Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

They are not “importing democrat voters.” They are importing people, names, that allows the state fraud process to generate ballots.

This is an important distinction.

The migrants will not use the ballots. The DNC harvesters will collect them, fill them out (Obama), then the Precinct workers will scan them and count them (Clyburn).

Illegals don’t need to vote. They only need to exist to create a ballot.
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One has to wonder why one side favors drop boxes and other nefarious means to allow people to vote without proper ID. This is how the end around works that will ultimately subvert federal election laws wrt citizenship. If anyone thinks this is not what the left is up to, you’re not paying attention to their stated goals.
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One has to wonder why one side favors drop boxes and other nefarious means to allow people to vote without proper ID. This is how the end around works that will ultimately subvert federal election laws wrt citizenship. If anyone thinks this is not what the left is up to, you’re not paying attention to their stated goals.

No one does not have to wonder. It's not covert anymore, it is overt. They just want to see if anyone has the gall to stop it.

Joe Biden must be defeated soundly in November. The left knows this and that is why the keep with this "threat to democracy bs". They know there are other steps that must be taken to stop their radical plan that they are trying hard to make the damage irreversible.
Agreed. It goes pretty much like this:

--- NGO's focus the illegal immigrants to the DMV for a drivers license;
--- The illegal immigrants in the process of getting the license register to vote;
--- The NGO's address is used to facilitate the process;
--- The states SOS mails out ballots to all registered voters where ballot harvesting is legal;
--- The NGO's receives the ballots;
--- The ballot harvesters fill out ballots for democrat candidates, sign them, and deliver to the drop boxes;
--- Precinct receives ballots to be counted on election day;
--- On election day, ballots opened and matched to registration role with a vote for the democrats due to signature verification not taking place;
--- If there are some level of signature verification, a cursory act is performed to verify the signature is correct.

Here is video of it recently occuring:

Similar process for the homeless. Here we find a Georgia NGO whose focus is on the plight of homeless and voting where thousands of registered voters had the same address.

I for one and am dismayed that Biden hasn't done more to keep printer ink and toner prices down.

Do you people realize how expensive it is for the average man like me to print duffels full of Biden/Harris marked ballots?!

It's going to cost me a fortune if he gets pulled.
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I for one and am dismayed that Biden hasn't done more to keep printer ink and toner prices down.

Do you people realize how expensive it is for the average man like me to print duffels full of Biden/Harris marked ballots?!

It's going to cost me a fortune if he gets pulled.
Get a job a Kinkos for a day. Those ballots won't print themselves.
This is how Republics dissolve. It is imperative that every other state has ethical interests in any other state’s national election.

Short memory you have.

Donny LITERALLY tried to overturn the will of the electorate in the 2020 general based on lies that many of the MAGA faithful still believe. Almost all of which has been proven to be rooted in BS.

Your outrage rings hollow.
Short memory you have.

Donny LITERALLY tried to overturn the will of the electorate in the 2020 general based on lies that many of the MAGA faithful still believe. Almost all of which has been proven to be rooted in BS.

Your outrage rings hollow.
what did Trump literally do?
what did Trump literally do?
I love the way 1 side of literally fightong against voting ID...and idiots still believe the the 2020 election had no fraud..blows my minds how people cannot put connections together...hmmm. Million of unverified mail in Fighting to allow non citizens to vote in federal election equals not fraid whatsoever
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I love the way 1 side of literally fightong against voting ID...and idiots still believe the the 2020 election had no fraud..blows my minds how people cannot put connections together...hmmm. Million of unverified mail in Fighting to allow non citizens to vote in federal election equals not fraid whatsoever

I believe voter ID is a great idea and also that there wasn't the widespread fraud you desperately want everyone to believe there was.

That must blow your mind.

You maga guys are sore losers.
I believe voter ID is a great idea and also that there wasn't the widespread fraud you desperately want everyone to believe there was.

That must blow your mind.

You maga guys are sore losers.
Not sore..just do t believe the no widespread fraud theory..didn't have to be wide say 50k fraudulent votes wide all depends where they were added..and we saw in GA, AZ,MI, WI,PA..all had issue with change of custody and signature verification in violation of their keep your head buried and sling crap at both sides to make you lack of ideas seem important
Not sore..just do t believe the no widespread fraud theory..didn't have to be wide say 50k fraudulent votes wide all depends where they were added..and we saw in GA, AZ,MI, WI,PA..all had issue with change of custody and signature verification in violation of their keep your head buried and sling crap at both sides to make you lack of ideas seem important

You were sold a narrative that was never fleshed out with actual proof, just conspiracy theories that took root through your confirmation bias.

