Was making fun of Pope being a vegan in the media mentoring? He could support a young man that aided in the rape of his cousin, yet felt the need to belittle Pope because he didn't believe in eating meat. Doesn't make a lot of sense. Personally, I'll take a hamburger over a salad any day of the week, but to each their own.
He didn't try to help JJ. He tried to keep JJ on the team because he didn't want to lose his best defensive player. As many passes as he gave JJ, that isn't "helping" someone. Helping is actually taking action that benefits the player's health.
Save your outrage for someone who cares. I respect Dooley and what he tried to do, but I'm not gonna hero worship the man out of some demented form of survivor's guilt because he lost his job. At the end of the day, he's just a man who failed to live up to his job expectations. Respect or not, if you cannot get your job done, the result is termination. That's not an attack on Dooley, it's a simple statement of fact.