President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

So I listen to conservative radio often. Anyone that listen to the radio know that they have newsbreaks every 30 minutes. I am consistently shaking my head with liberal news, in this case ABC, slant news in the democrats direction. In this case they had to report on the criticism Biden is getting. Then they bring up Trump created the deal which gives the impression Biden's hands were tied. They mentioned Biden moved the timeline back like it was a good thing without any context. The listener was lead to tie Trump to this mess as well.
Yeah, that's a joke. The idiot has had almost 8 months to cut his own deal or make arrangements for an orderly exit. It's shear incompetence or intentional sabotage. Either way, he should face impeachment at a minimum and potentially some jail time. I guarantee you if this had happened under Trump, they would already have the impeachment papers drafted and would be meeting now to implement.
Been thinking about this Afghanistan situation some more. We know countries like China and Russia have been stealing our military tech for years. Now, we've just given them $85 billion in actual hardware to back it up. As a country, I'm glad we have geography going for us. If not, we'd have already been invaded. Looks like things are getting so bad though with the so called leadership we have that very soon geography might not even be enough. Just my 2 cents.
Believe it if not CCP paid for Blackhawks some time back
Not sure who thought that a good idea. Probably some cuck admin that saw the CCP as benevolent
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this is all over the place - for example one minute saying we did this because Trump made a deal to get out and we had no choice to taking credit for making the choice to get out.

that and blaming those left behind, Trump, the Afghan leadership without admitting we made a single mistake in execution is just ridiculous.

he was also borderline yelling the whole time

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