Poll: If you are a Trump supporter, do you consider him to be a “good Christian?”

Is Donald Trump someone you would call/consider a “good Christian?”

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 6.1%
  • No

    Votes: 67 58.3%
  • I like pie

    Votes: 31 27.0%
  • Turbo just vote here and save everyone time

    Votes: 10 8.7%

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Have you seen the new “God Made Trump” video? Curious to hear your thoughts on it.
You've been pontificating in a public forum about a language of which you have manifestly little knowledge, making sweeping doctrinal pronouncements on the basis of demonstrably false philological and historical claims. You can expect to be challenged, whether you care to engage constructively or not.

All the best to you and yours, Slice.

First of all, I’ve never noticed you before. I don’t know you and therefore I don’t respect you. Your inability to read and comprehend doesn’t help me want to interact with you as it’s clearly of no value to me. And honestly that’s why I have these conversations, “to refine my beliefs like silver in the fire”
But you’ve made an ignorant and arrogant post so I’m going to set aside my disinterest in you for one post and since you’re incapable of reading simple links that prove the word usage of the day, let’s go at this by the law of G-d. “Christians” never seem to know anything about the law. The law of G-d says that to provide proof of a statement there must be 2 witnesses.
Your statement is that Mathew 25:46 says that people suffer in hell forever. “Eternal punishment”
First I will provide witnesses that the use of eternal in this verse doesn’t mean what people today would believe as “forever and ever” but the usage of the day was “for a long period of time” or “final”
Eternal Judgment” – Hebrews 6:2
What does “eternal judgment” mean? It’s pretty simple; God judges, and the result is everlasting. Few traditionalists, if any, argue that this verse teaches that God is continually judging for eternity, banging his gavel and repeatedly declaring saved or unsaved the same finite number of existent people.
But wait a minute; it doesn’t say “the eternal results of judgment.” It says “eternal judgment.” Following the reasoning applied to Matthew 25:46, this verse must teach that God is continually in the act of judging! Following Gomes’ reasoning, “One could argue that [a universe in which God is not longer in the act of judging but the effects remain] might be the result of [judgment]. But the Scriptures say that it is the [judgment] itself which is eternal, not merely its result.” However, we all know that that would be absurd, so no one believes it.Regarding Hebrews 6:2 and “eternal judgment,” what is eternal is the outcome; God judges, and the judgment is the result. Likewise, it at least could be the case that God punishes the unsaved by destroying them, and the punishment is the results, results that last for eternity.
Some may still be tempted to say “but it doesn’t say the ‘the result of punishment!'” However, unless they are to say that God will forever be continuously in the act of judging, this is really no longer an option.
“Eternal Sin” – Mark 3:29
The person who commits the “eternal sin” is not doing the act for eternity. How would that even work? If that were the case, they would never actually finish the act! Context clues us in even further. This passage isn’t referring to some vague “unpardonable sin.” The text tells us what is in view: the Pharisees saying that Jesus had an unclean spirit. In other words, after having seen Jesus cast out demons, clearly an act of God, they instead slander him and accuse him of working on behalf of the devil! To do so was to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, by whose power Jesus was working.
It was an act of finite duration that they committed (though probably more than once). They said “he has an unclean spirit,” not “he has an unclean spppppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiii…” unto eternity! It is a sin with eternal consequences. Once one has done it, they have no hope ever.45
“Eternal Redemption” – Hebrews 9:12
Jesus obtained “eternal redemption” for us. Certainly Jesus isn’t continually in the act of redeeming us. After all, we gained redemption “through His blood” (Ephesians 1:7). That certainly isn’t going to happen again and again throughout eternity! He died once for all (Hebrews 10:10). It does not say “the results of redemption”; nonetheless, redemption as an act, i.e. the act of redeeming, was done once, not continually for ever and ever. The result of the act of redeeming, the “redemption,” is what lasts for ever and ever.
“Eternal Salvation” – Hebrews 5:9
The same is true as above. The act of saving us will not go on for eternity. Why would it need to? Jesus already died a rose again to save us. Most would take this for granted.6 Jesus will not be continually in the act of saving us, but the result, that we are saved (our “salvation”), lasts for ever and ever.
“Eternal Inheritance” – Hebrews 9:15
Our inheritance, the thing which we inherit, the result of our inheriting the kingdom, is what is eternal. We certainly are not going to be in the act of inheriting for eternity. We inherit, and we forever have what we inherit.
So Then…
It may be hasty to say that Matthew 25:46 must be like these passages. Nevertheless, it certainly is a reasonable possibility that it is. With this in mind, Matthew 25:46 certainly does not prove anything in rebuttal to evangelical conditionalism.

