Post Election Day Voter Fraud

No... debunked means the people in charge of the elections have come out and addressed the Twitter accusations.

If these “irregularities” are so iron clad, why do they keep getting thrown out of court?
Deep state. Obama spent 8 years with Soros funded campaigns to get his people on the bench.
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Understand that there is quite a difference in knowing that a crime happened and being able to prove how it was done or who actually did it. The corpse of this election stinks in front of us but particulars of death take forensic examination. In order to prevail in court, Trump team will have to show good evidence of the how at least.
Understand that there is quite a difference in knowing that a crime happened and being able to prove how it was done or who actually did it. The corpse of this election stinks in front of us but particulars of death take forensic examination. In order to prevail in court, Trump team will have to show good evidence of the how at least.

No. They won't. All they have to do to invalidate the election is prove that it's untrustworthy. They don't have to prove how it was done or who did it.

To use your metaphor, there is a difference between getting an official death certificate, proving cause of death, and convicting the murderer. All they need is a death certificate.
No. They won't. All they have to do to invalidate the election is prove that it's untrustworthy. They don't have to prove how it was done or who did it.

To use your metaphor, there is a difference between getting an official death certificate, proving cause of death, and convicting the murderer. All they need is a death certificate.

Perhaps you are more versed in the particulars of law related to invalidating an election than I, and if so, could you explain what is the plaintiff's burden to invalidate election results and what is redress that they seek? a recount? a new election? unless I know what was done, it is difficult for a court to assign relief. If voting machines were tampered with, an honest recount will provide a true sum but if fraudulent ballots were introduced, simply recounting them will provide no relief. So I would think that knowing WHAT was done, is quite important to seeking relief. Unless Trumps goal is simply to have the results of these 4 states declared tainted and therefore unusable by either side - thus denying either a path to 270. That then kicks it back to congress delegates (not House members) who vote their conscience (with the majority having been appointed by GOP states). Indeed I believe that Dershowitz even said that he thought this was Trump's strategy.
Perhaps you are more versed in the particulars of law related to invalidating an election than I, and if so, could you explain what is the plaintiff's burden to invalidate election results and what is redress that they seek? a recount? a new election? unless I know what was done, it is difficult for a court to assign relief. If voting machines were tampered with, an honest recount will provide a true sum but if fraudulent ballots were introduced, simply recounting them will provide no relief. So I would think that knowing WHAT was done, is quite important to seeking relief. Unless Trumps goal is simply to have the results of these 4 states declared tainted and therefore unusable by either side - thus denying either a path to 270. That then kicks it back to congress delegates (not House members) who vote their conscience (with the majority having been appointed by GOP states). Indeed I believe that Dershowitz even said that he thought this was Trump's strategy.

Theoretically, all they would have to do is prove that the system used is untrustworthy. As a matter of fact, I suspect that an inability to prove exactly what went on with the software would be reason enough to invalidate the election--i.e. unable to be validated; invalid.

But again... They don't have to prove "who" to have the election invalidated. And an invalidated election for such reasons doesn't go back to recount. That's the entire point of invalidating it. The very methods used to obtain, process and store the votes would be untrustworthy. That's like saying, "That evidence had no chain of custody, so let's look at it again!"

ETA: I'm no lawyer. Take this with a grain of salt. I have been referencing this is all, and recommend everyone else do the same.
CyberSecurity operates on a triad of responsibilities and concerns. CIA: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability.

That data and resources are made available to only those who are supposed to interact with the resources, and are audited effectively to protect and prove the integrity of the data. In a security incident, the incident is not resolved until all three of those are restored and validated.

I don't see how they could use the data from this election if the integrity of the data was in question. Period.
Theoretically, all they would have to do is prove that the system used is untrustworthy. As a matter of fact, I suspect that an inability to prove exactly what went on with the software would be reason enough to invalidate the election--i.e. unable to be validated; invalid.

