and Haynesworth both told me that its been done at UT before and it works", implying they know how a 2 and 3 gap technique scheme works because they ran it here. How can you run something you couldn't possible understand at 22 years old? Just so everyone knows supreme genius here, aka smokey0625, believes I came up with this " defensive 2 or 3 gap NT 4-3 scheme" and wanted full credit for it when in my topic post I clearly stated,"The NY Giants implement a system just like the one I'm speaking of." I think by this short paragraph smokey0625 has completely made a buffoon of himself, while in the process tried to belittle those around him. I think this is a great example of what not to do in a public scene. Thank you for your time VolNation, and as always GO VOLS!
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