President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

It's just deflection, trying to change the narrative from incompetent administration to corrupt big oil.

And that's the commie game in a nutshell. Always find someone or something you can make people believe is the enemy and place the blame there when the commie command screws up - means never having to say you are sorry or take any blame. The sad thing is they've used it for decades and can still make it work; their flunky followers lap it up.
This place is much more tolerable through the summer months, when Lu Zedong is out of school and rarely, if ever, posts. Apparently, the posited hypothetical falls squarely at the toes of his velcro buddies—he does minimal work for a 100% salary from August-May. Like every leftist, he lives off the back of taxpayers, who are literally paying this clown to stay on VN for hours each day. Today alone, he made 46 posts between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Is he a public school teacher?

A relative of mine has a wife that was a public school teacher. Lefty, massively out of shape, blamed everyone for everything. Spent most of her days posting on Instagram calling her students nazis. She's probably the #1 reason I will never send my kids to public school.
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Gender and health
Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

BS. I thought you were in line with the "party of science" ... not psycho babble pseudoscience. 1+1 does not equal 3 because you feel it should.
We aren't even headed in the right direction, we are headed into the deep water with no floatation device. No leadership at all. Another step would be the first.
Oh no, the first necessary step had to be away from Trump. We have taken that step.
So why follow TN?
Your friend finding out they have cancer doesn't impact your quality of life? How about your cousin, your mom, your child?
I'm all about progress. Remember I'm the progressive. Quality of life is impacted by both what is lost and what is gained.
So your quality of life is impacted by rape in this country?
Expand the mind. There are both clouds and sand.
But only the sand is going to directly impact my life. That's the problem with your entire premise, you set your dislike of Trump based on quality of life. But when asked to define what quality of life loss you suffered you get vague and try to bring up analogies.

You confuse your approval of a situation with the quality of the situation. And you are willing to put your opinion over other peoples quality of life. A symptom of a society where we are too comfortable. Where being "uncomfortable" is to be "wronged". It completely shifts perspective to the point where you cant even understand that the marganilized are absolutely hurt by the impact on their wallet.

And instead of fixing the hurt, you double down on it, and then turn around and expect the source of the problem, the government, to fix the problem. Which just double downs again.

Trump is a perfect example. Trump is bad. Instead of voting for someone good. You vote for not Trump who just makes things objectively worse. All in favor of your subjective opinion. If that's progress in your court it's no wonder this nation is struggling.
The point was that Trump represented how economic gain can run counter to quality of life.

Economic gain where you earned it yourself improves quality of life. Confidence, less crime, better school attendence, kids with better grades all is a byproduct of it. Waiting for the government to send your handout is not and creates a laziness and it is unlikely to ever change the social status that can spill into your next generation.
Economic gain where you earned it yourself improves quality of life. Confidence, less crime, better school attendence, kids with better grades all is a byproduct of it. Waiting for the government to send your handout is not and creates a laziness and it is unlikely to ever change the social status that can spill into your next generation.
The the crazy thing is we're now looking at 50 years of data and worsening conditions in many communities that absolutely prove this point.
Oh no, the first necessary step had to be away from Trump. We have taken that step.
You fail to see in your blind hatred we have regressed from even the Trump era. You seem to cling to some notion of a superior moral compass leading the country. Even if we consider he is for a moment has life for the average American improved in any measurable way?

It is people like you and those on the right who attribute positive or negative based on the letter behind the candidates name that got us into this mess and will be the ultimate downfall of this country.
How was it in the ditch?

Luther can't explain it. Race relations began to deteriorate under Obama, and the leftists in every facet of life were intentional about sabotaging the Trump presidency and admittedly Trump did not help himself but he has a fighter mentality. The race relations are at its lowest point ever under the Biden administration thus the poll numbers across the board are at record lows.

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