Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

Anyone else see Michael flynn on Newsmax. Said he suspected systemic Fraud. Haven't seen anyone comment on it or report it anywhere else. wondering now if Newsmax fabricated the whole thing.
Just a hypothetical phrased the way it is because enhanced voter ID requirements typically have the effect of eliminating more legitimate votes than fraudulent votes. That's why the right loves the issue. They know that they can scream about election legitimacy when they really favor the measures because they know they'll have an disproportionate impact on the poor and minority voters.
And why does the left believe everything that they hear from their leaders? Democrats are far more corrupt than republicans. The DNC, under directions from Hillary Clinton, funded the Steele dossier (this has been proven) which was the basis for the FISA warrant that resulted in the whole Russian collusion crap that the Dems kept stirred up for 3 years, when there was absolutely NO evidence supporting the dossier (that is a proven fact). The CIA and FBI were complicit because they knew that Gen. Flynn had knowledge that could expose the corruption in the agencies, so they destroyed Flynn, blackmailing him to plead guilty. Robert Mueller, who would have been implicated by Flynn, was put in charge of the investigation because he thought, with Comey out of the way, he could resume his position as Director of the FBI if Flynn was stopped. The facts overwhelmingly support this assertion. But, liberals aren't interested in facts, are they? No way their virtuous leaders could perpetrate voter fraud.
Here's a box of all of the evidence of your kings claims of fraud.


So, the Trump campaign will definitely find some fraud that has occurred. It occurs every election, everywhere beyond just the United States and the Presidential election. People cheat. It's normal human nature.

But, what's not normal is what Trump will do with it: I guarantee he will take whatever evidence he finds and spin it into a "Well, this is just a tip of the iceberg!" situation, and demand that all results be thrown out (where he lost) because there's the greatest "fraud" in the history of all elections, or something stupid like that.

Trump will then scream and cry all the way to SCOTUS.

He'll never concede to Biden, because he lacks the basic human trait of being considerate and wanting what is best for our country.

It's not about us. It's not about the United States. It's all about Donald Trump and what's best for Donald Trump.

I suspect on January 20th, Pelosi will be installed as Temp President, cause Donald will still be fighting the results. We all lose.
It's not about us. It's not about the United States. It's all about Donald Trump and what's best for Donald Trump.
THIS. all day. It has been, and always will be, about the Trump name and brand. Never about American exceptionalism, never about the troops, or the middle/working classes; never about the suburbs, or Proud Boys, or ANTIFA. It is only about Trump and improving his standing and recognition in an attempt to cement his name, brand, and "legacy."
THIS. all day. It has been, and always will be, about the Trump name and brand. Never about American exceptionalism, never about the troops, or the middle/working classes; never about the suburbs, or Proud Boys, or ANTIFA. It is only about Trump and improving his standing and recognition in an attempt to cement his name, brand, and "legacy."
I don't like Trump in the least. He's a terrible human being. BUT, that does not give the dems the right to illegally and unethically perpetrate voter fraud and destroy people with misinformation.
For YEARS, Democrat's and other bureaucrats contended that there was concrete evidence that Trump and/or his staff colluded with the Russians. After over a year of the outcries from the dems, the senate interviewed 65 people, including former attorney generals, FBI agents (Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Yates, etc.) and politicians who publicly (in the press and on news media) either implied or outright said they had seen evidence that Trump and/or his staff had colluded with the Russians. EVERY single witness was asked, "do you have ANY EVIDENCE OR INFORMATION that the Trump campaign colluded, conspired or coordinated with any member of the Russian government". NOT ONE of the 65 people, under oath, said they had any evidence or information that the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russians. NOT ONE! Yet, Pelosi, Schiff and other democrats continued to push the narrative on all the major networks and the networks believed every word, without question. It's the greatest government corruption in the history of the U.S. It's really sad.
There are lots of examples if the media would just do their job and report it

There are lots of examples if the media would just do their job and report it. How the heck can the left harp on Russia Collusion for 3 years and turn a blind eye to this.

