Post-Mortem for Trumpism/the GOP

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion

We need you running and winning political office.
Now that Trumpism is officially for losers, what will the new GOP look like? Back to globalism and free trade? Will they liberalize on guns and social issues to capture more of a changing demographic? Or will they cling to Trumpism and go down with the ship?

Your old AVI was better. Is that the cousin of Wanda Sykes?
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Trump widened the paved way and turned it into the autobahn.

I'm sure he's chased his fair share. His was all pre-presidency as far as we know. Most lifer politicians make it a perk of the position, then cast shadow on candidates for it, or make accusations of it. Either way it's infidelity.
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I'm sure he's chased his fair share. His was all pre-presidency as far as we know. Most lifer politicians make it a perk of the position, then cast shadow on candidates for it, or make accusations of it. Either way it's infidelity.
We crave men and women of character; statesmen who are principled.

We get scoundrels, corrupted, broken people.
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Kamala is what again? Certainly not window dressing right ? From the get go the VP always had to be a minority woman. Nothing based on merit, but just the color of her skin. Very progressive.
Attorney general of CA. Senator from CA. How does that not qualify her for the VP spot?
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Attorney general of CA. Senator from CA. How does that not qualify her for the VP spot?
You mean beyond the fact that she couldn’t even get her presidential campaign into 2020? Those offices she held come in a distant second of her race and whatever gender she chooses to identify as. That‘s what all your constituents were saying anyway. It always had to be a minority woman.
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The ignorance of American politics in this thread is astounding. Trump was the man who brought the middle to the GOP. He was the first president to be for gay marriage before he was in office, he did more in my life time for the black community than any other politician, and he left weed legalization up to states when the Keebler Elf wanted to go after them. Trump was the movement to pull the GOP more to the center. With out them they can go die like the democrats. All I see in here is characterizations of trump supporters as the classic dumb hillbilly GOP supporter. Trump supporters aren’t republicans and vice versa. This will be the last we ever see of a populist movement gaining traction in this country. The left and the establishment have put an end to that.
Hopefully they start to defend people from the outright assault on our rights that is coming from the left. Begin to realize that stealing money from our grandkids isn't a sound fiscal policy. Being the world police is too expensive

That would be a first for Republicans.

Oh wait, they are out of power. Time to screech about it.
No, none of that. Hopefully will dump Trump and become fiscally responsible again

Republicans are only “fiscally responsible” when they are out of power. Once they get back in they run up the credit card.

It’s why debt and deficit wasn’t so much as whispered the past 3.5 years. Then when it looked like Donnie was on the ropes the fiscal hawks started waking up to start their screeching for the inevitable Dem take over.

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