Post-Mortem for Trumpism/the GOP

Post mortem on Trumpism/GOP... hopefully they will see the light, seems like some are ready to turn the page and others maybe wanna try to cling to Trump’s base.

I agree with what Romney said last night to the tune of bi partisan applause, a rarity. Tell the American people the truth. If that’s all that comes out of yesterday, or the last 4 years... I guess that’s something.
It will be what it has always been, BCG-light (compared to the Ds). Folks expecting seismic shifts one way or the other are delusional.

Wake up McDad, your freedoms are not free
I really feel for the citizens that are not financially set..... odds that they succeed are
Long.......America is totally broke after giving away our tax dollars to other countries and ignoring its own citizens
I would say Liberals, Moderates (encompassing middle of the road members of left and right), and Trumpists
I don’t think so. Middle of the road democrats are fewer and fewer, and sure the Democratic Party is a bit fractured but hasn’t had the seismic shifts that the republicans have experienced in the past couple decades. Most who identify as moderates/independents tend toward conservatism (except on perhaps social issues) as do libertarians. Most of the Trump Party would be comprised of hard right loyalists and evangelical/religious zealots that don’t see any middle ground on any issues, religious or otherwise.
Wake up McDad, your freedoms are not free
I really feel for the citizens that are not financially set..... odds that they succeed are
Long.......America is totally broke after giving away our tax dollars to other countries and ignoring its own citizens
I would think that all the businesses that have closed due to Democrat shutdowns would create more possibilities for someone new to make money.
I thought all the evidence was supposed to come out yesterday. How many times is Trump going to promise his followers a big announcement, evidence etc and fail to deliver? It is pretty comical to watch how well he plays his supporters. They still fail to admit they were conned.

I also believe there is a large portion of his most ardent supporters who are just bigots and they are happy they can openly be so while he is in power. Trump has made it acceptable to be f#cking a$$hole and his followers relish in the name calling. Yes, it is your right to be bigoted prick, but does anyone really stop to ask themselves why they would want to be.

So based on the last two sentences, you’re a Trump supporter of using your own narrative.
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