Pig Howard?

The people who know have been emphatic that it is NOT a team rules issue such as drugs.
When I was a frosh my dad left mom. She lost the home, car, etc. For financial reasons. It was rough and I ended up moving back home for a year to help my mom before returning to UT.
People, football ain't everything. We forget these young men have lives. Some of those lives have a lot of drama. Some people can compartmentalize and not let it affect them. Obviously Pig is not one of those.
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I'm with you. Pig is still a human being, but until Von fumbles on the pylon, or blocks in the back on a game winning touchdown, I'll go with Von. That's 7-5 instead of 5-7, just sayin!

We probably don't win the Georgia game even without the fumble.
Jones said in 2 weeks some clarity will be brouht to the situation on whether Alton will remain on the team. Multiple sources close to the program say it unlikely that Howard will return to the team. Jones isn't ready to confirm this, but added he will soon have something to report. "I've met with Alton a number of times, and we'll have a decision on how we're moving forward in the next couple of weeks," Jones said.


It isn't hard to figure out, it is an academic issue. Finals conclude on 5/6, so two weeks from now, all final grades should be submitted.
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If UT gets EXACTLY the same level of QB play they got last year from Dobbs or Worley then UT will make a considerable step forward. MOST of the problem was WR's and TE's. But I expect the starter to have made some improvement, don't you? One more year of maturity. One more year of studying and learning the O system. Another year with some of the WR's (pretty much all who were there last fall).

Well your being realistic, but most of our nuts fans on here dont believe in qb growth until it smacks them in the face. Volnation is only going to give them "the qbs" credit for the stats after the game and the big W or L. It doesnt matter if wide receivers ran the wrong routes all year, at the end of the day it was a bad throw and a incompletion and we lost the game
Well your being realistic, but most of our nuts fans on here dont believe in qb growth until it smacks them in the face. Volnation is only going to give them "the qbs" credit for the stats after the game and the big W or L. It doesnt matter if wide receivers ran the wrong routes all year, at the end of the day it was a bad throw and a incompletion and we lost the game

so true

just the influx of big time skill talent will make the qb job much easier. just distribute and be smart. thats all you have to do with guys like hurd,lane,north,VP,Malone,Croom, and the TEs. Maybe even Pig.
Person looks good at practice and in against much much lower talented teams, but to say he's going to beat out our leading receiver is idiotic.

He "could" beat out pig, makes more sense.
I'm with you. Pig is still a human being, but until Von fumbles on the pylon, or blocks in the back on a game winning touchdown, I'll go with Von. That's 7-5 instead of 5-7, just sayin!

Until Von plays a down of SEC football, I'll go with Pig.
That is a big assumption--and likely wrong. I bet he has gotten more than enough help. It is sad to see him not take advantage of it.

Something might be on his mind thst he just cant shake. Like a family problem. Hes 20 yrs old.
I was under the impression that being a VFL meant you had the support and encouragement of the Vol family. That you were sometimes the one who needed the support, and sometimes the one who gives it.

Unfortunately, it seems that many on here do not get that. It seems to me that he is truly a VFL and wants to be here. If he was truly at the O&W game cheering his teammates, that says a lot to me. Those on here claiming to be a VFL need to be more supportive of him IMHO.
If Pig would get his act together could have a big break out year this year, hope he comes back, but I hope he gets his life going in the right direction first.
That is a big assumption--and likely wrong. I bet he has gotten more than enough help. It is sad to see him not take advantage of it.

well you went back and quoted something i said a while back before we knew butch had been meeting with him numerous times.

obviously i hope he gets back and gets things in order.
I think it is safe to say one thing. If Butch can bring Pig back without it being toxic to pig and/or the team, he will.

I am sure Butch has laid out a plan for Pig to get back on the team in their various meetings. Now it is up to Pig to make that happen. I personally hope Pig gets back with the team, but Butch won't do it if it will negatively effect Pig or the team. That is the way it should be.
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Just a guess, like all the others.
All the secrecy and absolutely no leaks makes me think this is health related and therefore protected by HIPAA. Could be mental, physical or even both.
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Please post your VFL scoring criteria. A couple good games and now an off season "issue" doesn't qualify him as a VFL in my criteria. More like just another kid who couldn't handle college life. That doesn't make him a VFL.

In Alton Howard's case I feel he is a VFL for a very simple reason really. He committed to and honored his commitment to UT while the football program was at one of the lowest points in recent memory. He was highly ranked and could have gone to a number of schools but instead chose here. That's the basis of my criteria and you may or may not agree. He was there for us when we needed him and we should be supporting him back.... IMO. If he had somehow kept the ball laid out in the Georgia game I'm not sure we would be discussing his VFL status. Hope to see him back and complete his career here.
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Just a guess, like all the others.
All the secrecy and absolutely no leaks makes me think this is health related and therefore protected by HIPAA. Could be mental, physical or even both.

I tend to think that way as well.

However, I'd point out that in the past I've taught names everyone on this forum would recognize in more than one sport. Some who many would never guess were very good students who worked their tails off and were a joy to teach and I'd love to be able to praise them for it. Others were not so great (pretty typical of many college students). But even for those who I'd love to praise and give well earned credit to there's no way I'd do that as I consider even that unethical even though revealing grades are the biggest legal prohibition - I wouldn't break their privacy anymore than I would any other student. To me it would be just as bad as ignoring cheating or bumping their grade.

This experience is one of the reasons I really wish VN would be less quick to judge not only those regular students who attend a public uni but also athletes. Student athletes and those in campus orgs really aren't any different from regular students - some are outstanding, some are average and some are below average. But what I learned during my time teaching college students is that you can't judge a book by its cover or do much in the way of predicting until you really see their work and hear them speak/answer in class.

I've had students from every walk of life, every socio-economic class, every background whether advantaged or disadvantaged, those from the best prep and public schools and those from the worst public schools, and those who are the first in their family to ever go to college and those who are 3rd-4th generation college educated and I've had the opportunity to teach true Ivy League kids (not Vandy, UVA, or Stanford but brand name highly competitive Ivy Leaguers). Sometimes those who have had every advantage have done poorly while those who have had every disadvantage have shone. It really is amazing how much perception rules over what we think will be the best and brightest but it's largely a lie - students are students and when you get a chance to see a broad section of students it's enlightening.

Don't let your stereotypes or college rankings (which are largely rigged FWIW) rule you or fool you. Kids at no-name state school or even the second best state school are just as good (and just as bad) as any student from Harvard, Princeton, or Yale. Apologies for the rant but the perception of public uni kids and student athletes as subpar or less than Ivy kids bugs me big time. And while I once thought similarly, it didn't take long to realize it was one big fat lie.
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