Pictures of Oregon

Mid and west TN aren't that great either.....just a bunch of farm land

My area of middle tn is beautiful. Just on the edge of the Cumberland plateau. Nice sized rolling hills with peaks here and there and a big lake.

Edit: I do agree on west tn.
Flew over it but never touched down there. It sure looks like a beautiful place to visit. Enjoy the trip.
My area of middle tn is beautiful. Just on the edge of the Cumberland plateau. Nice sized rolling hills with peaks here and there and a big lake.

Edit: I do agree on west tn.

Granted I wasn't trying to say its all bad but a lot of the area more west looks like fort Campbell or something just not anything spectacular.

Southern MO is the pits of hell though
76% of all percentages are made up too. Some of those high plains desert are absolutely beautiful. Like the Central Oregon area. Let's not lump together all the deserts together as a wasteland please. There is more forest land than you're suggesting, and we have much bigger mountains.

Sun River is off the chart.
I've heard that Oregon and Washington are two of the most beautiful states in the US

I lived outside Seattle for a summer, coaching sailing. It was an amazing place to be. Occasionally cold and rainy to be sure, but it had amazing coastal mountains and glaciers and all manner of giant plants and sea creatures. The people were also super sweet, and they had a funny manner of speaking that was endeering as opposed to annoying. They were curious about Tennessee, as opposed to judgmental. The Pacific Northwest is high on my list of places to get back to. :yes:

VN Store
