Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

Apparently the golfer-in-chief thought he might be able to find some fraudulent ballots out on the golf course today.
Seems about right since his lawyers can't find any evidence of fraud anywhere else.
All these articles say “there is enough evidence” well no kidding. The ballots need to be reviewed to see how widespread the fraud is/was. When you can prove that people who were dead for years voted, it all needs to be reviewed imo
All these articles say “there is enough evidence” well no kidding. The ballots need to be reviewed to see how widespread the fraud is/was. When you can prove that people who were dead for years voted, it all needs to be reviewed imo
If the Dems were that good at voter fraud, one would think they would have figured out a way to take the Senate too. But that’s just me.
If the Dems were that good at voter fraud, one would think they would have figured out a way to take the Senate too. But that’s just me.
If it was down in the toss up states, it wouldn’t apply to other races nationally. You and everyone else should want to know if there was fraud or not
If it was down in the toss up states, it wouldn’t apply to other races nationally. You and everyone else should want to know if there was fraud or not
Oh I do want to know. Get back to me when the election is overturned. I’ll wait.
Oh I do want to know. Get back to me when the election is overturned. I’ll wait.
I would settle for the corruption that we all know exists in several cities to be exposed and real changes be made so that it can’t happen again. The election won’t be overturned but the light needs to be signed on the corruption that does exist
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I would settle for the corruption that we all know exists in several cities to be exposed and real changes be made so that it can’t happen again. The election won’t be overturned but the light needs to be signed on the corruption that does exist
I’ve been eligible to vote for 48 years and I’ve heard that after every election. Never manifests in a meaningful way. Most of the doubt here has been from people not understanding that Mail In ballots were processed last and that Democrats overwhelmingly used them this time. That’s why there was such a big comeback for Biden in a number of states. Heck, Ohio was just the opposite. They counted the mail in’s first and Biden jumped out to a big lead. Didn’t hold up when they got to the in person votes that Trump got out. And one thing you have to give Trump credit for is that he did get the in person vote out. That’s why he won Ohio and Florida and made several states close.
There are massive problems with the software...and that Dominion software was used in all 5 contested swing states...all of which quit counting votes at almost EXACTLY the same time...then all 5 started reporting again 3 hours later....and Trump just so happened to go from leading all 5 states to trailing in 4 and tied in 1 state.

It is blatantly obvious what they did...there are also 2 programs that were allegedly used to edit and change results after they were cast, Scoreboard and Hammer, both of which will be taken to court along with Dominion...which once again was marketed to these states by their salesman, which is an aide to Nancy Pelosi....if that doesn't just reek of conflict of interest and fraud .....then one is being intentionally obtuse. Or it what you will.

To skip the ",nuts and bolts" and go straight to evidence of fraud in WI and TX...skip to 34 mins and start there...

This is what my post was about this is how they cheat.
If the Dems were that good at voter fraud, one would think they would have figured out a way to take the Senate too. But that’s just me.
Why you think there is 2 run offs in Georgia for control of Senate or did you not know this? Also you don't want to be to obvious.
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This is what my post was about this is how they cheat.


And these same folks say " where's the proof, where's the proof??"

And we post evidence that's been collected for the last 2 years about the software....with evidence from THIS election....and they ignore it .

Either quit ignoring the evidence or quit asking the damn question.

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