"theoretically" "you suspect" - I am not looking for common sense but rather legal statute that pertains to obtaining injunctive relief here. Common sense and the law are not always bedmates. Trump will not stop the theft of this election simply because we all "know" the theft happened - because the media and many others are declaring that all is well, no need to look behind the curtain.
"theoretically" "you suspect" - I am not looking for common sense but rather legal statute that pertains to obtaining injunctive relief here. Common sense and the law are not always bedmates. Trump will not stop the theft of this election simply because we all "know" the theft happened - because the media and many others are declaring that all is well, no need to look behind the curtain.
Sounds like you're discussing this on the wrong website then. I found this to be an intriguing read, but again... I don't think you're at the right place to be demanding what you are for answers.

The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters

Good day.
Understand that there is quite a difference in knowing that a crime happened and being able to prove how it was done or who actually did it. The corpse of this election stinks in front of us but particulars of death take forensic examination. In order to prevail in court, Trump team will have to show good evidence of the how at least.

There is quite a difference between knowing a crime happened and believing lies from the most infamously reckless liar in the entire world, who just lost an election.
As far as I know the Trump team doesn’t have any cases regarding Dominion in court.... because they have no evidence to bring before a judge.

Most of the misinformation regarding Dominion is being spread by Q Anon accounts on SM. So if you believe Q then I guess you will believe anything.

From Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)....

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double-checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result,”

“All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary.”

There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

Rumor Control | CISA
That's funny I found out about dominion on here and not from q. Pretty much destroys your assumption.
Sounds like you're discussing this on the wrong website then. I found this to be an intriguing read, but again... I don't think you're at the right place to be demanding what you are for answers.

The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters

Good day.

I like Gary's article's and I think pushing it to the state delegations may well be Trump's strategy because it may be the only legal method of relief. Note Gary's comment:
if the laws in our country are still observed, then the chances of the Harris-Biden administration (in this order) are practically zero. If the laws in America are not followed, then the great American political experiment will unfortunately end.

The Dems have shown that they are quite willing to break the law where it suits their purpose. Certainly fraud did not happen in 4 major cities or elsewhere by following the law but by deliberately subverting and breaking it. But just because the laws are broken, it does not follow the criminals are caught and justice done - as Comey and Brennan know all too well (Durham anyone?) . Seeing the past is too often prologue, I am dubious that justice will prevail in this case either, no matter its merits.
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There is quite a difference between knowing a crime happened and believing lies from the most infamously reckless liar in the entire world, who just lost an election.

I do not require Trump to opine in the slightest because I can see from the data itself that the anomalies are way outside of normative bands. The left says they are the party of science - except when it comes to data science I suppose.

There are also issues with Virginia's numbers - but no one is even disputing those (yet).
I do not require Trump to opine in the slightest because I can see from the data itself that the anomalies are way outside of normative bands. The left says they are the party of science - except when it comes to data science I suppose.

There are also issues with Virginia's numbers - but no one is even disputing those (yet).

Are you referring to the "data" presented on this forum which bears the label of a re-writable CD?
I do not require Trump to opine in the slightest because I can see from the data itself that the anomalies are way outside of normative bands. The left says they are the party of science - except when it comes to data science I suppose.

There are also issues with Virginia's numbers - but no one is even disputing those (yet).

if it’s so obvious why aren’t they trying to bring it to court?
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So it turns out Trump actually increased his voter turnout in Philly by 20% while Biden only improved Clinton’s by .06%.

If Dems were running up the score in Philly they did a terrible job 😂
So it turns out Trump actually increased his voter turnout in Philly by 20% while Biden only improved Clinton’s by .06%.

If Dems were running up the score in Philly they did a terrible job 😂

Hint: The accusation isn't that the Dems were trying to run up the score. The accusation is that they were trying to withstand a red wave and eek out a fraudulent win. Those %s in no way detracts from that claim. Think about it.

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