POLL: Should Trump Invoke the Insurrection Act?

Should Trump Invoke the Insurrection Act?

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It is a damn shame the Democrats aren't willing to go full lemming with you and this argument.

"There's no violence. That's just your white resentment." lol.

Luckily for you, the Biden campaign and MSM seem to have enough sense to look at the polls and see the 24/7 gaslighting isn't working. Back to ole faithful. Vaguely blame Trump for everything.

Thats not what I said. At all.

But you know that. You can only deal with an argument you make up and based on facts i did not claim.

Classic strawman. A true sign of weakness.
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I was 99.99% confident you have never done those things.

So because he has a "billion plus" dollar empire it's ok for him to con people?

No but I also (and I'm guessing you don't either) know all of the details.
People aren't saying he is in charge and responsible for stopping them. People are saying his continuous divisive rhetoric and hate filled comments are responsible for the current state of affairs
The American people can be really dumb.

I really don't think they are dumb enough to see a bunch of Biden voters burning down cities for months and blame Trump. But hey, maybe. You never know.
Seriously, a politician, celebrity, athlete, etc needs to step up and start a movement to seek solitions, specifically. Even better, a BLM or police rep could approach the other side with respect and intentions of resolution on a national level. Can we just get the discussion going?

The solution isn't national, it's local and where these riots are happening needs a local leader to step up. It's not a one size fits all problem.
Thats not what I said. At all.

But you know that. You can only deal with an argument you make up and based on facts i did not claim.

Classic strawman. A true sign of weakness.
Then clarify. Is the violence in the street the problem, or is Trump stoking the fear the problem?

You can't claim Trump is causing fear and then simultaneously admit the reason for the fear is justified.
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Seriously, a politician, celebrity, athlete, etc needs to step up and start a movement to seek solitions, specifically. Even better, a BLM or police rep could approach the other side with respect and intentions of resolution on a national level. Can we just get the discussion going?
I agree the politicians should work across the aisles that’s why they are there.

I want the other two to shut up and make movies (or whatever celeb field they are in) or play ball. I don’t really impart any special impactful status on them based on their day job and frankly there are too many of them yapping their traps already
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1) Condemn the riots.
2) Pro 2A
3) Support the police.

You don't think those are conservative positions? Are you joking? Do I need to make another poll?

Those have been bread and butter Republican beliefs since Reagan.
1 and 3 should be unanimous American positions.

2 definitely a conservative position.
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Seriously, a politician, celebrity, athlete, etc needs to step up and start a movement to seek solitions, specifically. Even better, a BLM or police rep could approach the other side with respect and intentions of resolution on a national level. Can we just get the discussion going?
Turning to celebrities and athletes is literally what got us here.

Forget solutions. You should start with identifying the problem. We skipped that part. Taking an anecdotal and incomplete 20 second clip and extrapolating to every town in the country is not problem identification.
Wtf are you talking about?
Sorry I was just saying that they aren’t interested in solutions but just about gaining/maintaining power..... Look at just Biden’s speech today.... against rioters/ looters while his VP set up a bail fund to get rioters/looters out of jail...... told Pennsylvania he is not against fracking while claiming he was in at least 5-6 other speeches.... no I don’t think the republicans are much better
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The solution isn't national, it's local and where these riots are happening needs a local leader to step up. It's not a one size fits all problem.
I don't see how one could argue that these issues in the political world aren't intertwined in culture everywhere. These movements are driven by what's happening on a national level. Here on VN, a UT Athletics forum, we have incredibly active forums dedicated to the political and cultural ongoings in several different states. It absolutely should be addressed at the national level by people with the power make others listen.
Turning to celebrities and athletes is literally what got us here.

Forget solutions. You should start with identifying the problem. We skipped that part. Taking an anecdotal and incomplete 20 second clip and extrapolating to every town in the country is not problem identification.
I used celebrities and athletes as an example since our politicians seem to not be raising their voices.

There's no good reason that there's not a huge movement to seek solutions. Seems like each side is only interested fighting.
Like the mayor of Denver. Already shared this, but it’s definitely worth watching

This is simple. Break the law, get arrested, go to jail.

This is how local leaders stop riots . I’ll also bet that if it doesn’t work next time they come back , the third time will . Laying down and coddling these people at local and state levels will only bring you more anarchy... PORTLAND .
He's been a good con man. Posted it several times. He has about a half a BILLION in loans coming due pretty soon. Let's see how that plays out. I realize you think you know better because you have been in business for yourself for 25 years, so let me pose these questions to you: 1) How many times in your 25 years did you intentionally stiff your creditors? 2) How many times have established a business to intentionally bilk investors? 3) Have you ever set up a charitable foundation that never actually gave anything to charity and funneled funds to your private endeavors? I will hang up and listen

I don't like Trump - never have and likely never will. I don't approve of his business practices, BUT congress wrote the laws that he and many others have used to their benefit (specifically tax code, investment, corporate bankruptcy, and charities), AND members of congress have become very wealthy doing so. What we dearly need is a decent class of political leaders, but that's not going to happen until there's a day of reckoning for politicians forcing an end to their graft and corruption - that's not going to happen because we turn a blind eye to ethics while getting all wrapped up in political dogma. The old guy with the lamp is still looking for an honest man, and he isn't going to find one in the halls of politics or business - that's for certain.
I don't see how one could argue that these issues in the political world aren't intertwined in culture everywhere. These movements are driven by what's happening on a national level. Here on VN, a UT Athletics forum, we have incredibly active forums dedicated to the political and cultural ongoings in several different states. It absolutely should be addressed at the national level by people with the power make others listen.

National solutions to local problems usually screw up more than they fix.
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I used celebrities and athletes as an example since our politicians seem to not be raising their voices.

There's no good reason that there's not a huge movement to seek solutions. Seems like each side is only interested fighting.
The liberal mayors, DAs and governors are emboldening the bad behavior.

If city & state leaders don’t enforce the law, these people notice very quickly and they are more than happy to break the law.
No it isn’t. He’s asking should Trump intervene unilaterally plain and simple. Because a large number of you are saying do something

Yes it is. What % of protests are actually “riots”? Tennessee made it pretty clear that the GOP is fine with stripping personal liberties if a protest isn’t politically simpatico with the majority.

So, in short, without qualifying specific instances or establishing criteria for “rioting”, it is a false dichotomy.
Yes it is. What % of protests are actually “riots”? Tennessee made it pretty clear that the GOP is fine with stripping personal liberties if a protest isn’t politically simpatico with the majority.

So, in short, without qualifying specific instances or establishing criteria for “rioting”, it is a false dichotomy.
Oh FFS no it isn’t. I’m not interested in splitting hairs with you on dipshit “mostly peaceful protest” talking points.

It’s a simple yes/no with clear definition on what is being asked. Don’t vote then.
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Yes it is. What % of protests are actually “riots”? Tennessee made it pretty clear that the GOP is fine with stripping personal liberties if a protest isn’t politically simpatico with the majority.

So, in short, without qualifying specific instances or establishing criteria for “rioting”, it is a false dichotomy.

So you are saying it's just a matter of semantics? As long as you are in favor of the message, it's OK if things get messy and property is destroyed?
Yes it is. What % of protests are actually “riots”? Tennessee made it pretty clear that the GOP is fine with stripping personal liberties if a protest isn’t politically simpatico with the majority.

So, in short, without qualifying specific instances or establishing criteria for “rioting”, it is a false dichotomy.

You have the right to “Peacefully protest” . It’s sounds very simple to me . I don’t get what’s so hard about that at all .

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