OK...that's fine and true...considering the two ends of the spectrum you refer to there in you analogy.
This whole debate about college coaches, no matter where they are coaching, depends upon one thing. the definition of "successful" to the people having the debate.
AT Miami, is it winning the ACC? winning the NT? 10 win seasons? At miami, i think it's pretty obvious that 10 win seasons are not in the cards, and conf. championships should be fairly regular. and that's fine.
but i still go back to only one team each year is going to win the ACC or sEC or Big 10 etc...and it ain't gonna be your team EVERY year....so what do you do? change coaches everytime one doesn't win it? It seems to me that's where it's heading, at least in the eyes of some very impatient fan bases.
I'm not trying to get in to this debate mind you, just pointing out that every team that is considered to be "elite" is trying to accomplish the same goals. Some years you will, some years you won't. I think FSU, Va TEch, Clemson etc...all have the same goals as Miami and are working very hard to make sure that their team gets there and Miami or who ever else doesn't. Sometimes that will happen, sometimes it won't. Same is true in the SEC...LSU, Auburn, Bama, TN, Georgia, Florida, south Carolina all are working toward winning the SEC title. problem is not all of htem can win it each year.
I think the standards are the same at most all of these big time institutions...it's meeting them that's the problem.