Pig Howard?

There is power in prayer!

Praying for you Alton, may God give you strength and guidance for the challenges and decisions ahead.
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I tend to think that way as well.

However, I'd point out that in the past I've taught names everyone on this forum would recognize in more than one sport. Some who many would never guess were very good students who worked their tails off and were a joy to teach and I'd love to be able to praise them for it. Others were not so great (pretty typical of many college students). But even for those who I'd love to praise and give well earned credit to there's no way I'd do that as I consider even that unethical even though revealing grades are the biggest legal prohibition - I wouldn't break their privacy anymore than I would any other student. To me it would be just as bad as ignoring cheating or bumping their grade.

This experience is one of the reasons I really wish VN would be less quick to judge not only those regular students who attend a public uni but also athletes. Student athletes and those in campus orgs really aren't any different from regular students - some are outstanding, some are average and some are below average. But what I learned during my time teaching college students is that you can't judge a book by its cover or do much in the way of predicting until you really see their work and hear them speak/answer in class.

I've had students from every walk of life, every socio-economic class, every background whether advantaged or disadvantaged, those from the best prep and public schools and those from the worst public schools, and those who are the first in their family to ever go to college and those who are 3rd-4th generation college educated and I've had the opportunity to teach true Ivy League kids (not Vandy, UVA, or Stanford but brand name highly competitive Ivy Leaguers). Sometimes those who have had every advantage have done poorly while those who have had every disadvantage have shone. It really is amazing how much perception rules over what we think will be the best and brightest but it's largely a lie - students are students and when you get a chance to see a broad section of students it's enlightening.

Don't let your stereotypes or college rankings (which are largely rigged FWIW) rule you or fool you. Kids at no-name state school or even the second best state school are just as good (and just as bad) as any student from Harvard, Princeton, or Yale. Apologies for the rant but the perception of public uni kids and student athletes as subpar or less than Ivy kids bugs me big time. And while I once thought similarly, it didn't take long to realize it was one big fat lie.

If I could give this post 150 likes, I would.
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I think it depends on whether he takes the VFL values and applies them to his life as he goes pro. Where is he in 5 years? A man to be proud of or a guy who gets caught up in the rush of NBA riches. Don't think you can say today, their actions will speak for them after their UT playing days.

Tony Robinson? Not a VFL in my opinion. Getting caught in the drug trade is not a pillar in the VFL value system. Great athlete but a failure as a VFL (if they had that designation back then).
I got to know Tony Robinson pretty well when he was serving time in a prison where I was a Warden. I walked him out the gate when he was released. I hope he turned his life around after that but at that time he was not a model prisoner, much less a model VFL. So much talent wasted.
tried to stay out of Pigs business as some have said it's personal, not drugs, none of our business and that he has his teammates support. Today I hear that he'd have to mend some fences with teammates and staff if he were to come back.
Those two aren't really the same thing.
Sounds to me like he may have just walked off the field, or quit, and may want back but would have to convince his teammates he's on board 100% or stay gone. That is just a guess, but if he had family issues or something, it doesn't seem like bridges and fences would need rebuilding.
all jmo
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Expecting news soon that the team (players) reinstated Pig.

I heard Butch yesterday on Swain's show. Said there were some "things in the classroom" that first had to be straightened up and that he would be prepared to make a decision on Pig in a couple of weeks.

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