Political violence against Republicans escalates

He's a republican. They consider them fair game. If it had been aoc, it would have ben a different story.
Yeah AOC complained that a Capitol police officer didn't do anything when someone called her a "big booty Latina" on the steps of the capitol, but someone gets on the stage with a shiv where a congressman is giving a speech and nothing but crickets. The plastic faced Gov. Hochul even posted dates and times when the congressman would be doing appearances so her radical Kool-Aid drinkers could harass him. I'm pretty well over democrats and their ways.
reporting that the perp was arrested on a federal charge (something you won't hear reported on msdnc/clown news network)

EXCLUSIVE: Veteran who tried to assassinate NY gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin during campaign event is arrested on federal assault charge one day after he was freed under state's lax bail laws: Shaved his goatee overnight after being released

The man who drunkenly attacked the Republican candidate for governor in New York was photographed being taken into custody by FBI, state and county police Saturday on federal assault charges, after being immediately released following the attack under the state's bail reform laws.

But on Saturday, DailyMail.com cameras saw Jakubonis, who had shaved his goatee overnight, was taken into custody by FBI, New York State police and deputies from the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.


David Jakubonis, 43, an Army veteran, was photographed being taken into custody by FBI, state and county police Saturday on federal assault charges for attacking Zeldin with a $10 cat keyring weapon at the congressman's Thursday campaign rally

He's set to make his first appearance in court Saturday afternoon in front of US Magistrate Judge Marion W. Payson.

The man who attacked NY gov candidate with $10 cat keyring weapon, taken into federal custody | Daily Mail Online
The attacker says he was drunk and “checked out”. Thought the speaker was insulting Veterans.

Neighbors say he has been going into a dark place since his wife died a few years ago. His twin daughters were even taken from him and placed with his brother.

Doesn’t sound like he had any political motivations.
The attacker says he was drunk and “checked out”. Thought the speaker was insulting Veterans.

Neighbors say he has been going into a dark place since his wife died a few years ago. His twin daughters were even taken from him and placed with his brother.

Doesn’t sound like he had any political motivations.
Are you saying insulting Veterans is grounds for attempted murder?
Do you know that Lee Zeldin is a LT Colonel (and still enlisted in the reserves)? And the event was sponsored by AMVETS? I doubt that he was "insulting veterans"

I have no idea what Zeldin was saying in the moment. I’m just repeating what the attacker said, who was admittedly drunk and is also a veteran.

The point is this was not a politically motivated attack.
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I have no idea what Zeldin was saying in the moment. I’m just repeating what the attacker said, who was admittedly drunk and is also a veteran.

The point is this was not a politically motivated attack.

Yes. Because the person who had his kids taken from him says it wasn’t politically motivated. Case closed Columbo??
Yeah AOC complained that a Capitol police officer didn't do anything when someone called her a "big booty Latina" on the steps of the capitol, but someone gets on the stage with a shiv where a congressman is giving a speech and nothing but crickets. The plastic faced Gov. Hochul even posted dates and times when the congressman would be doing appearances so her radical Kool-Aid drinkers could harass him. I'm pretty well over democrats and their ways.

Republican and Libertarian candidates can’t incite their followers to show up at opponents rallies to protest. They know we’re too busy working, raising our kids, mowing the grass and coaching Little League. Things that well adjusted people do. Only Dems have the time to be professional protesters.
Yes. Because the person who had his kids taken from him says it wasn’t politically motivated. Case closed Columbo??

Good grief. You poor persecuted snowflakes.

Funny when a right winger writes a manifesto explaining why they go shoot up a grocery store or what have you it’s just a “mental health problem”. But when an obviously drunk man stumbles on stage with key ring thing it’s “politically motivated attack on conservatives”

Guy was a veteran himself and said he thought (wrongly perhaps) that Zeldin was insulting veterans. Now if I were to profile this guy’s voting record my guess is he probably votes Republican. IF he votes at all.

I’m not justifying the attack and nothing I have written insinuates that.
Good grief. You poor persecuted snowflakes.

Funny when a right winger writes a manifesto explaining why they go shoot up a grocery store or what have you it’s just a “mental health problem”. But when an obviously drunk man stumbles on stage with key ring thing it’s “politically motivated attack on conservatives”

Guy was a veteran himself and said he thought (wrongly perhaps) that Zeldin was insulting veterans. Now if I were to profile this guy’s voting record my guess is he probably votes Republican. IF he votes at all.

I’m not justifying the attack and nothing I have written insinuates that.

Nahh man. I believe the right wingers too. I also believe this idiot got some coaching after he got out of jail. Having this happen after Face Lift Kathy encouraged people to protest Zeldins appearances is a real bad look for her .
You guys look stupid trying to take that position. Trump and his idiot son whipped the crowd into a frenzy and told them to march to the capitol and let their position be known. Trump got what he wanted - a big sh!t show.

When Sanders was claiming congress was actually killing Americans because of their stance on healthcare and then a supporter and campaign employee of his decided to kill gop congress members at a baseball practice, did that meet your standard too?
Politicians arent people.

You really want them to use this case to slap us with more laws comrade?
It’s not new by the left/progressives. 5 years since Steve Scalise shooting. Wolf in sheeps clothing…peace, kindness, unity, equality as long as you agree with what they say. If not you die, shot, stabbed, lose your business or career.

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