Now let’s deal with the second problem you have in claiming the “punishment” in this verse refers to “Hell”. The term punishment can mean many things. Being imprisoned could be one usage. Death could be another. I know that you’re trying to build doctrine on one vs and scare children into a belief system but let’s see what the witnesses say.
Psalm 1:6 “But the way of the ungodly shall perish”
If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they don’t believe the ungodly perish at all– but live forever in hell.
Psalm 37:20 “But the wicked shall perish… they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.”
If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they don’t believe the wicked will be “consumed.” Instead, they believe the wicked and tortured and never consumed.
Psalm 69:28 says that the wicked are “blotted out of the book of the living.”
This continues the consistency of scripture which tells us the wicked die– not that they are eternally living in a conscious hell.
Ps. 34:16, 21 “evil brings death to the wicked.”
Of course, if one believes in eternal hell, one doesn’t believe that evil brings death at all, but brings life– in hell.
Psalm 92:7 “… shall be destroyed forever.”
If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they don’t believe those who are lost are “destroyed” but again, that they live forever.
Prob. 24:20 “the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.”
To believe in eternal conscious hell means one believes they will not be snuffed out at all.
Dan. 2:35 “the wind swept them away without leaving a trace.”
This continues the theme of totally destroyed– there’s not a trace of the wicked. This is the opposite of eternal life in hell.
Isa. 1:28, 30–31 “rebels and sinners shall be destroyed together, and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed.”
Obadiah 1:16 It will be as if the evil “had never been.“
This speaks to ceasing to exist– not eternal life in hell. In the traditional hell it will not be “as if they had never been” because they’ll live eternally and still “be.”
Mal 4:1 “All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the LORD Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them.”
Here God is quoted directly– the evildoers are destroyed like straw thrown into the fire, and nothing is left. This shows total annihilation (they no longer exist). To believe in eternal hell, one would have to argue that God was mistaken and that they aren’t destroyed in the fire at all– but live forever in the fire without being consumed, which is the exact opposite of what God claimed.
Again, as I said on That God Show, hell is NOT in the Old Testament. Instead, they believed that the wicked are destroyed– that they die and do not get resurrected to eternal life. This is the testimony of the whole of scripture. To believe in eternal conscious hell is to really be at odds with the terminology we see scripture use. These same claims of annihilation and destruction continue in the New Testament:
Matthew 10:28 “Rather, fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Here Jesus himself teaches against hell– saying that those who are lost experience the death of their soul. If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they believe Jesus was wrong on this point, and that souls don’t die at all, but will live forever in hell.
John 3:16 “…whosoever believeth in him should not perish”
Again, to believe in hell, one must believe Jesus was wrong in John 3:16 and that people don’t “perish” at all, but live forever in hell.
Matthew 7:13: “broad is the road that leads to destruction“
Jesus in his warnings continues with the repetitive testimony of scripture: the consequence of rejecting reconciliation with God is destruction– not everlasting life in torment.
Jesus on a variety of occasions uses the metaphor of fire that consumes not tortures: Matt. 7:19; 13:40; John 15:6
Philippians 3:19 “whose end is destruction…“
There’s that pesky word “destroyed” again. Those who believe in eternal hell don’t believe one is destroyed in hell, but lives there forever.
2 Thessalonians 1:9 “who shall be punished with everlasting destruction …”
Getting repetitive yet? Seems like the Bible is getting pretty clear that the consequence of rejecting God is destruction, not eternal life in hell.
1 Cor 3:17: “God will destroy that person”
There’s that word again that doesn’t mean tortured in hell, but just means what it says– destroyed.
2 Cor 2:15-16: “those that perish“
Again, if Paul meant hell, he should have said it– seems like everyone talks about perishing, being destroyed– but doesn’t talk about hell.
Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death..“
Growing up we’re taught that the “wages of sin is hell” but nope– it’s perishing, dying, being destroyed.. the opposite of eternal life in hell.
Hebrews 10:39 “But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.”
Another version of the same term… destroyed.
James 4:12a “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy.”
Seems like every biblical author wants us to understand to be “destroyed” is the natural consequence…
2 Peter 2:3: “Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.”
Revelation 20:14 “This is the second death…”
Those who believe in eternal conscious hell don’t believe in the second death– they believe everyone is immortal, and that some will live forever in hell. Rev 20:14 is clear that they die– they don’t live forever in hell at all.

