Post Examples of Fox News Lies

The first link below is to an opinion column where Tucker Carlson alleged that :

(1) A vote in the 2020 Presidential General Election had been cast in the name of James Blalock of Covington, Georgia, even though he had died in 2006.

(2) A vote in the 2020 Presidential General Election had been cast in the name of Linda Kesler of Nicholson, Georgia, even though she had died in 2003.

(3) A vote in the 2020 Presidential General Election had been cast in the name of Rosemarie Hartle of Las Vegas, Nevada, even though she had died in 2017.

Tucker Carlson: Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen

The second link is to an on-air apology from Tucker Carlson, where he acknowledges that the first allegation is false. The second allegation had also been proven false. It just so happens that a different woman named Lynda Kesler (the first name spelled with a Y, instead of with an I), lived in the same district and is very much alive. She also has a different address, birthday, and zip code than the Linda Kesler that Carlson had cited above. Carlson has still not apologized for that error.

Fox News anchor apologises after parroting Trump team's false claims of dead people voting in Georgia

As for the third allegation? Rosemarie Hartle's husband, Donald Kirk Hartle, has pleaded guilty to casting a vote in her name. Tucker Carlson had run with Hartle's lie of him having no knowledge of how a fraudulent vote was cast in his late wife's name. Carlson has still never mentioned this revelation on air, and corrected the record, as an actual journalist would.

Nevada man featured in GOP ad on voter fraud admits to forging dead wife's name on ballot

So, there you have 3 lies concerning voter fraud from Tucker Carlson... and he has only apologized for one of them.

I will be honest, I don’t consider that to be that bad. He didn’t make up the claims, he wasn’t wrong about people with those names voting. One of them was an actual case of fraud. I’m really not seeing the issue. It seems reasonable and not the type of intentionally false reporting seen in the other examples
I will be honest, I don’t consider that to be that bad. He didn’t make up the claims, he wasn’t wrong about people with those names voting. One of them was an actual case of fraud. I’m really not seeing the issue. It seems reasonable and not the type of intentionally false reporting seen in the other examples

I’m just warning you here…Bowlbrother is going to be drawn to this thread like a fly to honey. He saw the thread and was like:


But will soon be like:

It’s about to get good.
I will be honest, I don’t consider that to be that bad. He didn’t make up the claims, he wasn’t wrong about people with those names voting. One of them was an actual case of fraud. I’m really not seeing the issue. It seems reasonable and not the type of intentionally false reporting seen in the other examples
Yes, he did make up the claims, and two people with those names did not vote. James Blalock from Covington, Georgia did not cast a vote. His widow cast her own vote, but signed her name as Mrs. James Blalock, which is also how she is registered. That connection should have been made.

Also, Linda Kesler from Nicholson, Georgia did not vote either. Lynda Kesler with a different address and date of birth voted. Once again, that should have been caught. Tucker Carlson and his staff were clearly in too much of a hurry to make these claims and did not perform a sufficient degree of due diligence... and there is no excuse for not correcting the record once the error has been brought to your attention (which it has).

One of them was an actual case of fraud, but Tucker Carlson claimed that Kirk Hartle had no advance knowledge of how someone had voted in his late wife's name... and Carlson still hasn't mentioned Hartle's guilty plea or corrected the record.
Yes, he did make up the claims, and two people with those names did not vote. James Blalock from Covington, Georgia did not cast a vote. His widow cast her own vote, but signed her name as Mrs. James Blalock, which is also how she is registered. That connection should have been made.

Also, Linda Kesler from Nicholson, Georgia did not vote either. Lynda Kesler with a different address and date of birth voted. Once again, that should have been caught. Tucker Carlson and his staff were clearly in too much of a hurry to make these claims and did not perform a sufficient degree of due diligence... and there is no excuse for not correcting the record once the error has been brought to your attention (which it has).

One of them was an actual case of fraud, but Tucker Carlson claimed that Kirk Hartle had no advance knowledge of how someone had voted in his late wife's name... and Carlson still hasn't mentioned Hartle's guilty plea or corrected the record.

Did Tucker make up the claim that he had no advanced knowledge or did he repeat what the husband said?

Do you really think that’s as bad as outlets still openly lying about Rittenhouse (not from Kenosha, mom dropped him off, opened fire randomly, fired 50 rounds) after the trial is over and the facts are out?

And the rest of your reply was just you agreeing that people with those names voted and yet claiming they didn’t
Did Tucker make up the claim that he had no advanced knowledge or did he repeat what the husband said?

Do you really think that’s as bad as outlets still openly lying about Rittenhouse (not from Kenosha, mom dropped him off, opened fire randomly, fired 50 rounds) after the trial is over and the facts are out?

