Native SoKno
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Let me break this down for you so your double digit IQ might (if we are lucky) understand . JOE A makes 1 milliion a year after taxes and gives 50% of his money to charity.Joe B makes 20k a year after taxes and also gives 50% to charity. They both have a $300 a month mortgage a $130 a month car payment they spend $150 a month on food and $40 a month on utilities.After all expenses Joe A still has $492,560 to live on while Joe B has $2560 for the rest of the year.Now do you understand what he was originally stating by saying he gives up a large percentage of his income considering he does not make much.Do you get it now if not well there may one day be a cure for mental retardation.:hi:
Typically anyone that likes to call others dumb are insecure about their own intelligence. Furthermore, when you call people stupid etc, it shows your lack of intelligence and usually ends up making the entire discussion leave the realm of debating and turn into name calling and smack talking.
I can talk trash with the best of them, but when it comes to a political forum, there really is no place for it. It doesn't help us to understand the "other side" better or to gain perspective from another person's life experiences, which that boils down to complete arrogance and ignorance.
I'm gonna give you another chance did this post below happen before or after I as you say became militant.Look real hard at the time stamp oh and by the way never become a lawyer.Fine, Exhibit A: Post #145 From Today at 3:47 PM
Exhibit B: post #171 From Today at 4:51PM
I rest my case
OK BRAINIAC NOW WHICH OF THESE WAS POSTED FIRST?Jesus Christ dude, please explain to me how a post that quotes you calling someone out for having a "double-digit IQ" possibly qualifies as starting something? You really don't have a clue do you? You have to be a troll, there is no possible way that anyone is that dense.
Further, that is not even the post you quoted to begin with
2) "You give a large percentage to other despite your income level" doesn't make sense. Percentage is percentage regardless of what you make, but I forgot democrats don't believe in percentages (ie their idea of taxes)
Makes a whole hell of alot of sense on the contrary if I make 1million a year and give 50% I still have 500k to live on if I make 20k and give 50% I have 10k
to live on.Do you comprehend that? If so I'm glad I could help.If not there is not much I can do for double digit IQ's.:hi:
Actually I see now what emain was talking about I assumed he was talking about the post he put up here which happened todayUse this button and it would be a heck of a lot easier to figure out.
First, I'll find a link tying the democrats to the regulations. Give me a minute.
Second, do you need a link proving that democrats are socialists??? I thought this was universally accepted.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, by universal dumbazzes
Honestly, I thought it was pretty universal. If I'm a dumbass what does it make you, when you can't use a "Quote/Reply" button?
This is the second time you have suggested that I don't understand something. You can kiss my ass on that one, I assure you I understand it fully. You simply cannot argue that neoconservative is not a term for a political philosophy and people who subscribe to said philosophy, regardless of how you feel about whether or not the term makes sense.
As for socialism, I feel that it is a good idea on paper. However, implementing it in its pure form into a heterogeneous society is not exactly practical.
But maybe I should dumb that down a bit so I can fit your view of me. It ain't gonna work here cause there is too many different type of folks