You stayed out of school on the wrong day or something. It runs in reverse all the time. Perfectly normal. That is what the contractions are. You used to have one about every 10 years, but money policy might be different now. Nobody knows the future.
I'm not sure what you're talking about here at all, but I guess I could say this thread is probably a bad place for it. There's no way I'd come back and talk about it again 40 posts later.
Just know that the money supply does contract and everybody knows that. Also, as dollars get used more over time, and more people exist, and particularly if the currency is deliberately inflated, there would obviously be approximately exponential growth of the number of dollars when you step back from the expansion and contraction cycles. That's good. Exponential does not mean "too much". It means something appropriate in this context. Population is obviously not growing exponentially anymore, but the inflation is always going to be exponential if they hit the target. Exponential meaning "appropriate for the situation at hand".
When does the money supply growth go in reverse? (meaning shrinking, we call that collapse) All it did in 2008-2010 is slightly tick down, and you were probably within about 24 hours of your ATM stop working.
I'm not sure what you're talking about here at all
Start with the Federal Reserve Act, but humans have been running the same scam for 1000s of years, boom than bust than liquidation i.e. humans.
True, I don't have a precise date, but yes I can predict the future.... tomorrow 1+1 will still equal 2. You are using an equation and saying humans can't predict the outcome. Hm.
Exponential meaning "appropriate for the situation at hand".
No, you are required to exponentially grow as you can't fund the bill.... at the time the money is created,
the interest has not been created (see Federal reserve act). As creation goes negative than you go into a downward spiral. Eventually the system will have to produce $1T per second of new money supply, than $2T per second i.e. exponential growth.
Humans have the ability to supply the equation about a generation or so, the federal reserve is now in OT. Money will have to continue to go straight up, or collapse.
Humans do have the ability to predict the future and in some cases very accurately (depending on your definition of accurately).... why do you think we take Math courses or history courses? Of course, that doesn't mean everything can be predicted accurately.
Realistically there is nothing wrong with the basis of the financially system... the solution to the equation is eventual collapse from the weight i.,e. requiring exponential power. Eventually humans are looking at reset, and we're probably not looking at 100s of years, you're in OT... and you are running out of slave labor and eventually you run out of other finite resources.