Now, these are valid points.
I believe the Russians have interfered in our elections since the 1920s. I absolutely believe Putin has, is, and will continue to work to interfere with anything that is good for US that is not, in some way, also good for him. Of course he did, does, and will. Of course he will continue to do so.
My point, which I concede was made sarcastically, is that he is continuing to do so by feeding into the type and extent of propaganda that the anti-Trumpers are more than willing to latch on to at this point in time. As much as I dislike some of what Trump is doing, I am also totally in favor of other aspects of his agenda. Example?: I love the rooting out of tax money waste, while despising the severe damage done simultaneously to legitimate programs. I wish there were another way to do this, but if there is, I don't know it. To me, the long term viability of the Republic is worth the short term costs. I believe Putin is exploiting this by sowing seeds of disruption where he can slow Trump's progress. I also think the Chinese and the Iranians, and others, even some we call Allies, are probably involved in trying to limit our success as well. The world loves American success, but only to the point that it also benefits them.
Put another way, my common sense concern is that those who are so vitriolically anti-Trump as yourself do not see where you are being a tool for Putin's current disruptions. You don't just call out Trump's crap, you attack at every turn. Best case scenario, you just like being a virtuous Anti-Trump message board crusader; worst case, you yourself are a Putin-stooge spreading mis-information and dis-information as broadly as you can here on VN.