Pipeline Shutdown

People are so stupid. It’s amazing, actually. I really wish there was a way to publicly shame the hoarders.
I bought 20 gallons of diesel today in cans. Some dumbass said “you don’t need to hoard gas, it will be ok”. I said thanks but my backhoe isn’t going to start if I don’t put fuel in it.
Guess I need to load it on the trailer and drag it to the station to not look like the hoarders.
They still have to get the fuel from terminal to the gas station and with truck driver shortages, who knows. All I know is, this is Biden's watch.

Biden sucks for sure, but I am not concerned about gas in Knoxville.

That said, if this were Trump, there would be nonstop coverage and a 18 month congressional investigation into Russian connections.
Yeah, the craziness has run stations dry. Both Weigels near me are out, and Ingles had probably 30 cars at the pumps around 9:30 p.m., when it's usually a ghost town.

Supply has just been pulled ahead, people arent going to consume more gas, it was just cycled out abnormally. The tankers that fill up those places arent going to have trouble getting access to more gas.
Supply has just been pulled ahead, people arent going to consume more gas, it was just cycled out abnormally. The tankers that fill up those places arent going to have trouble getting access to more gas.
I drove by Costco, too, and there was a tanker filling them up. $2.79/gal+ where it's available. Supply and demand, baby!
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So last nights press release CP is delivering fuel manually from NC to Md. What is near Md that matters? Weird that a continous pipeline is stopped on one side and dleivers on the other. Must be a huge tank farm in Greensboro. No shortages north of VA

Florida, Virginia, Georgia and North Carolina Declare States of Emergency Over Gas Shortages after Colonial Pipeline hack as 1,000 fuel stations run dry in Southeast as people panic buy

The governors of Florida, Virginia and Georgia all declared states of emergency Tuesday in a bid to protect fuel supplies, with some gas pumps already dry in Atlanta and other cities, as the impact from the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack continues to ripple across the country - hitting the Southeast especially hard.

More than 1,000 gas stations in the Southeast are now running out of fuel, according to S&P's Oil Price Information Service.

The Southeast is particularly vulnerable because it has fewer refineries and pipelines to deliver fuel, compared to the Northeast, which is less at risk. The Southeast is also less equipped to quickly import large quantities of gasoline from other countries, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The worst shortages were in North Carolina, where 9.7 per cent of all stations in the state were without fuel, according to Gas Buddy Tracker. Virginia was second hardest-hit, with 7.9 per cent of gas stations empty, followed by Georgia with 6.5 per cent and South Carolina with 4.3 per cent.

Florida, Virginia, Georgia and North Carolina declare state of emergency over gas shortages | Daily Mail Online
More than 1,000 gas stations in the Southeast are now running out of fuel, according to S&P's Oil Price Information Service.

The Southeast is particularly vulnerable because it has fewer refineries and pipelines to deliver fuel, compared to the Northeast, which is less at risk. The Southeast is also less equipped to quickly import large quantities of gasoline from other countries, according to The Wall Street Journal.
So The South would loose another Civil War because we don't have the infrastructure. Figures.
I’ll just be giving the middle finger to all my peeps in the gas lines as I cruise through town on my golf cart tomorrow. Desperate times call for......?

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