Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

This is not fraud. Nor is it a “glitch”. This is human error that was caught through the normal channels of review.

—“This is proof that our process of checks and balances works," County Clerk Lisa Brown said after the discovery. "A methodical canvass is an essential tool to ensure an accurate count and precise results." —

Similar to the alleged 128k 4am vote dump that was spread all over social media but was corrected in under an hour.

Keep hanging your hat on this types of errors happening at such a scale to give Trump a win though.
2 instances where "A Glitch " awarded a Democrat and a audit gave the counts to Republicans in Michigan alone. The same machine that is in 47 counties and every battle ground State.

🤦‍♂️ Already dunked. Wasn’t a “glitch” in the software. It was human error that was promptly caught and fixed.
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I tried it and verified that the 102 yr. old Mr. Bradley, who passed away in 1984, requested a ballot and it was mailed out on 9/19. It was mailed back in and received on 10/2. I bet he is pissed that he voted for Biden. This election cannot be upheld if even a fraction of the voter irregularities are found to have actually occurred.

Horse feathers. There are irregularities in every election. The state of FL threw out actual ballots in 2000 and Bush won. You'd have to nullify every presidential election since Andrew Jackson's if you believe that.
Why won’t the Trump tards talk about this?

Do you realize the sweet, sweet irony it would be if Trumps votes were deemed as fraudulent? I mean, holy ****, this place would explode.

They would pretend it doesn’t exist just like they ignore the fraud debunking now.

Maybe whine about the mainstream media not covering the REAL fraud.
I just find it strange that we are sooooo closely divided, in of all places swing states. Sure they are "swing states" but really?

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