Presidential Debate 2020

No I’ll categorically state they both sucked and won’t attempt to throw partisan shade for one as you did AFTER it had to be pulled out of you. Is it that hard?

No. My opinion is that while Biden didn’t do a good job, he at least held serve and wasn’t an utter embarrassment. He made a few comments that will most likely cause him to lose a few votes from the extreme left.

Trump, however, was an utter embarrassment. He likely lost votes from the moderate voters, voters he desperately needs. The only people he riled up was his already toxic base. If the whole point of these debates is to win votes, he failed terribly. It might as well have been a Trump rally in Alabama.
No. My opinion is that while Biden didn’t do a good job, he at least held serve and wasn’t an utter embarrassment. He made a few comments that will most likely cause him to lose a few votes from the extreme left.

Trump, however, was an utter embarrassment. He likely lost votes from the moderate voters, voters he desperately needs. The only people he riled up was his already toxic base. If the whole point of these debates is to win votes, he failed terribly. It might as well have been a Trump rally in Alabama.
Ok so you are just being partisan then. Got it glad we cleared that up.
Your evidence: ultimately the investigation did not establish collusion occurred.

You: But that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen!

You’re being stupid or willfully obtuse pick one I don’t care which.

That’s not what it says, and I’ve already explained to you what it says. The report explains what it says and what that means.

You’re illiterate or willfully obtuse. Pick one. I don’t care which.

Did you even read the articles? The 2nd article just reports what the first one says.

But more importantly, it explicitly states that it is a “proposed theory”. One that hasn’t been proven. I’m not sure if you know this, but that doesn’t confirm the virus has been around since 2012. So again, did you even read the articles?

And the third article, while an interesting read, makes no mention of COVID being around since 2012.

So I pose this question - what “facts” exactly do you think you’re presenting here?
That’s not what it says, and I’ve already explained to you what it says. The report explains what it says and what that means.

You’re illiterate or willfully obtuse. Pick one. I don’t care which.
The report: the details don’t establish collusion occurred

You: but if you lower the bar far enough we can imply the details establish collusion occurred!

Stupid or willfully obtuse. Pick one pettifogger.
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Did you even read the articles? The 2nd article just reports what the first one says.

But more importantly, it explicitly states that it is a “proposed theory”. One that hasn’t been proven. I’m not sure if you know this, but that doesn’t confirm the virus has been around since 2012. So again, did you even read the articles?

And the third article, while an interesting read, makes no mention of COVID being around since 2012.

So I pose this question - what “facts” exactly do you think you’re presenting here?
First. I always read the articles. It is one of my pet peeves around here.
Second. There is more evidence than the Pangolin/civet theory that you are stating as fact.
The report: the details don’t establish collusion occurred

You: but if you lower the bar far enough we can imply the details establish collusion occurred!

Stupid or willfully obtuse. Pick one pettifogger.

Repeating it does not magically make it appear in the report. Maybe there’s a third option: illiterate and obtuse.
Repeating it does not magically make it appear in the report. Maybe there’s a third option: illiterate and obtuse.
By your own words you implied collusion occurred in an earlier post it just didn’t meet the legal standards. Moving the goal post now?

Stupid or willfully obtuse pick.
By your own words you implied collusion occurred in an earlier post it just didn’t meet the legal standards. Moving the goal post now?

Stupid or willfully obtuse pick.

There is no legal standard for collusion. I told you that. The report told you that.

So we’ve established illiterate beyond any shadow of a doubt. Care to go for obtuse as well?
There is no legal standard for collusion. I told you that. The report told you that.

So we’ve established illiterate beyond any shadow of a doubt. Care to go for obtuse as well?
So if you lower the bar far enough...!
I suppose it could be because you’re smart enough to realize that “unless politicians tell me it’s true, it isn’t proven,” is about the dumbest possible burden of proof, but since that’s about the only standard by which it isn’t proven, that’s all you’ve got so you have to try to move the goalposts.

Stupid or willfully obtuse pick.
So if you lower the bar far enough...!

Stupid or willfully obtuse pick.

Arguing that my refusal to rely on politicians to tell me what to think is a “lowering of the bar” would seem to settle the question of whether you’re being obtuse. I apologize for limiting your choices, earlier. Both was the correct choice. Way to not settle for an incomplete list of options.
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Arguing that my refusal to rely on politicians to tell me what to think is a “lowering of the bar” would seem to settle the question of whether you’re being obtuse. I apologize for limiting your choices, earlier. Both was the correct choice. Way to not settle for an incomplete list of options.
Stupid or willfully obtuse pettifogger.

This is exactly the same BS you got busted on last time. “Yeah but if I define my scenario as thus then clearly I’ve supported my supposition”. LMFAO

Pick pettifogger.

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