Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

Looked like.....

Not sure huh?

Neither was the cop.

The cop who's life was on the line and took an oath to arrest the guy with the warrant.

You are playing arm chair QB with the cops life yet you cant even tell what the guy had or was going for.

So, in this case, you're trying to say the life of the officer mattered more than the perp because of the *possibility* that there may have been the threat of a small knife, so the guaranteed force of a gun (several shots of which) was necessary?
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Breonna’s new boyfriend shot, unlawfully, at police legally searching Breonna’s residence in connection with her old boyfriend and Breonna paid the price.

Unfortunate? Yes, both the outcome and the choices in men made by Breonna. Murder? Absolutely not.

She was murdered.
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One armed street medic from Kenosha shooting was a convicted felon

So, in this case, you're trying to say the life of the officer mattered more than the perp because of the *possibility* that there may have been the threat of a small knife, so the guaranteed force of a gun (several shots of which) was necessary?

Guy had warrant.

Officer was hired to protect.

Guy doesnt die if he doesnt resist AND reach into his car while resisting.

Officer didnt create the scenario or cause the guy to have a warrant and resist.

Why is this so hard?
Guy had warrant.

Officer was hired to protect.

Guy doesnt die if he doesnt resist AND reach into his car while resisting.

Officer didnt create the scenario or cause the guy to have a warrant and resist.

Why is this so hard?

The fact that we live in a society where this sort of policing is considered normal *IS* the issue people are protesting.

Why is that so hard?
You probably should have read the article you are digging a hole . “ Wisconsin Attorney General “is the source .

Jacob said he had a knife in his possession, in his car.

The article also says that witnesses said he didn't have a knife in the open.

How is that digging a hole?
So the guy should be allowed to resch into a car and grab a weapon to engage in open combat in your utopia?

Apparently your utopia tastes like faux boot leather and consists of men in uniforms having the power to tell you what to do like a dog, lest you risk being shot like one.

Small government? Yeah right lol.
-LA isn’t the most diverse city in the America
-if you believe the South have the “most racist” cities you are simply ignorant Of facts
- I don’t think “America” is racist any more or less than any other country in the world is

-Easily top 10 for large cities in the world. Maybe not number one but it's definitely up there. https://theculturetrip.com/north-am...he-10-most-multicultural-cities-in-the-world/
-...yeah... no...
- if you don't think America is anymore or less racist than any other country "you are simply ignorant Of facts"
Apparently your utopia tastes like faux boot leather and consists of men in uniforms having the power to tell you what to do like a dog, lest you risk being shot like one.

Small government? Yeah right lol.

Says the guy he gleefully supported the shutdown of his business by govt. Lol.
Just say it wasn't the officers fault and I will apologize.

This isn't dodgeball.


Watching you guys get twisted about what you really want me to have said, but didn't, is far more entertaining.
You do realize resisting arrest will end bad for you in any country during any time period.

Bad? Sure.

It doesn't end with death in the overwhelming majority of Western countries. You will 100% **** yourself in this debate if you want to invoke police work of other countries.

How's that American exceptionalism route taste right now? We look *real* great lately.
Jacob said he had a knife in his possession, in his car.

The article also says that witnesses said he didn't have a knife in the open.

How is that digging a hole?

So are u with Dink on this?

Guy resisting arrest should have been allowed to grab a weapon first and only then they could shoot it out on the streets like the wild west while innocent bystanders are watching nearby and maybe get hit by an errant bullet?

This the world we aiming for?

Or do we just stand down now and never arrest the guy and keep letting him break the law?
You do realize resisting arrest will end bad for you in any country during any time period.

Of course it will, it should - but it shouldn't result in death because the officer can't read minds or feels skeerd.

Part of the problem here is that we're giving low IQ bull sharks guns, putting them in tough situations with zero accountability.
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