Ok, so your reason for us losing to Florida this year is solely based on a defeatist attitude. I'm sorry but that is not a logical answer.
Dooley really did a number on you.
Dooley "did a number" on me? If that's all it was, if I only looked as far back as 2010 I'd likely feel pretty good about Tennessee beating Florida this year.
I don't know how far you go back in terms of following Tennessee football. I go back to Bill Battle, 1970-1976, who was interestingly enough, the last UT head coach to record a winning record vs Florida...he was 2-1.
My belief that we lose to Florida is based more than just on a defeatist attitude, which I'll admit to in this case. It's based on, as I've posted many times in here, historical fact and trends.
Consider a few things about this series...
During the "eras" of 2 of our most successful coaches in the history of the program, Majors and Fulmer, we were all of 5-16 vs Florida.
Johnny Majors, who won 64.2% of his games (116-62-8) at UT, won 20% of the games he coached vs Florida (1-4).
Phillip Fulmer, who won 74.5% of his games (152-52) at UT, won 25% of the games he coached vs Florida (4-12).
I could certainly go a little deeper to catalogue UTs consistent failures vs Florida over the decades (such as the fact that Peyton Manning went 39-3 vs all teams not named Florida while a starter at UT....and 0-3 vs Florida) but that would be a little overkill.
Kiffin's, Dooley's and Jones' combined 0-5 record vs Florida is really just an afterthought for me.
Now throw in the facts that Florida is a more talented, experienced team that's 2 years removed from an 11 win season who will surely bounce back from last year's horrific year (in which UT was one of their 4 wins) caused primarily by an unprecedented rash of key injuries and you get guys like me predicting a 10th straight loss.....a prediction that Vegas agrees with btw, as they've made Tennessee a 4.5 point home dog vs Florida this year.