Prediction: How does 2024 Tennessee fare

I really hope it’s an afternoon game instead of a night one.
i expect the Sooners will be a slight favorite.
I can’t remember the last time that we beat someone as an underdog on the road at night.
We went to Kentucky in heups first year and that was a 9-10 win team and beat them but it’s tough in college to do… I think we have the qb that will do it multiple times in his career…
11-1 Ceiling
9-3/8-4 Most likely
7-5 Floor
Win all 5 games as heavy favorites (Chatt, Kent St, UTEP, Miss St, Vandy)
4-2/3-3 in 6 games we are either slight favorites or toss-up (NC st, Okla, Ark, UF, Bama, UK)
lose 1 game we are underdogs (UGA)

Win chance %
vs Chattanooga - 99%
n NC State - 60%
vs Kent State - 99%
@ Oklahoma - 50%
@ Arkansas - 65%
vs Florida - 65%
vs Alabama - 55%
vs Kentucky - 70%
vs Mississippi St - 75%
@ Georgia - 35%
vs UTEP - 97%
@ Vanderbilt - 90%

I think NC State could be a trap game. Early in the season with a lot of new players in key positions for us. Although it is a neutral sight game, it is in NC. They also are pretty good team, easily on par with UF, UK, Ms ST, Ark. They were pretty good last year and brought in some really good portal guys in key positions. They might end up being the 4th best team we play this year.
UTC >99%
NC State 65%
Kent State 90%
Oklahoma 40%
Arkanas 55%
Florida 60%
alabama 40%
Kentucky 65%
Miss St. 70%
Ugga 20%
UTEP. 95%
Candy. 90%

Win all the games your suppose to 9 games (more than 50%)
Okie, Bama and Ugga roll the dice...might win ONE might win TWO or might win ZERO
On paper I agree, but it will be a battle for sure. The atmosphere will be electric as OU will be trying to show off as a force in their first SEC matchup. Hopefully they will be overcome with the moment and we methodically take care of business. This will be Nico’s first taste of a hostile environment and his time to shine. Really big game for both teams as the loser is unlikely to make the playoffs.

Have you ever been to norman??
If I’m betting serious money on this - my take is 9-3, and nervously.

If I’m just trying to be reasonably sane…. 10-2

If I’m tailgating two hours before first game kickoff, these muffuggers are going 15 and damn O. Guarandamntee it.
Agreed. I’ve always believed it was more about the timing than anything. I mean heck, look at when they had to push it back for the twin towers attacks.
I have also always thought this.. they (Gators) always seemed to know what we were going to do, while we typically get better as the season progressed and it always seemed like that matured Vol team could have beaten them fairly easily.. drove me crazy
We still see folks on these boards from time to time saying something like, "Well, if Josh Heupel can't do _______ this year, he's not the right one."

For whatever reason. Maybe they still suffer BVS. Maybe they very publicly didn't like the hire at the start, and now have to stick to their guns in an effort to save face. Maybe they're just negative people in general. Whatever.

But I do think this is the year Josh and the lads put paid to all of that, and it becomes evident we've got the coach we need for decades to come.

I'm not saying there won't still be someone out there saying stupid crap. There always is. Just saying no one is going to take him seriously after this season. That's how well I think 2024 is going to go for us.

Go Vols!
I know you are referencing my post and that’s fine. I stand by what I said 100%. If we lose to Arkansas then Heupel isn’t the guy. Why? Arky is in shambles. Pittman is not a good head coach. We have out recruited them significantly. There really isn’t a position on or off the field that we don’t have an advantage.

I think we handle Arky fairly easily. Outside of significant injuries to major skill positions, there is literally no reason why we shouldn’t beat Arky by double digits. I predict another 9 wij season this year and that’s a very good year for us.
Here we go:

Chattanooga - Win

NC State (N, Charlotte) - Win

Kent State - Win

@ Oklahoma - Toss-up Loss

@ Arkansas - Close Win

Florida - Close Win (need to break curse)

Alabama - Toss-up Close Win

Kentucky - Win

Miss State - Win

@ Georgia - Loss and I seriously doubt we are in this one unfortunately

UTEP - Win

@ Vanderbilt - Win

10-2 which should be good enough to make playoffs. Our season really comes down to the Alabama and Oklahoma games and not tripping up against Florida or Arkansas.
This is exactly how I see it.
Go ahead and rem this post i think alot of folks are overlooking NC State this year.They are prob having the best run all around in sports they've had in 30 years.No one is talking about them but we get them on the road and their a sneaky good top 20 team.I think we should win but it isnt some automatic W by 3 scores some would like to make it..

Arkansas is another that worries me but if we wanna be a playoff team no matter the history of how bad we play in Fayeteville we have to win those games or we arent deserving of the playoffs.So assume we win at NC State like we should no gurantees then Oklahoma like always is the big season swinger.Win that and u have all the momentum u need.Its possible i think its gonna be a 3 point game in the end with a Vols victory.

In the end i trust our defense and Pearce to make Arnold want his mommy..And i just trust Nico more than i do Arnold!!I just hope he's still erratic snd tosses up 3 ints like he did the bowl game for us boy gets nervous and throws some ducks,we need our D to get after Okie earky and often.Another one of those will the refs let us play or do the ticky tacky favortism bs.Man so much goes into a season unless ur Georgia its damn near pointless to predict anything other than Chaos!
We play NC State at a neutral site.
I know you are referencing my post and that’s fine. I stand by what I said 100%. If we lose to Arkansas then Heupel isn’t the guy. Why? Arky is in shambles. Pittman is not a good head coach. We have out recruited them significantly. There really isn’t a position on or off the field that we don’t have an advantage.