Every theory that was set up, was shot down.

Either there was not sufficient coordinated fraud or the coverup was so good that involved multiple states, voting jurisdictions, local insiders, the DOJ & FBI and including federal judges all over the country. Everyone was in on it according to your narrative and yet not one whistle blower is willing to step forward with a smoking gun.

The answer that involves the least number of assumptions is usually the right one.

Sorry man, you should come to terms with the fact that you bought what the pillow guy was selling. It's not too late to return it.
You were sold a narrative that was never fleshed out with actual proof, just conspiracy theories that took root through your confirmation bias.

Every theory that was set up, was shot down.

Either there was not sufficient coordinated fraud or the coverup was so good that involved multiple states, voting jurisdictions, local insiders, the DOJ & FBI and including federal judges all over the country. Everyone was in on it according to your narrative and yet not one whistle blower is willing to step forward with a smoking gun.

The answer that involves the least number of assumptions is usually the right one.

Sorry man, you should come to terms with the fact that you bought what the pillow guy was selling. It's not too late to return it.
Your not putting pieces together..the chain of custody, and signature verification has been admitted to by the heads those voting committee in those states..that's proof...basically your watching a flash mob rob a Walgreens and because no one was arrested. Your take is it didn't happen...that's borderline retarded...
Your not putting pieces together..the chain of custody, and signature verification has been admitted to by the heads those voting committee in those states..that's proof...basically your watching a flash mob rob a Walgreens and because no one was arrested. Your take is it didn't happen...that's borderline retarded...

And you're using buzzwords and tales that were sourced through anonymous twitter accounts as your proof.

Not one shred of credible proof has been presnted to a court of law. Lots of attorney's including the conductor of the big lie, Rudy G - have been disbarred because of the BS he got caught peddling.

You believe the lie because you want to believe it. You take a few anonymous twitter hit jobs and add them up to feed what you want to believe.

You've had four years to find the smoking gun and the only thing left in Trumps wake are indictments of him and his conspirators. BTW, how much did Fox and OAN settle with Dominion Voting Systems for the lies they peddled that fueled your mouth frothing outrage?
And you're using buzzwords and tales that were sourced through anonymous twitter accounts as your proof.

Not one shred of credible proof has been presnted to a court of law. Lots of attorney's including the conductor of the big lie, Rudy G - have been disbarred because of the BS he got caught peddling.

You believe the lie because you want to believe it. You take a few anonymous twitter hit jobs and add them up to feed what you want to believe.

You've had four years to find the smoking gun and the only thing left in Trumps wake are indictments of him and his conspirators. BTW, how much did Fox and OAN settle with Dominion Voting Systems for the lies they peddled that fueled your mouth frothing outrage?
Wtf are you talking about..those were admitted during committee hearings just refused to believe anything that may help Trump...the have the proof issue is the courts wont do anything vaise it'll cause chaos and politicians will los power..samr reason SCOTUS wont touch it..
But alas there is no possible way the side that is wanting unmitigated immigrants, non-citizen to vote...would have ever be part of fraudulent voting to retain power....your delusional....oh and BTW it was again shown in court that those machine are susceptible to hacking...but it comes out after FOX and OAN settled...that's their own fault for not sticking to their guns. You prob watch Fox and OAN more then most people you think do..
I'm pretty sure Time magazine could write an article about rigging an election and some people still wouldn't believe there was fraud because it was against Trump..its an amazing phenomenon and will be a study in how to propagandize educated idiots
Wtf are you talking about..those were admitted during committee hearings just refused to believe anything that may help Trump...the have the proof issue is the courts wont do anything vaise it'll cause chaos and politicians will los power..samr reason SCOTUS wont touch it..
But alas there is no possible way the side that is wanting unmitigated immigrants, non-citizen to vote...would have ever be part of fraudulent voting to retain power....your delusional....oh and BTW it was again shown in court that those machine are susceptible to hacking...but it comes out after FOX and OAN settled...that's their own fault for not sticking to their guns. You prob watch Fox and OAN more then most people you think do..

OK. You do you man, you're going to believe whatever makes you feel better about your worldview. Facts be damned.

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