Post-Mortem for Trumpism/the GOP

Exactly the same way we won’t forget those voters that supported the popular vote getting and electoral college winning democratic ticket.

fixed it for you. Since you want to be sheep, just ask someone smarter to think for you. It will improve your life.
Trump had a horrible impact on general civility across the board.
It was orchestrated on Trump's part and a big part of his appeal to the ones in the basket.

And a big reason why I despised him from the start.
So if Trump's views were more aligned with yours you wouldn't have a problem with him? I have seen a lot of post here, including from you, that look a lot like something Trump would say.
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the same thing with Obama in 2008. The dems controlled both houses. So I guess Obama was a failed president.

To a certain extent, yes, he failed to keep democratic control of the houses but that happens, sometimes even to good presidents. Obamas' failure is miniscule in comparison to drumpf failure.

Drumpf makes Jimmy Freaking Carter look like a successful politician.
Looking forward, Tom Cotton appears to be distancing himself from MAGA.

Nothing wrong with that. The entire party should be moving on. Trump was fun for 4 yrs but that party's over. Now Republicans should just sit back and blame the Dems for everything bad that happens.
So if Trump's views were more aligned with yours you wouldn't have a problem with him? I have seen a lot of post here, including from you, that look a lot like something Trump would say.
I'm not sure what you're asking.
I disagree with plenty of Trump's selected political stances, but that is always the case in an election.....I align much more with the left. But it was Trump's appeal to the worst in people, his desire to divide, that turned me against him.
I thought all the evidence was supposed to come out yesterday. How many times is Trump going to promise his followers a big announcement, evidence etc and fail to deliver? It is pretty comical to watch how well he plays his supporters. They still fail to admit they were conned.

I also believe there is a large portion of his most ardent supporters who are just bigots and they are happy they can openly be so while he is in power. Trump has made it acceptable to be f#cking a$$hole and his followers relish in the name calling. Yes, it is your right to be bigoted prick, but does anyone really stop to ask themselves why they would want to be.
Congratulations! You are now just like Donald Trump.
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Nothing wrong with that. The entire party should be moving on. Trump was fun for 4 yrs but that party's over. Now Republicans should just sit back and blame the Dems for everything bad that happens.
I hope the lasting affect of Trump is we get away from the weak RINOs, no more McCain/Romney types
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There may essentially be three parties that emerge... Dems, Independents with conservative leanings/libertarians, and the Trump party.
There may essentially be three parties that emerge... Dems, Independents with conservative leanings/libertarians, and the Trump party.
The second one should take every election but they need to find a good color scheme and logo. People don't change team affiliation if the gear isn't worth it
The second one should take every election but they need to find a good color scheme and logo. People don't change team affiliation if the gear isn't worth it

Red and blue are taken as primary colors... white is on the table, risky but bold
fixed it for you. Since you want to be sheep, just ask someone smarter to think for you. It will improve your life.

There may essentially be three parties that emerge... Dems, Independents with conservative leanings/libertarians, and the Trump party.

I would say Liberals, Moderates (encompassing middle of the road members of left and right), and Trumpists

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