President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Hubris. No one wants to get skull F'ed. He will see the writing on the wall. The narrative will be "you gave us trump"

I don't see why its not anymore viable, nothing changes for him. Jill, Hunter and probably Slow Joe has already figured out who has done all this... so....why would you do what they want?

I guess I'm not getting it, its just as viable for him to stay in it. (I'm not saying he will, but I would.... why not?)
I don't see why its not anymore viable, nothing changes for him. Jill, Hunter and probably Slow Joe has already figured out who has done all this... so....why would you do what they want?

I guess I'm not getting it, its just as viable for him to stay in it.
His legacy changes drastically if he stays in. He's the doddering old fool who was too prideful and that gave us Trump 2.0. As supposed to man who had power and stepped away.
His legacy changes drastically if he stays in. He's the doddering old fool who was too prideful and that gave us Trump 2.0. As supposed to man who had power and stepped away.

Why? Those are the people that made all this happen. A complete barf a rama.

The loyalty program ended last week.

I have no idea why he would want to leave, good pay back... and you never know... Trump might not make it to November.
Not 20 years from now. Legacy media is in the bag for him until now. You don't think they will shape the narrative for him if he does what they want?
To late for all that.

There is no guarantee that Trump will make it to November.

I'm not saying he won't resign, but I would probably just keep going. That's the thing with a coup, you better be successful.
Can you imagine what he will be like in 4,5 years? This is a security crisis.
He's a vegetable now. True story. My daughter is 13. My wife ultra liberal. She won't even talk about the debate with me. My daughter is liberal like her mom. She said to me today, while we were in the pool in front of her mom, that she watched TikTok of the debates and it was sad. She said she laughed when Trump said I don't know what he said and he doesn't either.

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