President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

See? Told you that you're obsessive with me, and you just admitted it. :cool:

Honesty time: A big reason I post the way I do is despite the grief you give me, and the grief I give you, you guys are the most entertaining hooman beans I ever encountered online or offline. And you offer great writing material.
And the other shoe drops.
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And the other shoe drops.

He's an unabashed troll, by which I mean he's (repeatedly) expressed how much fun he has doing the trolling. On some level you gotta respect the honesty but I don't know why anyone would be terribly interested in engaging unless they too just feel like sparring. (which is perfectly fine BTW)
Biden Admin’s Title IX Rule May Force Schools To Allow Biological Men In Women’s Sports And Facilities

President Joe Biden’s administration released new Title IX regulations Tuesday that could force schools to allow biological men in women’s private facilities and sports.

The Department of Education (DOE) is proposing an extension of Title IX, a landmark civil rights law prohibiting sex-based discrimination in federally funded schools, that would apply to sexual orientation and gender identity. This proposal would force public schools to allow biological men to participate in women’s sports and access facilities such as locker rooms and bathrooms in order to receive federal funding.

Biden Admin’s Title IX Rule May Force Schools To Allow Biological Men In Women’s Sports And Facilities
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Tucker Carlson reacts to Hunter Biden's business dealings: Whatever helps China, Joe Biden has dutifully done

Tucker Carlson rips the Biden family's relationship with China and what it really means for global order

We told you about this on Friday night and then over the weekend, we put it into some context. So, we will summarize the story for you once more. Last summer, a group of American intelligence analysts working for the U.S. government issued a report on the origins of COVID. They've been asked to and they did. These people work at CIA, NSA, a bunch of other agencies, and they concluded that the coronavirus may very well have been manufactured in a lab by the Chinese military.

Turns out, that's not a talk radio conspiracy theory. As a factual matter, it's a very real possibility, and if it's true, if that's what happened and again, many highly informed people believe that's exactly what happened, that would mean the Chinese government is responsible for killing millions of people around the world and would also raise questions, obvious questions about motive. Why would China unleash a deadly virus on the globe? To the American mind, that is an unimaginable thing to do, but the Chinese government thinks very differently from the way that we think, and here's why.

America has been the dominant power in the world for more than 100 years, since the end of the First World War, when Europe destroyed itself. Empires destroying themselves always pave way for new empires, something we should keep in mind at the moment. So, American attitudes about everything are shaped by generations of casual affluence. We're in charge and we always will be in charge. That's what all of us assume. But the Chinese government does not assume this about us or them.

Until fairly recently, China was a poor country. There are still millions of living Chinese who remember seeing their neighbors starve to death during famines. As a result of that experience, China is very aggressive and very ambitious in ways that your average State Department official from Bethesda could not begin to comprehend. So, would a government like that use COVID as a bioweapon? Well, why wouldn't it?

The coronavirus reshuffled the global order. It crushed the American economy. It made China preeminent. If China takes over the world and that appears to be coming, COVID will be one of the main reasons it was able to. So, by definition, you would think we would want to know where COVID came from. That's a meaningful question, but Joe Biden doesn't want to know. He ignored the report he ordered. He ignored the findings of his own intelligence agencies. That's bizarre when you think about it and if you think that's weird, how about this?

This February, Biden canceled a counter-espionage program called the China Initiative. Now, the point of that program was stopping the rampant threat of our national security secrets by the government of China. But the White House decided to very little fanfare that somehow that program was racist and therefore it had to end. That means the Chinese government can now spy and steal with impunity. Not since Franklin Roosevelt colluded with Joseph Stalin has an American president done anything like that, but Joe Biden didn't hesitate. And then he kept doing things like this. Now, Biden says he plans to end tariffs against China, tariffs that Donald Trump put in place and that China has been complaining about ever since. And not only is Joe Biden ending tariffs against China, Joe Biden's Justice Department has just arrested the man responsible for those tariffs. His name is Peter Navarro.