I wish you the best of luck in putting together 2 witnesses for each of my assertions.

Thanks again for wasting my time.
Your statement is that Mathew 25:46 says that people suffer in hell forever. “Eternal punishment”
I've made no doctrinal assertion at all; I stated explicitly at the outset that I wouldn't be entering into the doctrinal discussion. I made a simple philological observation about the meaning of a Greek word (or, rather, what its meaning is not). I supplied as evidence of my assertion the relevant entry in the standard Greek-English lexicon, in which the semantic range of the word αἰώνιος is illustrated by citation of specific, illustrative passages from the extant corpus of ancient Greek literature.

The question of whether or not αἰώνιος means final (as you contend) is a philological one, not a doctrinal one. If you wish to refute or supplement the entry compiled by those eminent Oxford dons, you'll need to supply Greek-language philological evidence, not doctrinal arguments based on English-language translations. No matter how many vague mentions of "ancient Greek scrolls," citations of irrelevant Hebrew-language manuscripts, tedious lists of English-language proof texts, and groundless, gratuitous insults you bring to the question, you come no nearer to demonstrating that the Greek adjective αἰώνιος means -- contrary to any reputable Greek lexicon -- final.
I've made no doctrinal assertion at all; I stated explicitly at the outset that I wouldn't be entering into the doctrinal discussion. I made a simple philological observation about the meaning of a Greek word (or, rather, what its meaning is not). I supplied as evidence of my assertion the relevant entry in the standard Greek-English lexicon, in which the semantic range of the word αἰώνιος is illustrated by citation of specific, illustrative passages from the extant corpus of ancient Greek literature.

The question of whether or not αἰώνιος means final (as you contend) is a philological one, not a doctrinal one. If you wish to refute or supplement the entry compiled by those eminent Oxford dons, you'll need to supply Greek-language philological evidence, not doctrinal arguments based on English-language translations. No matter how many vague mentions of "ancient Greek scrolls," citations of irrelevant Hebrew-language manuscripts, tedious lists of English-language proof texts, and groundless, gratuitous insults you bring to the question, you come no nearer to demonstrating that the Greek adjective αἰώνιος means -- contrary to any reputable Greek lexicon -- final.
All of that Bull **** you’re spilling is irrelevant to how the world viewed the word at the time. The actual evidence is used in other places. For our purposes it’s the Bible. it’s use is conclusive.
Bye Bye.
There is no hell for humans. And one verse doesn’t offset the vastness of what is taught by scripture
That's not the only thing that you've been wrong about. And by the way, you quote Hebrews a lot for a fella that doesn't believe it should be in the bible.
That's not the only thing that you've been wrong about. And by the way, you quote Hebrews a lot for a fella that doesn't believe it should be in the bible.
You clearly don’t believe the Bible as it is proven beyond any doubt that the vastness of scripture clearly says there is no life in hell for the unrighteous. Only feast Edit: (Death not feast) and destruction.
If one verse doesn’t align with the other 40 then you’re reading the one wrong and not the 40.

Also. It’s not lost on me that you missed that the Hebrews verse was evidence of word usage at the time.

So. As the law of G-d requires, show us 2 witnesses that say the opposite of every one of the verses I quoted.

But we all know you’re not interested in the truth
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You clearly don’t believe the Bible as it is proven beyond any doubt that the vastness of scripture clearly says there is no life in hell for the unrighteous. Only feast and destruction.
If one verse doesn’t align with the other 40 then you’re reading the one wrong and not the 40.