And the rest of your reply was just you agreeing that people with those names voted and yet claiming they didn’t
People with those names did not vote. Tucker Carlson claimed that someone voted in the name of the late James Blalock. That is not true. His widow voted as "Mrs. James Blalock". They are not the same. Again, Linda Kesler did not vote either. Lynda Kesler voted. Once again, they are not the same names.

Tucker Carlson ran with Kirk Hartle's story as though it had become an established fact. It is more damning, however, that Carlson still hasn't mentioned Hartle's guilty plea or even acknowledged the lie itself.
People with those names did not vote. Tucker Carlson claimed that someone voted in the name of the late James Blalock. That is not true. His widow voted as "Mrs. James Blalock". They are not the same. Again, Linda Kesler did not vote either. Lynda Kesler voted. Once again, they are not the same names.

Tucker Carlson ran with Kirk Hartle's story as though it had become an established fact. It is more damning, however, that Carlson still hasn't mentioned Hartle's guilty plea or even acknowledged the lie itself.

So a James Blalock did vote? I would argue the issue here is more that the widow put a misleading name on a legal document than any issue with Carlson.

Those names are all close enough to give a man a reasonable doubt. Im not convinced that’s damaging.

Do you consider this equal to media outlets still claiming Rittenhouse fired 50 rounds randomly at protesters, wasn’t from Kenosha, that his mom dropped him off, etc?

It seems those are clear lies vs this is a reasonable mistake. The only one I’ll give you that this is close to but still not as bad is Rachel M and her false claims that gun shot victims in Oklahoma couldn’t get hospital beds due to ivermectin overdoses. But even then her claim (which I don’t believe she’s recanted) seems worse because there’s no reasonable way to make that mistake. It’s reasonable to confuse Lynda and Linda
So a James Blalock did vote? I would argue the issue here is more that the widow put a misleading name on a legal document than any issue with Carlson.

Those names are all close enough to give a man a reasonable doubt. Im not convinced that’s damaging.

Do you consider this equal to media outlets still claiming Rittenhouse fired 50 rounds randomly at protesters, wasn’t from Kenosha, that his mom dropped him off, etc?

It seems those are clear lies vs this is a reasonable mistake. The only one I’ll give you that this is close to but still not as bad is Rachel M and her false claims that gun shot victims in Oklahoma couldn’t get hospital beds due to ivermectin overdoses. But even then her claim (which I don’t believe she’s recanted) seems worse because there’s no reasonable way to make that mistake. It’s reasonable to confuse Lynda and Linda
No. His wife voted as "Mrs. James Blalock", because that is how she is registered. She is in her 90's, and a wife signing her name in such a way used to be customary in the southeast; pre-1950. It is old fashioned, but there is nothing wrong with that. Tucker Carlson and his staff failed to perform due diligence.

There are countless common names throughout voting districts in the United States. If you are going to make an allegation of voter fraud, you should be cross referencing names with addresses.

... and once again, there is no excuse for not correcting the record once a mistake becomes evident. I doubt you would be so forgiving of a host on CNN or MSNBC.
No. His wife voted as "Mrs. James Blalock", because that is how she is registered. She is in her 90's, and a wife signing her name in such a way used to be customary in the southeast; pre-1950. It is old fashioned, but there is nothing wrong with that. Tucker Carlson and his staff failed to perform due diligence.

There are countless common names throughout voting districts in the United States. If you are going to make an allegation of voter fraud, you should be cross referencing names with addresses.

... and once again, there is no excuse for not correcting the record once a mistake becomes evident. I doubt you would be so forgiving of a host on CNN or MSNBC.

So to be clear is he continuing those false claims? To my knowledge Racheal Maddow and Joe are both continuing the lies I mentioned. Despite both being 100% false they’ve doubled down. Joe’s being the worst.

I don’t see this issue on the same level. It seems like an easy mistake to make. The other two are still lying despite the facts being out
So to be clear is he continuing those false claims? To my knowledge Racheal Maddow and Joe are both continuing the lies I mentioned. Despite both being 100% false they’ve doubled down. Joe’s being the worst.

I don’t see this issue on the same level. It seems like an easy mistake to make. The other two are still lying despite the facts being out
My issue is less with the mistake, and more with never correcting the record. The prime time Fox News show hosts have avoided discussing Kirk Hartle's guilty plea, even though they had each discussed his claim on their shows.
My issue is less with the mistake, and more with never correcting the record. The prime time Fox News show hosts have avoided discussing Kirk Hartle's guilty plea, even though they had each discussed his claim on their shows.

But what I’m stating is the mistake was worse for the other examples and not only did they not correct the record, but they still continue the lies.

7:30 is the time stamp for when the statement starts. He tells multiple lies after all the facts of the case are out, and in a case where a young man could lose his life or at a minimum x years of his life.

