Post Election Day Voter Fraud

Hint: The accusation isn't that the Dems were trying to run up the score. The baseless accusation is that they were trying to withstand a red wave and eek out a fraudulent win. Those %s in no way detracts from that claim. Think about it.

You say they aren't?

Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but thus far I have not seen a single case brought forward regarding Dominion “glitches” despite all this overwhelming “evidence” all across the internet.

If it’s already sooooo obvious by internet slueths, why wait to bring it to court?

Why waste time with all these frivolous claims that are getting tossed just as fast as they are getting filed when there is this lock tight bombshell ready to go?

Keep your argument straight. You seemed to think the statistics somehow disprove dem fraud. I'm waiting.

Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but thus far I have not seen a single case brought forward regarding Dominion “glitches” despite all this overwhelming “evidence” all across the internet.

If it’s already sooooo obvious by internet slueths, why wait to bring it to court?

Why waste time with all these frivolous claims that are getting tossed just as fast as they are getting filed when there is this lock tight bombshell ready to go?

You seem to be operating under the assumption that reality exists only within the limits of your knowledge. I'll remind you that the post I responded to was:

if it’s so obvious why aren’t they trying to bring it to court?

I'm merely asking you to demonstrate that they aren't. Your impatience or ignorance isn't a rational argument.

Thanks in advance.
Keep your argument straight. You seemed to think the statistics somehow disprove dem fraud. I'm waiting.

You seem to be operating under the assumption that reality exists only within the limits of your knowledge. I'll remind you that the post I responded to was:

I'm merely asking you to demonstrate that they aren't. Your impatience or ignorance isn't a rational argument.

Thanks in advance.

Perhaps they are trying to bring it to court. You are correct that I do not have knowledge whether or not they actually are. Trump is rage tweeting about it so that means they are at least aware of the internet investigators.

That said, considering some of the cases they have attempted, to me it would appear the evidence must be so flimsy that even the lawyers are saying they need more to attempt to put it in front of a judge.

Time is running out. We will see if the legal advisors feel like it’s worth pursuing.
Perhaps they are trying to bring it to court. You are correct that I do not have knowledge whether or not they actually are. Trump is rage tweeting about it so that means they are at least aware of the internet investigators.

That said, considering some of the cases they have attempted, to me it would appear the evidence must be so flimsy that even the lawyers are saying they need more to attempt to put it in front of a judge.

Time is running out. We will see if the legal advisors feel like it’s worth pursuing.

That is not at all what his lawyers are saying. Time is not running out. His legal team have already said it's worth pursuing. As a matter of fact, they say they have undeniable proof and wouldn't make public claims that they can't prove.

Seriously. Are you just commenting on a story that you're not following?
That is not at all what his lawyers are saying. Time is not running out. His legal team have already said it's worth pursuing. As a matter of fact, they say they have undeniable proof and wouldn't make public claims that they can't prove.

Seriously. Are you just commenting on a story that you're not following?

Really? They wouldn’t present cases they can’t prove?

They are 1-20 in cases presented so far.

If you are referring to Rudy’s accusations on Fox News then forgive me if I give those zero credibility.

Please provide the links to the credible accusations being brought to court. Not just the ranting of someone who who is fooled by Borat and holds press conferences next to dildo shops.
Really? They wouldn’t present cases they can’t prove?

They are 1-20 in cases presented so far.

If you are referring to Rudy’s accusations on Fox News then forgive me if I give those zero credibility.

Please provide the links to the credible accusations being brought to court. Not just the ranting of someone who who is fooled by Borat and holds press conferences next to dildo shops.
Wow. You really have been commenting on things you aren't following. I'm surprised.

It's not Rudy. I've been posting video links to the claims by Trump's attorney, who is a very respected former prosecutor.
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From what I understand, Trump for whatever reason decided to put Rudy at the head of the legal team...there was a break between part of the legal team and Rudy so now there are 2 completely separate teams of lawyers each independently pursuing legal claims in the various states...the article that I read said that 1 legal team was put off by Rudy making some wild claims on TV while they are more reserved and didn't want the media attention etc...I think that it is simply a long shot now to prove the hacking ...the Dimwits had the all important element of surprise....not because fraud was used, but because it was used on such a huge scale..unimaginable scale..and while the fraud came thru the mail (normal rejection rate for mailed ballots is 5 to 10%...only .5% of mail in ballots were rejected this time, despite 10,x. As many votes were mailed as usual) while there was obviously mail fraud, there was massive hacking fraud, which can be done without leaving a trace of evidence of the crime. Very clever by the Dimwits.
*Graham obviously disputes this*
Washington Post: Lindsey Graham pressured GA Secretary of State to throw out legally cast ballots

If it were a dem making the claim, I wouldn't bother posting. It's inevitable to become just a he said/he said, that goes nowhere but Graham should know better regardless. During the recount?
His version of "just an inquiry" would be fine pre or post recount but there's just no good optics of a SC Senator (or others) making calls to a Ga election official during the process. That was just stupid.
From what I understand, Trump for whatever reason decided to put Rudy at the head of the legal team...there was a break between part of the legal team and Rudy so now there are 2 completely separate teams of lawyers each independently pursuing legal claims in the various states...the article that I read said that 1 legal team was put off by Rudy making some wild claims on TV while they are more reserved and didn't want the media attention etc...I think that it is simply a long shot now to prove the hacking ...the Dimwits had the all important element of surprise....not because fraud was used, but because it was used on such a huge scale..unimaginable scale..and while the fraud came thru the mail (normal rejection rate for mailed ballots is 5 to 10%...only .5% of mail in ballots were rejected this time, despite 10,x. As many votes were mailed as usual) while there was obviously mail fraud, there was massive hacking fraud, which can be done without leaving a trace of evidence of the crime. Very clever by the Dimwits.
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Everyone you know hates you and laughs at you behind your back. Go defend another rapist.
Sure buddy.

If my life was as sad as your is I would run into traffic. You wish I was a loser like you.

Just the same as 79, a loser who wishes they could have even a 100th of any of my traits.
Sure buddy.

If my life was as sad as your is I would run into traffic. You wish I was a loser like you.

Just the same as 79, a loser who wishes they could have even a 100th of any of my traits.
Whatever you say Carlton. Remember they all hate you.
Sure buddy.

If my life was as sad as your is I would run into traffic. You wish I was a loser like you.

Just the same as 79, a loser who wishes they could have even a 100th of any of my traits.
Does that include ......................never mind
Everyone you know hates you and laughs at you behind your back. Go defend another rapist.
I don't recall defending you or Trump. Funny

And once again keep on dreaming. Come hang out one day. I will teach you to not be a loser. Hell you may even kiss your first real girl and be able to retire the dolls.
I don't recall defending you or Trump. Funny

And once again keep on dreaming. Come hang out one day. I will teach you to not be a loser. Hell you may even kiss your first real girl and be able to retire the dolls.
Nice one. I bet you speak with a lisp also.
I don't recall defending you or Trump. Funny

And once again keep on dreaming. Come hang out one day. I will teach you to not be a loser. Hell you may even kiss your first real girl and be able to retire the dolls.
Those dolls are getting pretty realistic, and they don't say "talk to the hand."

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