It's just that your comment.....'I haven't heard the POS say one word about the disaster that plowed through mostly rural and red areas.'...........seemed so harsh and steeped in anger that I assumed you must have tried to look for comments and been unable to find any. I guess I was wrong about that.
Give credit where credit is due. For some reason, he has apparently made the right call on this.
Biden Admin Rejects Israel's Urging For Joint Plan To Attack Iran's Nuclear Facilities | ZeroHedge
Maybe on a good day; and getting worse.
I have no reservations confidently placing Biden far above Trump on the empathy continuum.Obviously I don’t know the guy personally, but his character certainly seems to be questionable. Which doesn’t bode well on the empathy scale. He had - and still has - no problem implying the man who was involved in a vehicle accident with his wife was a drunk driver.
Empathy would be understanding he was not at fault and involved without his asking a situation that would emotionally impact him for the rest of his life.
Biden’s response? He was drinking his lunch!!
Give credit where credit is due. For some reason, he has apparently made the right call on this.
Biden Admin Rejects Israel's Urging For Joint Plan To Attack Iran's Nuclear Facilities | ZeroHedge
What is this looking "weak" talk? Should Biden be out here sabre rattling or even worse, starting conflicts all over the place?This administration is more scared than anything. I'd rather for them to do nothing than make a catastrophic mistake but even that will probably come back to bite them. Weakness invites aggression and they've shown the world they are weak. At this point, we have to be worried about spreading ourselves too think but make a series of bad decisions and all the bad news may come at the same time. They have shown to be putrid on the foreign policy front.
What is this looking "weak" talk? Should Biden be out here sabre rattling or even worse, starting conflicts all over the place?