Also. It’s not lost on me that you missed that the Hebrews verse was evidence of word usage at the time.

So. As the law of G-d requires, show us 2 witnesses that say the opposite of every one of the verses I quoted or stfu

So you're saying that the unrighteous are promised a banquet? That's an odd doctrine.

I guess it's like the old proverb: Fried goeth before the fall.
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And while we’re at it, Hebrews was written by a woman named Pricilla and has way too many errors to be considered scripture.
Still curious to hear about this "feast" set for the unrighteous. Seems counterintuitive.
Ya. Auto correct got me. (But you knew that already)
So I’m leaving it.

Although we can move on to the feasts of G-d and how they also point to the results of sin being death and not live in hell.
You clearly don’t believe the Bible as it is proven beyond any doubt that the vastness of scripture clearly says there is no life in hell for the unrighteous. Only feast Edit: (Death not feast) and destruction.
If one verse doesn’t align with the other 40 then you’re reading the one wrong and not the 40.

Also. It’s not lost on me that you missed that the Hebrews verse was evidence of word usage at the time.

So. As the law of G-d requires, show us 2 witnesses that say the opposite of every one of the verses I quoted.

But we all know you’re not interested in the truth
How many times does God have to say something for it to be true?
How many times does God have to say something for it to be true?

It’s been said over and over and you’re ignoring the truth in favor of vanity
Does G-d contradict himself?
If your 1 verse contradicts the rest of the 40 then you’re reading it wrong.

Do you believe the Bible?
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Here’s what the Bible says.
Do you believe the Bible?

Psalm 1:6 “But the way of the ungodly shall perish”

If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they don’t believe the ungodly perish at all– but live forever in hell.

Psalm 37:20 “But the wicked shall perish… they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.”

If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they don’t believe the wicked will be “consumed.” Instead, they believe the wicked and tortured and never consumed.

Psalm 69:28 says that the wicked are “blotted out of the book of the living.”

This continues the consistency of scripture which tells us the wicked die– not that they are eternally living in a conscious hell.

Ps. 34:16, 21 “evil brings death to the wicked.”

Of course, if one believes in eternal hell, one doesn’t believe that evil brings death at all, but brings life– in hell.

Psalm 92:7 “… shall be destroyed forever.”

If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they don’t believe those who are lost are “destroyed” but again, that they live forever.

Prov. 24:20 “the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.”

To believe in eternal conscious hell means one believes they will not be snuffed out at all.

Dan. 2:35 “the wind swept them away without leaving a trace.”

This continues the theme of totally destroyed– there’s not a trace of the wicked. This is the opposite of eternal life in hell.

Isa. 1:28, 30–31 “rebels and sinners shall be destroyed together, and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed.”

Obadiah 1:16 It will be as if the evil “had never been.“

This speaks to ceasing to exist– not eternal life in hell. In the traditional hell it will not be “as if they had never been” because they’ll live eternally and still “be.”

Mal 4:1 “All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the LORD Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them.”

Here God is quoted directly– the evildoers are destroyed like straw thrown into the fire, and nothing is left. This shows total annihilation (they no longer exist). To believe in eternal hell, one would have to argue that God was mistaken and that they aren’t destroyed in the fire at all– but live forever in the fire without being consumed, which is the exact opposite of what God claimed.

Again, as I said on That God Show, hell is NOT in the Old Testament. Instead, they believed that the wicked are destroyed– that they die and do not get resurrected to eternal life. This is the testimony of the whole of scripture. To believe in eternal conscious hell is to really be at odds with the terminology we see scripture use. These same claims of annihilation and destruction continue in the New Testament:

Matthew 10:28 “Rather, fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Here Jesus himself teaches against hell– saying that those who are lost experience the death of their soul. If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they believe Jesus was wrong on this point, and that souls don’t die at all, but will live forever in hell.

John 3:16 “…whosoever believeth in him should not perish”

Again, to believe in hell, one must believe Jesus was wrong in John 3:16 and that people don’t “perish” at all, but live forever in hell.

