Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

Small business owner said one of things that hurt is the history of some of these buildings that are 100's of years old and to see them going up in flames. Historical buildings.

Isn't this the type of stuff we have seen in war torn countries where the history has been destroyed out of hate and to intentionally erase it? Take people's dreams and life savings out of spite.
Yep, true American Hero is he....guess apple didn't fall far from the tree

Took the words right out of my mouth. The ultimate race baitor. You see where it comes from now. And Beijing Biden met with them when the guy has been openly spewing hate for years.
Took the words right out of my mouth. The ultimate race baitor. You see where it comes from now. And Beijing Biden met with them when the guy has been openly spewing hate for years.
Give Biden a break, he thought he was meeting with a random poor guy, who is just as smart as all the other white people. Either that or a member of the racial jungle he didn't want his kids growing up with..... It's hard to keep up these days.

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