Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

I believe it will. Thanks for that.
It's an error that should be caught by the bi-partisan canvassing process if it happens anywhere else, we'll know.
For "2 sides to every story" purposes, there are several saying human input error was the issue. It was automatically questioned why a historically red county would have come in blue. When questioned, the county suggested must have been the software.

Know for sure which after canvassing but Trump is behind 150,000 in MI. 6,000 won't quite get there. It'll have to be a repeated error.
It's an error that should be caught by the bi-partisan canvassing process if it happens anywhere else, we'll know.
For "2 sides to every story" purposes, there are several saying human input error was the issue. It was automatically questioned why a historically red county would have come in blue. When questioned, the county suggested must have been the software.

Know for sure which after canvassing but Trump is behind 150,000 in MI. 6,000 won't quite get there. It'll have to be a repeated error.
And is 160,000 mail in votes, human error, as well? Or democrat voter fraud error??
Is there honestly anyone out there that thinks fraud hasn’t happened in this election?
Define fraud? Voter roll errors? Sure. They happen all the time and there is no proof yet of them even being counted. That seems to be the extent of the allegations of fraud that have even a modicum of evidence to back them up.
Define fraud? Voter roll errors? Sure. They happen all the time and there is no proof yet of them even being counted. That seems to be the extent of the allegations of fraud that have even a modicum of evidence to back them up.

Poll watchers not being allowed to do their job could be considered fradulanet.
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From what I’ve seen, they were allowed to do their job but not to the extent the Trump campaign wanted them to. The state court already struck that one down.

Well I guess we shall see if the SCOTUS finds anything. I honestly hope they don’t. I hope that whomever eventually wins, it’s a legitimate win.
And is 160,000 mail in votes, human error, as well? Or democrat voter fraud error??

Here's a box of all of the evidence of your kings claims of fraud.

Here's a box of all of the evidence of your kings claims of fraud.


I'm not a political person but clicked this thread over concern of the growing pages.
Relieved to find it's mostly manipulated media, debunked stories and *attempted fraud. Hate that there's jackasses out there, on both sides, that still try the multiple voting. But it's headlines because of improved security. This isn't the 90's, they're busting these jackazzes early.

However, disappointed with the growing division and spread of these stories. Seems folks ON BOTH SIDES are just retreating further into bubbles of only news, takes and stories that they want to hear/to be true.

This includes analysis of last year’s election for KY governor - start at 33:14 if it doesn’t automatically start there
In the past few days with recounts still going on in several states Trump is still carping on voter fraud. So this is your chance to share any evidence of misconduct by voters or officials. Nearly every one of you on the right have assured us that the problem is rampant. So share what you have that supports your claims.

BTW in the November 6 elections well over 110M votes were cast. So far they have verified fewer than a dozen cases of fraud. Trump claimed that 5M illegal votes were cast in '16 yet not even 100 people have been charged. This is all they have even with Trump's men in charge at the DOJ.

Please post any links to any hard evidence.

I expect this thread to die a quick death.
Guess you are disappointed but won't admit that there is widespread voter fraud perpetrated by democrats.

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