Matthew 7:13: “broad is the road that leads to destruction“

Jesus in his warnings continues with the repetitive testimony of scripture: the consequence of rejecting reconciliation with God is destruction– not everlasting life in torment.

Jesus on a variety of occasions uses the metaphor of fire that consumes not tortures: Matt. 7:19; 13:40; John 15:6

Philippians 3:19 “whose end is destruction…“

There’s that pesky word “destroyed” again. Those who believe in eternal hell don’t believe one is destroyed in hell, but lives there forever.

2 Thessalonians 1:9 “who shall be punished with everlasting destruction …”

Getting repetitive yet? Seems like the Bible is getting pretty clear that the consequence of rejecting God is destruction, not eternal life in hell.

1 Cor 3:17: “God will destroy that person”

There’s that word again that doesn’t mean tortured in hell, but just means what it says– destroyed.

2 Cor 2:15-16: “those that perish“

Again, if Paul meant hell, he should have said it– seems like everyone talks about perishing, being destroyed– but doesn’t talk about hell.

Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death..“

Growing up we’re taught that the “wages of sin is hell” but nope– it’s perishing, dying, being destroyed.. the opposite of eternal life in hell.

Hebrews 10:39 “But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.”

Another version of the same term… destroyed.

James 4:12a “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy.”

Seems like every biblical author wants us to understand to be “destroyed” is the natural consequence…

2 Peter 2:3: “Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.”

Revelation 20:14 “This is the second death…”

Those who believe in eternal conscious hell don’t believe in the second death– they believe everyone is immortal, and that some will live forever in hell. Rev 20:14 is clear that they die– they don’t live forever in hell at all.
Given Trump's general demeanor, his insults, his mocking of McCain yesterday, and just on and on, I have to think that at some point the novelty will wear off and the voters will reject his spiteful, know nothing, immoral, empty campaign.
It’s been said over and over and you’re ignoring the truth in favor of vanity
Does G-d contradict himself?
If your 1 verse contradicts the rest of the 40 then you’re reading it wrong.

Do you believe the Bible?
I've given you more than one...
Let me remind you...
1. Matthew 25:46
2. Rev 20:10
3. Luke 16 describes the punishment in hell awaiting the final judgement and eternal punishment.

You just keep twisting the scriptures... Oh wait you are trying to refer to other books and denying the bible.
Here’s what the Bible says.
Do you believe the Bible?

Psalm 1:6 “But the way of the ungodly shall perish”

If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they don’t believe the ungodly perish at all– but live forever in hell.

Psalm 37:20 “But the wicked shall perish… they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.”

If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they don’t believe the wicked will be “consumed.” Instead, they believe the wicked and tortured and never consumed.

Psalm 69:28 says that the wicked are “blotted out of the book of the living.”

This continues the consistency of scripture which tells us the wicked die– not that they are eternally living in a conscious hell.

Ps. 34:16, 21 “evil brings death to the wicked.”

Of course, if one believes in eternal hell, one doesn’t believe that evil brings death at all, but brings life– in hell.

Psalm 92:7 “… shall be destroyed forever.”

If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they don’t believe those who are lost are “destroyed” but again, that they live forever.

Prov. 24:20 “the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.”

To believe in eternal conscious hell means one believes they will not be snuffed out at all.

Dan. 2:35 “the wind swept them away without leaving a trace.”

This continues the theme of totally destroyed– there’s not a trace of the wicked. This is the opposite of eternal life in hell.

Isa. 1:28, 30–31 “rebels and sinners shall be destroyed together, and those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed.”

Obadiah 1:16 It will be as if the evil “had never been.“

This speaks to ceasing to exist– not eternal life in hell. In the traditional hell it will not be “as if they had never been” because they’ll live eternally and still “be.”

Mal 4:1 “All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the LORD Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them.”

Here God is quoted directly– the evildoers are destroyed like straw thrown into the fire, and nothing is left. This shows total annihilation (they no longer exist). To believe in eternal hell, one would have to argue that God was mistaken and that they aren’t destroyed in the fire at all– but live forever in the fire without being consumed, which is the exact opposite of what God claimed.

