POLL: Should Trump Invoke the Insurrection Act?

Should Trump Invoke the Insurrection Act?

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You're welcome. It would be hard to argue that his speech isn't generally divisive and many times, hate filled

I will agree that sometimes it is, however adults are responsible for their own decisions and actions and regardless what Trump or any politician says there is no excuse for rioting and violence. You don't like Trump and want him out of office? Be an adult and go vote.
Police reform isn't a federal issue it's a state issue. I don't think any of us want the federal .gov passing laws trying to fix local/state problems.

It's a United States problem though--and Trump is the chief executive. I'm guessing if Biden was in charge presently he would receive plenty of criticism too. It's the nature of the job. He needs to facilitate finding solutions to the problems we face rather than making them worse.
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It's a United States problem though--and Trump is the chief executive. I'm guessing if Biden was in charge presently he would receive plenty of criticism too. It's the nature of the job. He needs to facilitate finding solutions to the problems we face rather than make them worse.

Criticism is fine and Trump has given everyone plenty to criticize. Police actions and these riots are not his fault and there is little he can really do without going Lincoln on us and we don't want that.
I will agree that sometimes it is, however adults are responsible for their own decisions and actions and regardless what Trump or any politician says there is no excuse for rioting and violence. You don't like Trump and want him out of office? Be an adult and go vote.
One of the reasons I don't like him is for what I stated above. Other things too, mainly dealing with being unfit and unqualified. I agree there is no excuse for rioting and violence. Don't think for one second that all the violence has been by left wing groups. Be an adult? That because I'm adult I know better than to foolishly claim Trump has some kind of great business acumen......a little prick:p
People aren't saying he is in charge and responsible for stopping them. People are saying his continuous divisive rhetoric and hate filled comments are responsible for the current state of affairs
And they get so upset about his words that they burn and destroy their own cities?

There's a dem senator claiming democracy is unnatural yet Trump is the real danger?
Criticism is fine and Trump has given everyone plenty to criticize. Police actions and these riots are not his fault and there is little he can really do without going Lincoln on us and we don't want that.
How about bringing people together to share ideas to find a solution. That's what real leaders do, but of course, we all know Trump isn't any kind of real leader
It's a United States problem though--and Trump is the chief executive. I'm guessing if Biden was in charge presently he would receive plenty of criticism too. It's the nature of the job. He needs to facilitate finding solutions to the problems we face rather than making them worse.
Modern politicians dont fix problems. They create bad solutions that justify future actions by the government.
And they get so upset about his words that they burn and destroy their own cities?

There's a dem senator claiming democracy is unnatural yet Trump is the real danger?
I'm not saying I agree with it. I don't agree with the Dem Senator either
How about bringing people together to share ideas to find a solution. That's what real leaders do, but of course, we all know Trump isn't any kind of real leader
Do you honestly think the major players in either party would be seen working with the other guys? They would get hated on by their side for being traitors.
One of the reasons I don't like him is for what I stated above. Other things too, mainly dealing with being unfit and unqualified. I agree there is no excuse for rioting and violence. Don't think for one second that all the violence has been by left wing groups. Be an adult? That because I'm adult I know better than to foolishly claim Trump has some kind of great business acumen......a little prick:p

Dick jokes, very adult of you.
And they get so upset about his words that they burn and destroy their own cities?

There's a dem senator claiming democracy is unnatural yet Trump is the real danger?

Actually if you really think about it, democracy is unnatural and is doomed to fail.
Trump to consider invoking ‘insurrection’ law after demonstrators attack Rand Paul outside W.H.

I have seen a lot of posts the past few days saying that Trump should be blamed for the riots, as he is currently in charge and is not stopping them.

I guess that is surprising to me considering that I didn't know so many of the left leaning people on the board were in favor of the Insurrection Act. Especially under Trump. I figured I would go ahead and poll the audience.

The play's the thing.

