Post Examples of Fox News Lies



revolUTion in the air!
Mar 19, 2011
Is Fox as bad as claimed? I’m open to the idea but I genuinely can’t name any false reporting I know of them engaging in, post Obama.

Here’s some of the worst stories from left wing media over the last couple of years as I see them (ordering chronologically not based on how bad I perceive them):

1. Covington Catholic
2. Russia Gate
3. Blaming trump for a man’s wife poisoning him with fish tank cleaner
4. Falsely claiming gunshot victims in Oklahoma were denied care because the hospital was overran with ivermectin overdose victims
5. Pretending a Fox News host was encouraging violence against Fauci

I’m certain I missed some, but these are the worst I can think of. For comparison here’s the worst stories I can think of from Fox and they’re all far less recent than the previous examples:

1. Birther
2. Obama Mosque story

With that said I don’t watch fox and mainly get political news from non traditional sites (Dailywire and Reason for example). So it’s possible I’ve missed them. Can anyone provide examples?
Is Fox as bad as claimed? I’m open to the idea but I genuinely can’t name any false reporting I know of them engaging in, post Obama.

Here’s some of the worst stories from left wing media over the last couple of years as I see them (ordering chronologically not based on how bad I perceive them):

1. Covington Catholic
2. Russia Gate
3. Blaming trump for a man’s wife poisoning him with fish tank cleaner
4. Falsely claiming gunshot victims in Oklahoma were denied care because the hospital was overran with ivermectin overdose victims
5. Pretending a Fox News host was encouraging violence against Fauci

I’m certain I missed some, but these are the worst I can think of. For comparison here’s the worst stories I can think of from Fox and they’re all far less recent than the previous examples:

1. Birther
2. Obama Mosque story

With that said I don’t watch fox and mainly get political news from non traditional sites (Dailywire and Reason for example). So it’s possible I’ve missed them. Can anyone provide examples?
You forgot the worse media narrative of the last decade. Michael Brown “choir college boy” and “hands up don’t shoot” lie about that whole story which led to riots and the creation of BLM and Obama and Dems leaching onto the lies to create a fake narrative of systemic racism
You forgot the worse media narrative of the last decade. Michael Brown “choir college boy” and “hands up don’t shoot” lie about that whole story which led to riots and the creation of BLM and Obama and Dems leaching onto the lies to create a fake narrative of systemic racism
He was such a sweet boy
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Its the fact he is saying one thing and actually doing another.

He doesn’t personally run Fox News. So he’s not saying one thing and doing another. It’s also a different standard.

If he did own Fox News he could still want his employees vaccinated and be opposed to a federal mandate.

The more you fail at this, the more credible I start thinking Fox News is
He doesn’t personally run Fox News. So he’s not saying one thing and doing another. It’s also a different standard.

If he did own Fox News he could still want his employees vaccinated and be opposed to a federal mandate.

The more you fail at this, the more credible I start thinking Fox News is
What do you mean "start" thinking? You clearly love you some Fox News.
What do you mean "start" thinking? You clearly love you some Fox News.

I stated early I don’t watch it. I get most news from Reason or The Daily Wire.

Can you provide examples of Fox lying the way Rachael Maddow lied about ivermectin and gunshot victims in Oklahoma?

There may be examples out there and because I don’t follow many left wing outlets or Fox News, it’s posssible I’m unaware. But you’ve failed to provide anything other than you think Carlson is a hypocrite.

There’s a big difference between a hypocrite and the type of false reporting I listed in the opening post
He doesn’t personally run Fox News. So he’s not saying one thing and doing another. It’s also a different standard.

If he did own Fox News he could still want his employees vaccinated and be opposed to a federal mandate.

The more you fail at this, the more credible I start thinking Fox News is

He's reaching because Tucker is the big dog. Nobody watches progressive news but the oatmeal eaters.
Is your goal to just flood us with poorly written/vague articles claiming Fox News lies without any specifics?

Give me examples. I provided 2 real examples of what I considered a lie from Fox when Obama was in office. Can you provide any lies from fox since?
You’re on a roll today….👍🏼
Is Fox as bad as claimed? I’m open to the idea but I genuinely can’t name any false reporting I know of them engaging in, post Obama.

Here’s some of the worst stories from left wing media over the last couple of years as I see them (ordering chronologically not based on how bad I perceive them):

1. Covington Catholic
2. Russia Gate
3. Blaming trump for a man’s wife poisoning him with fish tank cleaner
4. Falsely claiming gunshot victims in Oklahoma were denied care because the hospital was overran with ivermectin overdose victims
5. Pretending a Fox News host was encouraging violence against Fauci

I’m certain I missed some, but these are the worst I can think of. For comparison here’s the worst stories I can think of from Fox and they’re all far less recent than the previous examples:

1. Birther
2. Obama Mosque story

With that said I don’t watch fox and mainly get political news from non traditional sites (Dailywire and Reason for example). So it’s possible I’ve missed them. Can anyone provide examples?
Don’t forget the Jacob Blake being “unarmed” one that the mainstream media ran with. That blatant lie led to the Kenosha riots, which of course led to the Rittenhouse nonsense.
Don’t forget the Jacob Blake being “unarmed” one that the mainstream media ran with. That blatant lie led to the Kenosha riots, which of course led to the Rittenhouse nonsense.

That’s an amazing one. The man even admitted on national tv that he was armed.
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