Any proof of this besides the trump team? Literally all you guys put is Twitter and YouTube videos.
you think they’re gonna cheat and then let themselves lose the senate? How stupid of a cheat that would be?
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Any proof of this besides the trump team? Literally all you guys put is Twitter and YouTube videos.
you think they’re gonna cheat and then let themselves lose the senate? How stupid of a cheat that would be?

What further proof do you need then a dead person voting. If a dead person votes republican that needs to be withdrawn from the count to.
I expect this thread to die a quick death.
Well, it's on the 39th page. Smoke-Fire? Need any more. Not a very "quick death", of course unless you casually dismiss many of the alleged improprieties. Please watch Amazon Prime's "The Plot Against the President" and then objectively say that you don't think the democratic leadership would even contemplate voter fraud. At the very least, if you are objective, you would have to admit they are capable if not likely.
Your own link said they caught it and fixed it. That’s how it works.
They caught it in one or two of the locations. What about the others? Was it a "glitch" or was it purposeful or hacked? The voting machines used can be accessed remotely. That's outrageous. It is entirely possible they were hacked. What about the ties to the Clintons and Pelosi? Isn't that just a little bit suspicious? There are just too many irregularities in favor of the Dems to think there is not widespread fraud. Was it enough to swing the election? We may never know, but it is a fact that it does exist and it does favor the dems. Why do you think that is? You don't think the Chinese would engage in rigging or hacking voting equipment to get Trump out of office? Watch "The Plan Against the President" and then tell me you don't think there might just be a covert coordinated effort to remove Trump from office. If you watch it and can refute any of the facts presented in the documentary, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, keep you head stuck in the sand. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." I urge you to look at the facts, all the facts, and then make an educated evaluation of that evidence. If you disagree with me and can support it with facts, I can respect that. If you simply dismiss it without seeking the real truth, believing chronic liars (and they are on both sides), you are either an idiot or a fool.
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Your own link said they caught it and fixed it. That’s how it works.
"Ridley said that a representative from the two companies called her after poll workers began having problems with the equipment Tuesday morning and said the problem was due to an upload to the machines by one of their technicians overnight."

That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,” Ridley said.

Is that how it works?
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Good luck with that fraud thing. News flash- Judges require that you bring concrete evidence. They generally don’t allow Facebook rumors and “Well my cousin Bubba said one of his auntie’s maids voted 4 times and she died last year.”
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Its here. Yall are just too damn lazy to watch it.

Edit: and this isnt some scam, or made up BS looking for clicks....this has been submitted in detail to the DOJ, the FBI and others. 2 year study... by forensic analysts.
What further proof do you need then a dead person voting. If a dead person votes republican that needs to be withdrawn from the count to.

Is there an actual photo or something to back up this claim? I’m not going to take anything said from this admin at face value.
"Ridley said that a representative from the two companies called her after poll workers began having problems with the equipment Tuesday morning and said the problem was due to an upload to the machines by one of their technicians overnight."

That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,” Ridley said.

Is that how it works?

There are massive problems with the software...and that Dominion software was used in all 5 contested swing states...all of which quit counting votes at almost EXACTLY the same time...then all 5 started reporting again 3 hours later....and Trump just so happened to go from leading all 5 states to trailing in 4 and tied in 1 state.

It is blatantly obvious what they did...there are also 2 programs that were allegedly used to edit and change results after they were cast, Scoreboard and Hammer, both of which will be taken to court along with Dominion...which once again was marketed to these states by their salesman, which is an aide to Nancy Pelosi....if that doesn't just reek of conflict of interest and fraud .....then one is being intentionally obtuse. Or it what you will.

To skip the ",nuts and bolts" and go straight to evidence of fraud in WI and TX...skip to 34 mins and start there...
Is there an actual photo or something to back up this claim? I’m not going to take anything said from this admin at face value.

I'm sure they have proof but there are plenty cases out there. There's a guy in Michigan who has been entering random dead people into the system and finding they voted


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