I think we handle Arky fairly easily. Outside of significant injuries to major skill positions, there is literally no reason why we shouldn’t beat Arky by double digits. I predict another 9 wij season this year and that’s a very good year for us.
Arky has Petrino back. They will be much better this year.
We won’t lose at home.
I see UF as a loss no matter where we play. Bama? If we're gonna beat them again this decade, this is the year. Give DeBoer a couple more classes and they'll be back to being Bama again and that means UT wins against them will be as rare as hens teeth.
I see UF as a loss no matter where we play. Bama? If we're gonna beat them again this decade, this is the year. Give DeBoer a couple more classes and they'll be back to being Bama again and that means UT wins against them will be as rare as hens teeth.
ain’t no uf curse Nico about to end all that goofy stuff for good and send us off into the next 10 years of dominance… vols take care of business vs Florida book it… glad heup is the coach and not you.
11-1 Ceiling
9-3/8-4 Most likely
7-5 Floor
Win all 5 games as heavy favorites (Chatt, Kent St, UTEP, Miss St, Vandy)
4-2/3-3 in 6 games we are either slight favorites or toss-up (NC st, Okla, Ark, UF, Bama, UK)
lose 1 game we are underdogs (UGA)

Win chance %
vs Chattanooga - 99%
n NC State - 60%
vs Kent State - 99%
@ Oklahoma - 50%
@ Arkansas - 65%
vs Florida - 65%
vs Alabama - 55%
vs Kentucky - 70%
vs Mississippi St - 75%
@ Georgia - 35%
vs UTEP - 97%
@ Vanderbilt - 90%

I think NC State could be a trap game. Early in the season with a lot of new players in key positions for us. Although it is a neutral sight game, it is in NC. They also are pretty good team, easily on par with UF, UK, Ms ST, Ark. They were pretty good last year and brought in some really good portal guys in key positions. They might end up being the 4th best team we play this year.
Let me make sure I understand your percentages.. You mean tht if we played the game 100 times, the number you chose for each game is how many times you think we’d win?

Using that, I’d have to change most of your numbers.

Chat - 100%, we would beat them 100/100 times, or 100k out of 100k.
NC state - 80%, no way they could be us 40/100 times.
Kent State - 100% same as chat
Oklahoma - I agree with 50, I might lean 55% because I think our new QB is better than their new QB.
Arkansas - 85-90%, no way that team, with a O/U in Vegs of 4.5 (even seen 3.5) could beat us 35/100 times.
Florida - I think we blow them out, but I’ll give you 65% because of history. I’d have put 80% because the gap is so wide imo.
Bama - 55% is fair, maybe even more optimistic than I would have said.
Kentucky - 90%.. historically they beat us 22% of the time in our 118 game series. Can’t give them 30% chance to beat us when the norm is below that.
MSU - 95%, it’s at home, first year coach (who I think is a good coach) they are a bottom 4-5 team in the conference talent-wise.
Georgia - 35% is fair, but if we get there with 1 loss or fewer, I’ll bump it to 45%. Would say 55% if we played in Neyland.
UTEP - 100%. If we played 100/100, they have 0 chance of winning even a single game.
Vandy - 100%. There’s no way Vandy could beat us. Impossible. They’re the worst team in the conference by a mile. Gaston Moore could start and we’d win by 3 scores. There’s no alternate universe where they could pull this off.
We beat Florida in 22 . It should’ve been by 3 scores or more, but we took our foot off the gas. What curse are you guys talking about ?
This. The only record that matters against Florida is heupel’s: 1-2. And will be 2-2 by the end of the season.

The “curse” is the most ridiculous stuff some of our fans buy into. It’s as real as the tooth fairy.
Let me make sure I understand your percentages.. You mean tht if we played the game 100 times, the number you chose for each game is how many times you think we’d win?

Using that, I’d have to change most of your numbers.

Chat - 100%, we would beat them 100/100 times, or 100k out of 100k.
NC state - 80%, no way they could be us 40/100 times.
Kent State - 100% same as chat
Oklahoma - I agree with 50, I might lean 55% because I think our new QB is better than their new QB.
Arkansas - 85-90%, no way that team, with a O/U in Vegs of 4.5 (even seen 3.5) could beat us 35/100 times.
Florida - I think we blow them out, but I’ll give you 65% because of history. I’d have put 80% because the gap is so wide imo.
Bama - 55% is fair, maybe even more optimistic than I would have said.
Kentucky - 90%.. historically they beat us 22% of the time in our 118 game series. Can’t give them 30% chance to beat us when the norm is below that.
MSU - 95%, it’s at home, first year coach (who I think is a good coach) they are a bottom 4-5 team in the conference talent-wise.
Georgia - 35% is fair, but if we get there with 1 loss or fewer, I’ll bump it to 45%. Would say 55% if we played in Neyland.
UTEP - 100%. If we played 100/100, they have 0 chance of winning even a single game.
Vandy - 100%. There’s no way Vandy could beat us. Impossible. They’re the worst team in the conference by a mile. Gaston Moore could start and we’d win by 3 scores. There’s no alternate universe where they could pull this off.

I feel like Alabama is more a direct 50/50

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