Post-Mortem for Trumpism/the GOP

Sen. Marsha Blackburn from our fair state, now says she won't object to the electoral college vote count certifying Joe Biden's victory. She found herself on the wrong side of history... and now she looks like an ass.
It does show that she is not principled. She is just a leaf in the breeze of American politics. I don't see how anyone could respect her now.
I never really liked her but held out some hope she isn’t the fraud I though but this confirms she is
I never really liked her but held out some hope she isn’t the fraud I though but this confirms she is

Anyone who hitched their wagon to Trump in order to curry his favor is almost certainly a fraud.

No one will forget those that enabled this piece of trashes assault on America and the Constitution.
Anyone who hitched their wagon to Trump in order to curry his favor is almost certainly a fraud.

No one will forget those that enabled this piece of trashes assault on America and the Constitution.
Exactly the same way we won’t forget those who cheated and supported the incoming regime
GOP effed itself in the eyes of many when Lindsey Graham thought it was a good idea to hand out millions for gender programs in Pakistan. At the top the GOP is about as bad as the Dems
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I believe this may have been a blessing in disguise for the GOP. Divorcing Trump from the GOP if it occurs is a great thing.
Best thing that happened is we found out who is really on the side of free elections and who is really a democrat. Those would include Blackburn, Hagerty, Pence etc.
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From the moment Donald Trump descended an escalator at Trump Tower, and then announced his intention to run for President, he has been playing identity politics. He began with his attacks on Mexican immigrants as "rapists" and he has continued to this day...
the exact thing with Obama in 2008. Both houses were controlled by democrats. So Obama was a failed president.
On Donald Trump's first day in office, January 20, 2017 .... the Republican Party controlled both chambers of Congress. On his last day in office, January 20, 2021 and after just one term in office in which he was impeached ... they will hold neither. He is a failed President.
the same thing with Obama in 2008. The dems controlled both houses. So I guess Obama was a failed president.
So you still believe the election was stolen?

Earth - flat or round?
Moon landing - real or fake?

I thought all the evidence was supposed to come out yesterday. How many times is Trump going to promise his followers a big announcement, evidence etc and fail to deliver? It is pretty comical to watch how well he plays his supporters. They still fail to admit they were conned.

I also believe there is a large portion of his most ardent supporters who are just bigots and they are happy they can openly be so while he is in power. Trump has made it acceptable to be f#cking a$$hole and his followers relish in the name calling. Yes, it is your right to be bigoted prick, but does anyone really stop to ask themselves why they would want to be.
Best thing that happened is we found out who is really on the side of free elections and who is really a democrat. Those would include Blackburn, Hagerty, Pence etc.
If we allowed Trump to stay in office we would also be against free elections, no?
I thought all the evidence was supposed to come out yesterday. How many times is Trump going to promise his followers a big announcement, evidence etc and fail to deliver? It is pretty comical to watch how well he plays his supporters. They still fail to admit they were conned.

I also believe there is a large portion of his most ardent supporters who are just bigots and they are happy they can openly be so while he is in power. Trump has made it acceptable to be f#cking a$$hole and his followers relish in the name calling. Yes, it is your right to be bigoted prick, but does anyone really stop to ask themselves why they would want to be.
Apparently it is more than just his followers.
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