President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Doesn't stuff like this happen all the time?

It does. But don't you find it interesting that this is the first transgression we are hearing about in joint operations between China/Russia? This is clearly different. This is a test of a feckless weak government.
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It does. But don't you find it interesting that this is the first transgression we are hearing about in joint operations between China/Russia? This is clearly different. This is a test of a feckless weak government.
Maybe the first time we're hearing of it.

What can the US govt possibly do to prevent joint exercises between foreign countries?
Maybe the first time we're hearing of it.

What can the US govt possibly do to prevent joint exercises between foreign countries?
Get rid of a Nevill Chamberlin style government? That might help. I would think with your screen name (Assuming what the pj is for) that you would understand this).
Get rid of a Nevill Chamberlin style government? That might help. I would think with your screen name (Assuming what the pj is for) that you would understand this).
But how can the USA prevent joint exercises in international airspace between foreign countries?
Doesn't stuff like this happen all the time?

Oh, for sure. They are just going to test us.
You are not this naive.
I'm not the one who can't articulate their point. How exactly would a strong leader prevent 2 countries from doing joint exercises in free areas? You've yet to explain how this makes any difference. Tariffs, sanctions, nukes?
We can’t stop college age terrorist sympathizers outside the WH, defacing property, taking down the American flag, putting up the Palestinian flag and burning the American flag.
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I'm not the one who can't articulate their point. How exactly would a strong leader prevent 2 countries from doing joint exercises in free areas? You've yet to explain how this makes any difference. Tariffs, sanctions, nukes?
I would offer one clarification that you may or may not agree with. “Joint exercises” are something different than what occurred here. Actual joint exercises are planned well in advance and in fact communicated to whatever countries are near the exercise area, both friend and potential foe. They are purposely telegraphed to deconflict and prevent any misunderstanding.

This event is more akin to the pop up Cold War era surprise probing the US and USSR did to each other all the time. By their very nature they are covert until the aircraft show up on your radar screen.

I would submit the proper response here would be to put about 5 B-2’s on a flight path that starts in the Alaska ADIZ and goes all the way down the Asian coast flying the PRC international airspace line. While simultaneously sending a carrier battle group on a freedom of navigation exercise into the South China Sea along those freshly minted PRC islands. I believe that is the type of response SCV is alluding to with regards to any leader he might have in mind.
Doesn't stuff like this happen all the time?

It does, usually in spurts. Although the Chinese involved in a joint "mock bombing run" is a new wrinkle. At least to my knowledge. My brother used to tell me about these all the time while he was stationed there. He was munitions specialist. Was common Russian practice.
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I'm not the one who can't articulate their point. How exactly would a strong leader prevent 2 countries from doing joint exercises in free areas? You've yet to explain how this makes any difference. Tariffs, sanctions, nukes?
I take it back.

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