You know what? Maybe our coaching staff has too much pride/ honor to tamper like everybody else, but also..... maybe someone with the day off tomorrow could make a new Twitter handle..... maybe it's called "AlabamaBagman". Maybe it's called "DefinitelyABigShotUGABooster". And MAYBE, they could slide into the DMs of the mothers of certain teams players. And MAYBE, they could invite said mothers to dinner at Chili's to wine and dine them (during happy hour of course). And MAYBE they could start to have inside jokes that only the two of them would understand. MAYBE they could share personal information that you'd only allow yourself to be vulnerable around people you truly care about, thus not only making yourself available but also intriguing said mother into feeling comfortable to share her own honest feelings with you. Then MAYBE, they could end the night with a kiss on the cheek, hoping for a little bit more but knowing that you have to keep these mothers yearning for more. It's at this point that you've earned their trust and are ready for the final phase. Which, if you've followed all of my steps.... means you can do what this teams needs and MAYBE, you could promise said mothers more playing time (and NIL deals from top shelf Knoxville businesses like Soccer Taco/ Urban Bar) for their sons if the transferred to Tennessee. I've got my New Years Resolutions. What about yall?