He was the most effective China hawk in the Trump administration. Last month, Peter Navarro was handcuffed at a Washington, D.C. airport and dragged to jail in leg irons. Why? Supposedly because of January 6, but Peter Navarro had literally nothing to do with January 6. He wasn't even there, but Joe Biden didn't stop there. Steve Bannon was the other notable voice in the Trump administration, warning about the growing power and malicious intent of the Chinese government. In November of last year, Steve Bannon was also arrested by the Biden Justice Department, also on absurd pretexts. So, take a step back. What's the message here? Well, it's unmistakable. Don't criticize the Chinese government, or we will throw you in jail.

Now, if you happen to be watching all this from Beijing, as Chinese leaders definitely have been, you would be applauding. Joe Biden just arrested your loudest critics. How gratifying is that? Things are going well for you. You already control Canada, whose brain dead, prime minister is effectively a Chinese lackey. Now the most powerful country in the world is doing exactly what you want it to do. You'd be thrilled by this. You'd be especially thrilled to see Joe Biden destroy America's single greatest asset, which is its domestic energy supply, and make the United States entirely dependent on Chinese technology for wind and solar projects. If you're the Chinese government, this is the masterstroke. This is the checkmate. Once you control a country's energy grid, you control that country. And you would know that because you didn't go to Yale Law School and you know something about reality as a result and by the way, if you're watching all this from Beijing, you would find it especially amusing to have the president of the United States sell you his country's Strategic Petroleum Reserve, even as he declared oil and gas off-limits to his own population.

Tucker Carlson reacts to Hunter Biden's business dealings: Whatever helps China, Joe Biden has dutifully done
Were you in a coma for the 20+ years before Trump and have amnesia? Clinton, Bush and Obama didn't exactly bring the country together and promote world cohesion.
Clinton, Bush, and Obama were far better presidents than Trump, not even comparable.
Clinton, Bush, and Obama were far better presidents than Trump, not even comparable.

It's a matter of prospective and very subjective.

Clinton was in office during decisions being made about North Korea and when China rose from a rice field.

It can be argued that Bush sent us down the path of debt we currently see as a point of no return.

Obama led the Middle East debacle along with Bush in Iraq. The country came more divided under Obama as he played racial politics.
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It's a matter of prospective and very subjective.

Clinton was in office during decisions being made about North Korea and when China rose from a rice field.

It can be argued that Bush sent us down the path of debt we currently see as a point of no return.

Obama led the Middle East debacle along with Bush in Iraq. The country came more divided under Obama as he played racial politics.
It is a matter of perspective.
Reagan sowed the seeds of debt.
Clinton tried to reign it in.
Obama was as divisive as integration.
Your analogy is retarded. But hardly unexpected. More apropos would be installing Joe Biden is like you have been eating dog **** for 50 years, but you've gotten used to the taste so the thought of an actual steak would make your system shut down.
What did you expect? It's luther.
Clinton stuck a cigar in a well you know and lied about the relationship. The White House integrity from him was stained on a blue dress forever.
No doubt.
Bush and Obama were dedicated to raising the level of integrity; Trump knowingly and willingly lowered it much further.
Biden Admin’s Title IX Rule May Force Schools To Allow Biological Men In Women’s Sports And Facilities

President Joe Biden’s administration released new Title IX regulations Tuesday that could force schools to allow biological men in women’s private facilities and sports.

The Department of Education (DOE) is proposing an extension of Title IX, a landmark civil rights law prohibiting sex-based discrimination in federally funded schools, that would apply to sexual orientation and gender identity. This proposal would force public schools to allow biological men to participate in women’s sports and access facilities such as locker rooms and bathrooms in order to receive federal funding.

Biden Admin’s Title IX Rule May Force Schools To Allow Biological Men In Women’s Sports And Facilities
And its the dems claiming that republicans have no regard for womens rights.
No doubt.
Bush and Obama were dedicated to raising the level of integrity; Trump knowingly and willingly lowered it much further.
Disagree on that. Just because Trump didn’t mince his words didn’t mean he was beneath Obama’s fake tears of unity. Wolf in sheeps clothing was Obama, Trump told you he was the wolf and didn’t need to pretend to be a sheep.

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