Since you refuse to answer the question, I will treat you like my 14-year-old students when I teach them the Constitution so maybe you can understand it.
Provide means to give. This one is simple. If I provide lunch for you, that means I give you lunch. In context of the Constitution, it is the federal governments job to provide or give us our defense.
Promote is not as straightforward as provide. If you ask me to promote your rap concert, does that mean I give you a free place to put it on at and buy all the tickets for the concert? Of course not. Promote means I tell or show people why your concert is a good idea, I tell them it would be fun, it would be good for them to support someone local, they will get to hang out with their friends, etc. So, promote means that I think something is a good idea and it will help you in one way or another, so I want you and others to know about it. In context of the Constitution, promote means things the government thinks will be good for its citizens such as education, safety, proper nutrition, daily exercise, etc. It does not mean the government is to provide these things.
As far as your "scholars" comment, scholars used to think the moon was made of cheese, the Earth was flat and many other idiotic things, that didn't make them correct any more than it makes you correct.