I can’t pretend this is equally bad. I’m not looking for the everyday nonsense both sides do. I’m wanting to know what’s the worse fox has done. Because this from MSNBC is horrific.

But what I’m stating is the mistake was worse for the other examples and not only did they not correct the record, but they still continue the lies.

7:30 is the time stamp for when the statement starts. He tells multiple lies after all the facts of the case are out, and in a case where a young man could lose his life or at a minimum x years of his life.

I can’t pretend this is equally bad. I’m not looking for the everyday nonsense both sides do. I’m wanting to know what’s the worse fox has done. Because this from MSNBC is horrific.

You asked for some examples of Fox News reporting falsehoods, and you got some. Tucker Carlson eagerly reported Kirk Hartle's claim, but then didn't follow up when Hartle was revealed to be lying. Carlson just dropped the story.

Now, you are shifting more towards "what-about-ism" and wanting to compare and contrast.
You asked for some examples of Fox News reporting falsehoods, and you got some. Tucker Carlson eagerly reported Kirk Hartle's claim, but then didn't follow up when Hartle was revealed to be lying. Carlson just dropped the story.

Now, you are shifting more towards "what-about-ism" and wanting to compare and contrast.

I think you need to read the OP again. I specifically mention the “worst examples” multiple times. I even provide what I considered the worst from the left and the goal was to do a comparison. So idk what you’re talking about “shifting to what about ism” the entire thread from the beginning was designed to compare the two
Would you like to explain why fox is real, real bad?
Fox is bad because it is misleading people intentionally for political gain. Fox News platform is based on opinion programing but promotes itself as a facts based news organization, which it knows its not (see some of the above articles on the topic).
Fox is bad because it is misleading people intentionally for political gain. Fox News platform is based on opinion programing but promotes itself as a facts based news organization, which it knows its not (see some of the above articles on the topic).

That sounds the same as left wing media. The difference here is the level of the lies. Like the example I posted earlier of claiming Rittenhouse was dropped off by his mom and fired 60 rounds. These are things that at that point were verified to be false statements. Yet still promoted.
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Fox is bad because it is misleading people intentionally for political gain. Fox News platform is based on opinion programing but promotes itself as a facts based news organization, which it knows its not (see some of the above articles on the topic).

And how are they any different than CNN or the other newstainment networks?
Is Fox as bad as claimed? I’m open to the idea but I genuinely can’t name any false reporting I know of them engaging in, post Obama.

Here’s some of the worst stories from left wing media over the last couple of years as I see them (ordering chronologically not based on how bad I perceive them):

1. Covington Catholic
2. Russia Gate
3. Blaming trump for a man’s wife poisoning him with fish tank cleaner
4. Falsely claiming gunshot victims in Oklahoma were denied care because the hospital was overran with ivermectin overdose victims
5. Pretending a Fox News host was encouraging violence against Fauci

I’m certain I missed some, but these are the worst I can think of. For comparison here’s the worst stories I can think of from Fox and they’re all far less recent than the previous examples:

1. Birther
2. Obama Mosque story

With that said I don’t watch fox and mainly get political news from non traditional sites (Dailywire and Reason for example). So it’s possible I’ve missed them. Can anyone provide examples?

None of the examples you list come close in any measurable metric (human lives, money/economic impact, political discord, etc.) to the damage that Fox News has done through the misinformation they promote around COVID.
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I think you need to read the OP again. I specifically mention the “worst examples” multiple times. I even provide what I considered the worst from the left and the goal was to do a comparison. So idk what you’re talking about “shifting to what about ism” the entire thread from the beginning was designed to compare the two
You have been given examples of Fox News hosts giving credence to false allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 Presidential Election. In addition to Tucker Carlson's allegations of votes being cast in the names of dead people, Fox News has also spread lies about Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic. When threatened with law suits, the Murdochs forced some of their more "conspiracy-friendly" shows to run a disclaimer which debunked claims that had been previously made by the hosts of those same shows.

This should serve as an admission that lies were told on their shows. The Murdochs were clearly afraid of being sued for those lies, and they felt a need to cover their butts.

Fox News is debunking election fraud claims made by its own anchors in response to a legal threat
Fox is bad because it is misleading people intentionally for political gain. Fox News platform is based on opinion programing but promotes itself as a facts based news organization, which it knows its not (see some of the above articles on the topic).

Solid first post after 10 years - but the same argument could be made for CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or NBC.

They're all selling what people are buying and it's all devolved into throwing red meat to your base creating an echo chamber that caters to and exacerbates cognitive dissonance.
Fox is bad because it is misleading people intentionally for political gain. Fox News platform is based on opinion programing but promotes itself as a facts based news organization, which it knows its not (see some of the above articles on the topic).

Nobody is being mislead except unintelligent libs who like to get all up in their weak feelings. Some politics are more rational and fact based than others.

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