POLL: Should Trump Invoke the Insurrection Act?

Should Trump Invoke the Insurrection Act?

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How about bringing people together to share ideas to find a solution. That's what real leaders do, but of course, we all know Trump isn't any kind of real leader
How is that possible when it has nothing to do solutions and everything to do with gaining power.
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It's a shame that the news media haven't stepped up to admit that what's going on is happening largely in cities controlled for years by liberal Democrats. Questioning their policies wouldn't do much to boost Dim hopes in an election year. It would be so refreshing to see some honest, non-political reporting unafraid to point the finger wherever the blame lies.
Media is only a tool of their corporate owners.

No money in truth
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Again it plays out on the other side. How many times in this forum does the looting/rioting get mentioned as bad and then someone has to say they are just protestors and you cant interfere?
I wouldn't know the numbers. Have rarely perused the BLM thead
Again it plays out on the other side. How many times in this forum does the looting/rioting get mentioned as bad and then someone has to say they are just protestors and you cant interfere?

Someday we will see a murderer use "free speech" as a defense. "The guy was an absolute jerk, and I wanted all of you to understand the true depth of my feelings. Free speech plain and simple." Freedom isn't free, and rights come with the obligation not to abuse those rights. The left pushed the concept of "free speech" way beyond the bounds when it went to actions rather than rational words, and now we are faced with trying to get that genie back in the bottle.
How about bringing people together to share ideas to find a solution. That's what real leaders do, but of course, we all know Trump isn't any kind of real leader
It's really sad that this rhetoric isn't something called for or discussed from people in power and citizens alike (that I've heard anyway). Everyone just wants to fight. No one wants to show respect and do actual work toward real solutions.
Trump must handle this mano a mano! He needs to get out to Oregon, suit up in his red Adidas warm ups, and personally open up a can of whoopass on all those nasty, oxygen-sucking-up liberal commies!!!

Only Trump can fix it!!!

Prick as in pricking you about you defending Trump as a businessman. My goodness, no wonder you like Trump. Your skin is about as thin as his

He's done well as a businessman, if you believe he hasn't post your work.
He's done well as a businessman, if you believe he hasn't post your work.
He's been a good con man. Posted it several times. He has about a half a BILLION in loans coming due pretty soon. Let's see how that plays out. I realize you think you know better because you have been in business for yourself for 25 years, so let me pose these questions to you: 1) How many times in your 25 years did you intentionally stiff your creditors? 2) How many times have established a business to intentionally bilk investors? 3) Have you ever set up a charitable foundation that never actually gave anything to charity and funneled funds to your private endeavors? I will hang up and listen
He's been a good con man. Posted it several times. He has about a half a BILLION in loans coming due pretty soon. Let's see how that plays out. I realize you think you know better because you have been in business for yourself for 25 years, so let me pose these questions to you: 1) How many times in your 25 years did you intentionally stiff your creditors? 2) How many times have established a business to intentionally bilk investors? 3) Have you ever set up a charitable foundation that never actually gave anything to charity and funneled funds to your private endeavors? I will hang up and listen

1. Never
2. Never
3. Never

But of course I don't run a billion plus dollar business empire.
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He has the legal means to seize more power and control and hasn't yet he's a dictator?

If thats true, its only because the people around him who know that have the sense not to tell him because they know he would jump to do it.
Many of his supporters don't understand that you can condemn the riots, support the 2nd amendment and support the police all at the same time

Those are all official conservative positions at this point. I think all of Trump's supporters understand them just fine.

What are you talking about?

Those are all official conservative positions at this point. I think all of Trump's supporters understand them just fine.

What are you talking about?
It's laughable that you believe all Trump's supporters believe this considering over 70% of evangelicals believe him to be an honest man. You also wouldn't know by many of the conservative posters in this forum

Nice try but your statement isn't near the truth
The play's the thing.

You are falling into the very trap President Oompa Loompa has set for his mindless followers. Stoke the controversy. Talk about riots and insurrection and Second Amendment and you can't support police if you don't condemn protests and its okay and even a good idea to confront and antagonize and provoke BLM so you can shoot at people like you really want to, and on and on. Nurse that fear and white resentment. Coax it along whenever he can. Pray on people's prejudices and anxieties.

He loves to keep people worried and afraid. Its the mark of a true dictator.
It is a damn shame the Democrats aren't willing to go full lemming with you and this argument.

"There's no violence. That's just your white resentment." lol.

Luckily for you, the Biden campaign and MSM seem to have enough sense to look at the polls and see the 24/7 gaslighting isn't working. Back to ole faithful. Vaguely blame Trump for everything.
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This is true and not exclusive to either party.
Seriously, a politician, celebrity, athlete, etc needs to step up and start a movement to seek solitions, specifically. Even better, a BLM or police rep could approach the other side with respect and intentions of resolution on a national level. Can we just get the discussion going?
It's laughable that you believe all Trump's supporters believe this considering over 70% of evangelicals believe him to be an honest man. You also wouldn't know by many of the conservative posters in this forum

Nice try but your statement isn't near the truth
1) Condemn the riots.
2) Pro 2A
3) Support the police.

You don't think those are conservative positions? Are you joking? Do I need to make another poll?

Those have been bread and butter Republican beliefs since Reagan.

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