Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

Educate yourself.

What year do you claim this happened?
It all needs investigated no matter what.

Sure. I have no problem with credible accusations taken seriously. If anything is found and they can pin it on an individual then by all means prosecute them. On a that same note when they are debunked stop spreading them like it’s fact.

This is really the same song and dance every time Republicans lose. They cry fraud. It’s looked into. Nothing is found. Rinse and repeat.

How many independent studies have to be conducted and determine voter fraud is practically nonexistent? I say practically because the biggest voter fraud scandal in my lifetime was 2018 Republicans in NC and few Trump voters that tried vote twice. Trump’s own task force disbanded because they couldn’t find anything.

And let’s not forget there are Bills sitting in McConnell’s dungeon that would help further secure elections but he nor Republicans want to pass them? Why? Because then they would have a harder time screaming FRAUD when they lose.
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The Trump campaign (most notably Rudy Giuliani) is not taking the time to scrutinize their own allegations for plausibility and legitimacy. They are also not vetting the people who claim to have firsthand knowledge of fraud. They will literally trot out anyone in a press conference who claims to have witnessed an impropriety. Rudy Giuliani's press conference on Saturday in the parking lot of a small landscaping business and next to an adult book store was downright comical. Giuliani's star witness was a convicted sex offender who doesn't even live in the state of Pennsylvania. That took about 5 minutes to completely debunk.

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