You are falling into the very trap President Oompa Loompa has set for his mindless followers. Stoke the controversy. Talk about riots and insurrection and Second Amendment and you can't support police if you don't condemn protests and its okay and even a good idea to confront and antagonize and provoke BLM so you can shoot at people like you really want to, and on and on. Nurse that fear and white resentment. Coax it along whenever he can. Pray on people's prejudices and anxieties.

He loves to keep people worried and afraid. Its the mark of a true dictator.
The play's the thing.

You are falling into the very trap President Oompa Loompa has set for his mindless followers. Stoke the controversy. Talk about riots and insurrection and Second Amendment and you can't support police if you don't condemn protests and its okay and even a good idea to confront and antagonize and provoke BLM so you can shoot at people like you really want to, and on and on. Nurse that fear and white resentment. Coax it along whenever he can. Pray on people's prejudices and anxieties.

He loves to keep people worried and afraid. Its the mark of a true dictator.

He has the legal means to seize more power and control and hasn't yet he's a dictator?
The play's the thing.

You are falling into the very trap President Oompa Loompa has set for his mindless followers. Stoke the controversy. Talk about riots and insurrection and Second Amendment and you can't support police if you don't condemn protests and its okay and even a good idea to confront and antagonize and provoke BLM so you can shoot at people like you really want to, and on and on. Nurse that fear and white resentment. Coax it along whenever he can. Pray on people's prejudices and anxieties.

He loves to keep people worried and afraid. Its the mark of a true dictator.
Many of his supporters don't understand that you can condemn the riots, support the 2nd amendment and support the police all at the same time
The play's the thing.

You are falling into the very trap President Oompa Loompa has set for his mindless followers. Stoke the controversy. Talk about riots and insurrection and Second Amendment and you can't support police if you don't condemn protests and its okay and even a good idea to confront and antagonize and provoke BLM so you can shoot at people like you really want to, and on and on. Nurse that fear and white resentment. Coax it along whenever he can. Pray on people's prejudices and anxieties.

He loves to keep people worried and afraid. Its the mark of a true dictator.

If he was a true dictator , I could turn you in for calling him Oopa Loompa and we would have one less Florida fan you silly gator.😊
The play's the thing.

You are falling into the very trap President Oompa Loompa has set for his mindless followers. Stoke the controversy. Talk about riots and insurrection and Second Amendment and you can't support police if you don't condemn protests and its okay and even a good idea to confront and antagonize and provoke BLM so you can shoot at people like you really want to, and on and on. Nurse that fear and white resentment. Coax it along whenever he can. Pray on people's prejudices and anxieties.

He loves to keep people worried and afraid. Its the mark of a true dictator.
LG appears and EL retires from posting. Now I've forced his hand and he's going to have to switch back and forth.
Many of his supporters don't understand that you can condemn the riots, support the 2nd amendment and support the police all at the same time
Again it plays out on the other side. How many times in this forum does the looting/rioting get mentioned as bad and then someone has to say they are just protestors and you cant interfere?
Criticism is fine and Trump has given everyone plenty to criticize. Police actions and these riots are not his fault and there is little he can really do without going Lincoln on us and we don't want that.

If by "little he can really do" you mean something other than what I've already suggested you're probably right. But he hasn't even done that yet. He yells on twitter and threatens to send in the national guard.
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Police reform isn't a federal issue it's a state issue. I don't think any of us want the federal .gov passing laws trying to fix local/state problems.

It's weird to think that the "state's rights" has had a polar inversion, but look at which states are now most adamant about state's rights.
It's weird to think that the "state's rights" has had a polar inversion, but look at which states are now most adamant about state's rights.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Happened under Obama. Texas was fed up and ready to leave. Now its California's turn to want out.
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If by "little he can really do" you mean something other than what I've already suggested you're probably right. But he hasn't even done that yet. He yells on twitter and threatens to send in the national guard.

Yeah, I wish he would stop that ****. I wish if he has to tweet something just tweet. "xyz citizens fix this at the ballot box" or something like that.
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