Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

So everyone should just sit back and watch goons burn every damn thing.. there has to be a point where people are sick of the ****... don't see the media saying anything about crimes committed during the "peaceful" protest. Everyone knew , eventually people would be sick of it

The media can fan this flame or help douse the fire . It’s as much on them as it is the local / state governments . They are in the business to sell headlines and align themselves with causes so we know it’s just going to get worse . Eventually it will be stopped , all that’s left to be seen ..is body count and total $$$ lost.
The media can fan this flame or help douse the fire . It’s as much on them as it is the local / state governments . They are in the business to sell headlines and align themselves with causes so we know it’s just going to get worse . Eventually it will be stopped , all that’s left to be seen ..is body count and total $$$ lost.

I tell you what...This crap goes down they will be hunted down.
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I say we put all the cops, neo-nazis, KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, and wannabe Timothy McVeigh's in Idaho and build a wall around them. Everyone lives in peace thereafter. Problem solved.

Well that doesn’t sound racist or fascist of you at all . Anybody else you don’t like or agree with that you think should be locked away in our free society, you know while you going all authoritarian? What would you call Trump if he declared Martial law and did that to the ones he doesn’t agree with ? Smh
Well that doesn’t sound racist or fascist of you at all . Anybody else you don’t like or agree with that you think should be locked away in our free society, you know while you being going all authoritarian? What would you call Trump if he declared Martial law and did that to the ones he doesn’t agree with ? Smh
He named himself after a character in a movie that was cool when we were 13. We have to be careful of his edge so we don't cut ourselves.
“We’re”? That MF lives in a gated community with the wealthiest SOBs in the city. He needs to STFU
Another reason this crap falls on deaf ears. I dont want to hear how oppressed you are when you get paid millions to play a kids game, live in private areas, with private security and all the other perks they get.
Well that doesn’t sound racist or fascist of you at all . Anybody else you don’t like or agree with that you think should be locked away in our free society, you know while you going all authoritarian? What would you call Trump if he declared Martial law and did that to the ones he doesn’t agree with ? Smh
They won't be locked away. They'll be in Idaho.
He named himself after a character in a movie that was cool when we were 13. We have to be careful of his edge so we don't cut ourselves.
Still waiting for you to assert your toughness over everyone by typing out the N word so everyone can see how unafraid of words you are.
Oh I am, but I still haven't had anyone tell me, or try to convince me, that I should support the "movement" (read: terror organization). All I hear is that if I don't I'm racist.
You just not have had dinner yet at the inopportune restaurant where The Mob coerces you into submission. We have disussed Mob Rule for a long time on this forum and the libs decried it was a tool. Gotta throw up your hand salute like a Nazi and submit to BLM.
Another reason this crap falls on deaf ears. I dont want to hear how oppressed you are when you get paid millions to play a kids game, live in private areas, with private security and all the other perks they get.

Literally the 1% that were the protest of the Occupy Wall St movement. Gotta be a dumb MF to support a Marxist movement as a 1%er as well.
Literally the 1% that were the protest of the Occupy Wall St movement. Gotta be a dumb MF to support a Marxist movement as a 1%er as well.
It baffles me. If their communities are so bad, why dont they take their millions and invest in their communities? Its easy for all of these people to say but none of them ever do why is that?
It baffles me. If their communities are so bad, why dont they take their millions and invest in their communities? Its easy for all of these people to say but none of them ever do why is that?
If they're so against slavery, why do they all partake exuberantly in slave labor from China?

The answer is that they of course don't want rules to apply to themselves.
You didn’t answer my question , what if Trump did that ?
If you think I'm going to answer every single idiotic question you have that is in response to what is a clearly sarcastic post then you're going to be waiting a while. Don't hang out at playgrounds while you wait.
Serious question(s) here... maybe one of you "woke" Dems could answer.

1. Why is it ok for black people to call each other(or just anyone in general) the N-word, but no other race can use it?

2. Why is it that black people (or white BLM protestors) think they're entitled to walk through the suburbs in the middle of the night with a megaphone cursing white families for living in nice homes?

3. In conjunction with question 2. Why is it that black people think white people should never enter "the hood", but think they can go wherever they please?

4. Last but not least. Why do BLM only protest when a black person gets shot by a white cop and not when 100s get murdered by their own race in 1 week in Chicago? Why are they not trying to fix their "own kind" in these inner city hoods before trying to tell the rest of the world how they should be portrayed?
You are not allowed to ask these sort of questions!

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