Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

50/50 Those cops looked like they were full send before they rounded the car.

Also, don't dodge that the vast majority of cops aren't held accountable. I can't imagine how many incidents aren't fortunate enough to be caught on video. Even when they are, they get off while the tax payers pick up the tab. Like I said, it's a symptom of employing the lowest common denominators for law enforcement.

Vast majority no.

Are there cases such as the vegas cop who shot the guy in the hotel hall that should be in prison? Yes.
You’ve seen this first hand huh?


I spent a few months in Ecuador and the police work spends time on violent crime. They don't operate on a system of quotas and tickets. Sure, the crime rates are higher, but it's a poor country. There's not an issue of police brutality on the same scale we deal with for our comparable poverty levels.
Obviously that's a tricky thing to do, like lots of things in poli sci. Not an exact science. Not really a science even imo

But you can ask these questions-
How many countries had a giant Civil War, the bloodiest in their history, over slavery? How many countries have states or provinces that still celebrate symbols of the side that lost?
How many countries have taken as much territory as we have in the past 300 years in as short a period as we have and had to reconcile with the fact we took someone's land as we continue to live here?
How many countries have dealt with as much racial tension/violence in the past 50 years as America?
Why is the U.S. #1 in the world in terms of prison population and incarceration rate?
Why did Donald Trump win an elecion on building a wall to keep an invading horde of Mexicans out?
Why did we separate children at the boarder from their families?

We lost the Vietnam war but we have plenty of monuments and praise for the veterans that served there. Do you run around calling them losers? Are you also saying the US is the only country with blood or on their hands through history? You know how those slaves came to be? Sold by their own people. Mexico is a sh**hole that funnels drugs and criminals across the border constantly. Why is a wall to contain this illegal activity such a bad thing? You claim to be a person of “culture” but I think that’s just code for being weak. I bet you never served in any military service capacity and probably any travel abroad has been to some resort or tourist destination. As much as you claim to think you know you know little of the real world. You stay inside a bubble and comment on things you know absolutely NOTHING about.
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I spent a few months in Ecuador and the police work spends time on violent crime. They don't operate on a system of quotas and tickets. Sure, the crime rates are higher, but it's a poor country. There's not an issue of police brutality on the same scale we deal with for our comparable poverty levels.


The UN is asking the government to look into police brutality it's so bad.

Have you even read the human watch articles on there?

Try again......

The UN is asking the government to look into police brutality it's so bad.

Have you even read the human watch articles on there?

Try again......


This is without the element of profiling.

All lives matter less out there. The disparities are still abundant here... you know... the greatest country on earth.

You don't stay great by constantly avoiding improvement.
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Prison rate is due to crime laws passed by Biden.

France had a civil war also and at one time held vast areas.

Britain had a civil war called the revolution and held almost everything including Hong Kong, india, and africa.

-correct- But you forgot the things that went into that. including reconstruction/Jim Crow south, along with Nixon and Reagan. Zoning laws, Highway Construction Act, single parent provisions of the War on Poverty, and a laundry list of things way too long to fit here.
-France's civil war was unrelated to slavery or race
-England's civil war was unrelated to slavery or race- they also gave up all their colonies except the rest of the British Isles and we've seen how that's going with Scotland. America's still here
Thanks, I'm likable.

To line his pockets with cash. He doesn't g.a.s. about anything else, don't fool yourself.

Whoa, man I didn't vote for him first time around. And I think it is well-established that just about everyone 'serving' in the Congress/Presidency is enriched on the back end. It's awful

This is without the element of profiling.

All lives matter less out there. The disparities are still abundant here... you know... the greatest country on earth.

You don't stay great by constantly avoiding improvement.

Your moving the goal post.

I never said its perfect.

Nobody on here thinks its heaven.
What was Barry’s net worth before office? What is it now?

I'm not sure how drawing that comparison between the politician you despise the most in the world makes Trump look better.

Congratulations, Trump is no better than Obama, appreciate you pointing that out.
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Your moving the goal post.

I never said its perfect.

Nobody on here thinks its heaven.

Why complain if we all claim to strive for improvement?

Sure, the black community isn't perfect. Neither is our LEO system.

Here's the thing, we pay them to serve and protect. It's a higher standard.
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Whoa, man I didn't vote for him first time around. And I think it is well-established that just about everyone 'serving' in the Congress/Presidency is enriched on the back end. It's awful

The only person lacking in oxygen more than a Trump 16 voter is a 20 Trump voter.

You are literally skullf***ed into stupidity at that point.
We lost the Vietnam war but we have plenty of monuments and praise for the veterans that served there. Do you run around calling them losers? Are you also saying the US is the only country with blood or on their hands through history? You know how those slaves came to be? Sold by their own people. Mexico is a sh**hole that funnels drugs and criminals across the border constantly. Why is a wall to contain this illegal activity such a bad thing? You claim to be a person of “culture” but I think that’s just code for being weak. I bet you never served in any military service capacity and probably any travel abroad has been to some resort or tourist destination. As much as you claim to think you know you know little of the real world. You stay inside a bubble and comment on things you know absolutely NOTHING about.

I feel really bad for Vietnam vets and a lot of other people who get caught up in historical moments they have little power over. I'm sure a lot of them don't feel great about it. Not saying they shouldn't be proud for doing their duty, but obviously the ones calling the shots f'd up. That's barely debatable at this point. Also Trump was a draft dodger.

All I'm saying is the reason we have a race problem is our history. It's more intertwined than almost anywhere in the world. But hey you go keep on making personal attacks there Aristotle.
I am just shocked that the party that I always thought was more for “freedom” doesn’t have extreme issues with unarmed people being killed by a government agents. The protection of the citizen is most important. Period.
I'm not sure how drawing that comparison between the politician you despise the most in the world makes Trump look better.

Congratulations, Trump is no better than Obama. Appreciate you pointing that out.

It was a monetary comparison. You’re complaining about Trump who was already wealthy but ignore the guy who actually lined his own pockets.
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