Again, as I said on That God Show, hell is NOT in the Old Testament. Instead, they believed that the wicked are destroyed– that they die and do not get resurrected to eternal life. This is the testimony of the whole of scripture. To believe in eternal conscious hell is to really be at odds with the terminology we see scripture use. These same claims of annihilation and destruction continue in the New Testament:

Matthew 10:28 “Rather, fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Here Jesus himself teaches against hell– saying that those who are lost experience the death of their soul. If one believes in eternal conscious hell, they believe Jesus was wrong on this point, and that souls don’t die at all, but will live forever in hell.

John 3:16 “…whosoever believeth in him should not perish”

Again, to believe in hell, one must believe Jesus was wrong in John 3:16 and that people don’t “perish” at all, but live forever in hell.

Matthew 7:13: “broad is the road that leads to destruction“

Jesus in his warnings continues with the repetitive testimony of scripture: the consequence of rejecting reconciliation with God is destruction– not everlasting life in torment.

Jesus on a variety of occasions uses the metaphor of fire that consumes not tortures: Matt. 7:19; 13:40; John 15:6

Philippians 3:19 “whose end is destruction…“

There’s that pesky word “destroyed” again. Those who believe in eternal hell don’t believe one is destroyed in hell, but lives there forever.

2 Thessalonians 1:9 “who shall be punished with everlasting destruction …”

Getting repetitive yet? Seems like the Bible is getting pretty clear that the consequence of rejecting God is destruction, not eternal life in hell.

1 Cor 3:17: “God will destroy that person”

There’s that word again that doesn’t mean tortured in hell, but just means what it says– destroyed.

2 Cor 2:15-16: “those that perish“

Again, if Paul meant hell, he should have said it– seems like everyone talks about perishing, being destroyed– but doesn’t talk about hell.

Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death..“

Growing up we’re taught that the “wages of sin is hell” but nope– it’s perishing, dying, being destroyed.. the opposite of eternal life in hell.

Hebrews 10:39 “But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.”

Another version of the same term… destroyed.

James 4:12a “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy.”

Seems like every biblical author wants us to understand to be “destroyed” is the natural consequence…

2 Peter 2:3: “Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.”

Revelation 20:14 “This is the second death…”

Those who believe in eternal conscious hell don’t believe in the second death– they believe everyone is immortal, and that some will live forever in hell. Rev 20:14 is clear that they die– they don’t live forever in hell at all.
It's not eternal life but eternal death. They are going to forever perish.

Do you believe John and Paul's writings are as much scripture and are as authoritative as the writings of Moses?
It's not eternal life but eternal death. They are going to forever perish.

Do you believe John and Paul's writings are as much scripture and are as authoritative as the writings of Moses?
that’s just stupid.


The originals might be.
Too bad you’re not interested in what they say.
I've given you more than one...
Let me remind you...
1. Matthew 25:46
2. Rev 20:10
3. Luke 16 describes the punishment in hell awaiting the final judgement and eternal punishment.

You just keep twisting the scriptures... Oh wait you are trying to refer to other books and denying the bible.

Lazarus and the rich man is a parable. Utilizing the Greek understanding of Hades.

Unless you now believe
-there’s a gulf separating heaven and hell.
-those in heaven can see those in hell
- those in heaven can communicate across the gulf
-Abraham can receive prayers from the damned
-Abraham has authority over those in heaven and hell and can give orders.

There’s literally nothing about that story that matches any actual scripture.

And you claim to believe and know the Bible.

You don’t actually care what it says. Your faith is in dogma

Rev 20:10 is irrelevant to mortals.

You may be a false prophet but you’re not the false prophet so if you’re thrown in you won’t be there but a split second. Just long enough to be destroyed…..like it says will happen to the damned.
Where’d you go?
I was looking forward to the meltdown that was coming when I explained Passover.

Was getting ready to fill in for teaching a Sunday School class for 6- and 7-year-olds since their teacher has Nat.Guard drill this weekend.

Also helping my wife to serve Fellowship Luncheon after CC Communion today. Hot dog meal with all the sides!
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Given Trump's general demeanor, his insults, his mocking of McCain yesterday, and just on and on, I have to think that at some point the novelty will wear off and the voters will reject his spiteful, know nothing, immoral, empty campaign.

If only they would also do so for Biden!

VN Store
