Post-Mortem for Trumpism/the GOP



Kung Fu Kamala, B*tches!
Jan 16, 2010
Now that Trumpism is officially for losers, what will the new GOP look like? Back to globalism and free trade? Will they liberalize on guns and social issues to capture more of a changing demographic? Or will they cling to Trumpism and go down with the ship?
Now that Trumpism is officially for losers, what will the new GOP look like? Back to globalism and free trade? Will they liberalize on guns and social issues to capture more of a changing demographic? Or will they cling to Trumpism and go down with the ship?
Double down on religiosity, denying women bodily autonomy and equal rights, clinging to guns, and business deregulation, destruction of public education. Business as usual.
Now that Trumpism is officially for losers, what will the new GOP look like? Back to globalism and free trade? Will they liberalize on guns and social issues to capture more of a changing demographic? Or will they cling to Trumpism and go down with the ship?
No, none of that. Hopefully will dump Trump and become fiscally responsible again
Now that Trumpism is officially for losers, what will the new GOP look like? Back to globalism and free trade? Will they liberalize on guns and social issues to capture more of a changing demographic? Or will they cling to Trumpism and go down with the ship?

Unfortunately, Trumpism still has fans. The GOP leadership's first priority is purging the filth.
It will be what it has always been, BCG-light (compared to the Ds). Folks expecting seismic shifts one way or the other are delusional.
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Now that Trumpism is officially for losers, what will the new GOP look like? Back to globalism and free trade? Will they liberalize on guns and social issues to capture more of a changing demographic? Or will they cling to Trumpism and go down with the ship?

Really hard to tell but probably will have some trouble purging the drumpf craziness. Depends how much Pence can distance from drumpf but could be the quickest rebound. I think they might be able to rebound fairly quickly with a Pence/Haley ticket. Turn down the craziness a little bit and get back to being human. Republican females did really well in the primaries.

It will also depend on how well Biden/Harris do in the white house. I am not sold on Harris in 2024 at all, I don't think she would be able to win, of course assuming Biden hangs it up for 2024. In fact 2024 win may be a huge challenge for the democrats more so than the Republicans.
I think they might be able to rebound fairly quickly with a Pence/Haley ticket.

Pence isn't liked enough by either the conservatives or the Trumpists.

The nightmare is scenario for the democrats would be if the GOP can get Scott ready to run.
Pence isn't liked enough by either the conservatives or the Trumpists.

The nightmare is scenario for the democrats would be if the GOP can get Scott ready to run.
Pence will never be President, he will never get the nomination.

Do you mean Tim Scott? If so and he starts getting traction he's a racist we all know that
Pence isn't liked enough by either the conservatives or the Trumpists.

The nightmare is scenario for the democrats would be if the GOP can get Scott ready to run.

I thought Pence had or has a good following by real conservatives. Seen as a good christian guy with family values?

Scott could be very effective but I am not sure if he has the charisma. It would be really interesting to see if conservatives could support him and A.A. vote would switch parties!!!
Now that Trumpism is officially for losers, what will the new GOP look like? Back to globalism and free trade? Will they liberalize on guns and social issues to capture more of a changing demographic? Or will they cling to Trumpism and go down with the ship?
Trump was actually pretty liberal on guns.
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However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion
Pence isn't liked enough by either the conservatives or the Trumpists.

The nightmare is scenario for the democrats would be if the GOP can get Scott ready to run.

I think he's not far off from developing a strong image. In his rally speech the other day, I thought he came out into his own a bit and showed a side publicly I had not seen of him as far as presence in front of the people, etc.

Haley is definitely a strong contender.
Really hard to tell but probably will have some trouble purging the drumpf craziness. Depends how much Pence can distance from drumpf but could be the quickest rebound. I think they might be able to rebound fairly quickly with a Pence/Haley ticket. Turn down the craziness a little bit and get back to being human. Republican females did really well in the primaries.

It will also depend on how well Biden/Harris do in the white house. I am not sold on Harris in 2024 at all, I don't think she would be able to win, of course assuming Biden hangs it up for 2024. In fact 2024 win may be a huge challenge for the democrats more so than the Republicans.
I think Haley is your 2024 candidate. I think she may have some extra-marital stuff in her closet though.
I thought Pence had or has a good following by real conservatives. Seen as a good christian guy with family values?

Scott could be very effective but I am not sure if he has the charisma. It would be really interesting to see if conservatives could support him and A.A. vote would switch parties!!!

Scott has infinitely more charisma than Pence. I don't think Pence is a bad politician. He's just not going to move the needle.
I think Haley is your 2024 candidate. I think she may have some extra-marital stuff in her closet though.

I think Clinton paved the way for that to be a non-issue for the highest office. As well as probably the majority of politicians.
I think Haley is your 2024 candidate. I think she may have some extra-marital stuff in her closet though.
There's no way they nominate anyone that's not a white male. Haley, Tim Scott, or any other non white male candidate will only be used as window dressing that helps some R's sleep at night. Always been that way and the past 5 years have shown they don't want to change that.
Pence will never be President, he will never get the nomination.

Do you mean Tim Scott? If so and he starts getting traction he's a racist we all know that
Anyone who isn’t already labeled a racist in the Republican Party soon will be. It’s part of the playbook. The -ist , phobic, whatever other words that I’m sure will be created in the next few years to actually divide people more.
There's no way they nominate anyone that's not a white male. Haley, Tim Scott, or any other non white male candidate will only be used as window dressing that helps some R's sleep at night. Always been that way and the past 5 years have shown they don't want to change that.
Kamala is what again? Certainly not window dressing right ? From the get go the VP always had to be a minority woman. Nothing based on merit, but just the color of her skin. Very progressive.

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